The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 247: Clan Creation

"Alright, so, since Kron is here, let's finally build a clan. We have enough achievement to do that, right?"

After dinner together with Kron and everyone, I suggested to finally build a clan.

I have no interest in this, but this is important since the clan will mainly be the force to fight against the cult.

Albert and the king's soldier will be the one fighting in the frontline in the war. But as for us, we will do many things. Especially with my portals, I can transport many people and supplies to anywhere that have Blobby.

It's mainly me who will be the secret weapon against the cult. The others in the clan will be counted as my allies. That's why Albert told me to be the leader, but I don't want to stand out as a leader of a clan with two expert level mages and an S-rank hunter as its members.

"Right. We have more than enough achievements with Kron as an S-rank hunter. What else should we discuss?" Angela asked.

"Yeah, we will obviously use this place as the base of our clan. But who will be the leader? Is there anyone who want to volunteer? As for me, since I want to keep my power as Aura user as secret, I don't want to stand out. So, if possible, I don't want to be the leader. Why not Shirley since she's the princess?" I suggested Shirley to be the leader of our clan.

"No thanks. If people find out that I'm a clan leader, there will be more nobles give request to us. That's what you hate most, right?" Shirley said.

"Hmm… you're right. Then, who else?"

"Obviously it will be you. Now, let us discuss why you will be the leader instead. You just need to listen." Kayla said.

I guess I can't escape being a leader. But now, how will I hide myself from the cult? It will be dangerous if their Evil God wannabe knows that I'm an Aura user.

"Alright. Then, I'm going first. He will be the leader since his elements are weak. Air element which everyone underestimates, and summoning element with supposedly only summon an immortal and weak Black Slime, which is me. Everyone will think that he's weak and became the leader because he's being pushed to do it. He will stand out, but no one will think that he's strong. And I guess no one will disagree with me." Victoria explained why I'm a good choice to be the leader.

Hmm… she has a point. Then, if I become the clan leader, other people will just think that the others are pushing me around since they don't want to be put in a troublesome position.

But I also don't want to be put in a troublesome position!

What is the duty of a clan leader? Taking request from the guild or directly from request giver, negotiating the content of the quest with the quest giver and also the reward, and what else?

Most likely, it will be desk job and paperwork. But I can still delegate other people to do it. I just need to focus on negotiation. I guess I can take the job.

"Fine. I guess I'll be the clan leader. Although what Victoria said is what other people will perceive of me, I think I will still be the busiest one around. So, I need someone to take care of the paperwork and financial of the clan."

"Penny and I can do that since we won't take part in any of the mission." Ruby volunteered to do it.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. We have decided to do it a long time ago in case we really end up creating a clan. Penny and I are mostly stay at home. And we can also have Lina help us as well since she can just send Sunny and Elsie away with you on mission, while she stays at home. And while you're not calling her, Sonia will also help us." Ruby explained.

I guess that's the ideal situation. Now, I just need to play as the leader who is being pushed around by the clan. It will be easy.

"Then, it's decided. If we continue discussing about it, it will just end up with you guys making excuses about why I should be the leader. Then, is there anyone who knows the requirements needed to build a clan? I'll be going to the guild tomorrow to for the clan creation."

"Oh! I heard that we need to have at least five people to propose for the creation of the clan, and a huge amount of money for it. So, it's best if you and four others come with you to the guild. Having all of us enter the guild will make it too crowded." Candy said.

"Alright. So, who will be coming with me? I guess Kron will have to come since we need to show people that an S-rank hunter is joining our clan. That makes three more. Who else?"

As of now, we have Kayla, Angela, Sophie, Shirley, Victoria, Candy, Lina, Jewel, Veronica, Celestine, Ian, Kron, and me. That makes thirteen hunters in our clan. Who knows if there will be more people joining?

