The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 272: Cassau Magic Academy's Entrance Exam

During the time Roy is watching the practical exam, this is what happened with the two other members of Wolf's Crown who take the entrance exam in Cassau.

Kayla and Jewel went together to take the test, and they entered separate classroom for the written exam. There are about one thousand people who take the entrance exam for Cassau Magical Academy, but the number of people who are accepted is just three hundred of them. Just 30% of the exam takers.

From those one thousand, about thirty of them are among the participants of the training camp who live in or near Cassau. Those thirty, other than Roy's clan members, are in the know of the tournament ahead, and aiming for the title of the strongest. Though, only half of them still remember the real goal of the tournament. To fish out the cult members from their hiding spot, and to motivate more people to get stronger for the future war.

Dean has sent a letter formally to Albert, and Albert has formally accepted the tournament. Now, they are already sending invitation to all magic academy in the kingdom to join the tournament.

While Dean is in the capital, Albert also contacted the dean of the capital's magic academy, who is actually a participant in the training camp as well, to cooperate. The dean of the capital's magic academy has agreed to join. Now, they only need the agreement of several other magic college so the tournament will take place soon.

But as the magic academies never have any competition among themselves while the magic academy at the capital always claimed to be the best academy in the kingdom, most academies will agree to participate in the tournament to take the title.

As for the venue, it will take place in Cassau as the founder of the tournament. And Albert will 'officially' watch the final of the tournament. He's planning to watch other matches as well by utilizing Roy's portal.

Back to the exam, Kayla and Jewel both have finished their exam and reunited at the entrance of the campus. Both of them gained a lot of attention, but they just ignored those who attempting to get close to them. And those who forces the girls are punished by the girls.

"Jewel, which exam will you take?" Kayla asked Jewel.

"Master said that Beastform mages are very rare. I can easily pass the test just by informing the examiner that I have Beastform element. So, I guess I'll watch you take the test and then go to Master's place. He must be bored. Which one will you take, Kayla?" Jewel asked.

"All of them. Starting from healing, earth, and then light. Passing more than one test will give more chance to be accepted. If one can pass only one element, but that element is a common one like my earth element, and they can't pass other test, they might be failed to be accepted since there would be other people who passes multiple exam. You're fine since you're a Beastform mage. But if there's another Beastform mage, your chance in being accepted will be lower. It's better if you take the lightning element exam as well. I'm going for healing first, then earth, and lastly is light element." Kayla gave a suggestion.

"I see. You're right. I'll inform the staff that I'm a Beastform mage first, and take the lightning exam. After that, I'll watch your tests. I'll see you on the beach for your earth element exam then." Jewel said as she left to inform the staff and go to the lightning element exam takes place.

Cassau's academy's district is connected directly to the beach, but the beach there is a place that Roy never step his foot since there are many other beaches more beautiful and quieter than this away from the city.

As for healing element exam, it takes place in the biggest hospital located in academy district, Cassau University hospital. It's located right next to the medical school which Sophie is currently taking exam at.

And as Kayla arrived at the hospital, he met Sophie.

"Sophie, has your test ended?" Kayla asked.

"Yes. I've been waiting for you here. Come on, I'll take you to the exam ground. It's inside that tent next to the hospital."

Sophie brought Kayla to the exam ground, and once they entered the tent, they saw multiple goblins being restrained, and wounded. Seeing those, Kayla has predicted what the exam is going to be.

"Oh, it's you!"

Suddenly someone spotted Kayla and Sophie, and hurriedly walk to the two.

"It's been a while! I thought you won't go to college!"

"Garnet? It's been a while since the stampede in Melk. You're the examiner?"

The one Kayla meet is Garnet, the healer who participated during the stampede in Melk.

"Yes! After that stampede, I quickly graduated and became a hunter in another city. Then, I quit being a hunter and decided to teach healing magic in college. Since you're here, and your healing magic is better than mine, I think you can pass easily."

Garnet brought Kayla to a cage with a goblin in it. Sophie also watched from the side as she's interested in seeing the test.

"The exam is for healer to heal wound. This might be a little gory, but it's the least we expect of a healer."

Then someone who is also a female examiner, approached the cage and casted Wind Slash toward the goblin inside. The goblin lost its arm as it was cut very cleanly.

"…do you remember Roy?" Kayla asked.

"Roy? Isn't he your boyfriend? Are you still together?" Garnet asked.

"Yes. If it's him, he can connect the separated limb back together with his surgery. He's also a medical student, and magic college student, while being an assistant professor as well there. Since you're also teaching at the same college, you might meet him quite often. He's terrible at remembering people's faces and names, so you need to tell him first who you are then." Kayla said.

"What? You mean he's the…"

"Done. The wound is healed. Did I pass?"

Before Garnet finished speaking, Kayla already casted healing magic to the goblin and healed the wound. Though she can't connect the lost limb or regrow one, the healed area is very neat unlike what other healers can do.

"So fast! And it's very neat as well! Back then, your healing magic is already shocked me. And now, it's shocked me even more! You have improved by a lot in these past years, huh? It's easy to see that you did as requested. What are you going to do now?" Garnet asked.

"I will take the other exams for my other elements as well. Then, see you later." Kayla said her farewell as she left the tent leaving Garnet behind with the wind mages who cut off the goblin's limb.

"Yeah… there's no doubt that she will be accepted. That was so fast that I couldn't see when she finished her magic." Garnet said to the other examiner.

"…I saw it, but I still don't believe it. She already prepared her magic while she's talking, and the healing process is too fast almost like in an instant. She will undoubtedly become the best healer in the kingdom at least. Even I can't do as good as she is even though I'm already advanced level." The other examiner said.

"Ah! Professor think so too? Even back when she was still intermediate level, she was already exceptional during the stampede. If not for her, there would be many more casualties in Melk. I think it's pointless for her to attend college."

The other examiner is actually the professor of healing element. Without a doubt, Kayla will be accepted right away since the professor herself saw Kayla's magic.

"You knew her from the stampede? After we finished the exam, I want you to tell me more about her. And her boyfriend Roy as well. I know that we received two new staffs, but I never thought that Roy is also a student in both magic school and medical school. I'll treat you to a meal as a thanks." The professor said.

Meanwhile, Kayla and Sophie are already at the beach, and reunited with Jewel who had just finished her lightning element exam.

"How's your exam?" Kayla asked.

"It was easy! If Sophie tried it, she will also pass easily!" Jewel said.

"Haha. But I'm not interested in it. I'll just be a doctor and help Roy. I don't want to participate in the tournament." Sophie said.

"What a shame… if you entered magic academy, then most of the members for the world strongest title from this kingdom will be filled with the members of our clan."

The three proceed to the earth element exam location as they chatted along the way. The next test is easy as well. one just need to use earth magic to protect themselves from the wave created by a water mage.

While others have some part of the sand wall crumbled, Kayla's sand still stand still very strong without crumbling at all. She passed another test easily.

"What's next? Light element?" Sophie asked Kayla.

"Yes. I think that would be the easiest one." Kayla said.

The three entered the next location for light element test. And the test is the easiest one so far just after air element test. This one also has a high rate of success.

One just need to maintain their light for thirty minutes, without the light turned dim. The light's brightness needs to be able to illuminate a room. If the light dimmed before the time limit and unable to illuminate the whole room, then they would fail.

Anyone can enter the room, but only one person can try it at a time.

The test is easy since those who have light element can illuminate their room or house every night used to illuminate the room. Those who failed are mostly those who rarely used it. That's why the success rate is almost as high as air element exam.

And as usual, Kayla passed the test as well.

Then the three went to explore the campus ground.