Other than Kron who has reached S-rank, we have Candy who is an A-rank. Kayla, Angela, Shirley, and I are B-rank. Sophie, Lina, and Ian are C-rank. As for Jewel, Veronica, and Celestine, they are still E-rank since they have just registered.

Veronica and Celestine never registered before when they are still members of the cult. And since we're being careful, the two didn't use their real name to register. Just their shortened name. Veronica is Nika, and Celestine is Ceres. I hope no one notice who they were.

"Then, we can have Candy come as well since she's an A-rank hunter. As for the other two, one will be me, and the other is…"

Before Kayla finished speaking, the last person who will come with me volunteered.

"I will go. It's better if we show them that we have an expert level mage in the clan, right? Although I'm still E-rank, no one will underestimate my power." Veronica volunteered to come.

She's right. And having an expert level mage come will advertise our clan as well. But that mean there will be more people who want to give us request directly.

"Roy, I know what you're thinking. Don't forget that you are the leader. It's your decision to take or refuse a request." Kayla said.

"I guess that's five. If everyone agrees, then the five of us will be going to the guild tomorrow. The rest of you are free to do whatever you want."

The next day, five of us entered the guild and ask the guild receptionist about clan creation. The other four are waiting on the side and look at the requests posted on the board, while I alone ask the receptionist.

"Excuse me. I want to ask about clan creation. What is the necessary requirement to create one?" I asked.

"Clan creation? Please wait a minute! I will ask the guild master to come!" The receptionist quickly left her desk and go to where the guild master is.

Why is it necessary? I thought that we just need to bring five people and pay some money. Or is it that the requirement has changed since Kayla asked about it? If it's Kayla, I think she has asked the guild more than a year ago since we just moved here.

I guess it has changed now. Well, whatever it is, I can do it.

I told the others that we might be called to meet the guild master. And soon enough, the receptionist returns and called us to meet the guild master.

"Mr. Roy and his party, please follow me to the office."

After entering the office, the receptionist also enters to prepare some tea for us and the guild master. He's sitting on his desk while doing some paperwork. But after we enter the office, he stopped his hand and stand. Letting us come in and sit.

"So, a guild creation? It has been a while since there's a clan in this city. Do you know what happened to the previous clan?" the guild master asked.

The previous clan? It has been a while? Then there's only one answer.

"The clan was disbanded." I replied.

"Right. They were rich enough to last for a while, but their money didn't last long. They only took mission from the guild. The guild will help clan to raise further since we will be cooperating once the clan is established. But we need to know how good the clan is. That clan was not good enough to complete many of the tasks given to them, so we can't trust them. And no one is going to them to submit a request. That's why the clan was disbanded. Are you still serious in establishing a clan?"

"Yes. After all, we have someone who will give us mission. So, we won't have any trouble about trust or money. That person is rich enough to give us many quests to take. As for other people, I will decide if we should take their requests or not." I replied calmly.

"I see. I guess you're prepared. But that doesn't mean that I will accept your proposal. The clan I previously said has been disbanded for a year. And since then, the requirements for a clan establishment have changed."

"Alright. What are they?"

"First is money. It's needed to show us that you have no trouble with it."

"That's easy."

"Next is members. The clan need at least five members to be built. I see that it's done as well, but is this everyone?" The guild master asked.

"No. At the moment, we have thirteen members."

"Good. Then, next is your base."

"It's our home next to the newly built park. We're the one who built the park as well."

"Really? My grandson often told me that he plays there every day. Thank you for letting my grandson play there."

"It's okay. That park is free for everyone to come and play."

The guild master look to be about 60 years old. I guess that's old enough to have grandson.

"Then lastly, you need to finish a quest given by the guild to prove your strength. It's the new requirement for a clan establishment. Hey, prepare that request for me!" The guild master asked the receptionist to bring over a request.

"Just one request?" I asked.

"Yes. But to be qualified to take the quest, you need to pass a test prepared by the guild. I hope you're prepared."

I guess we will be busy today.

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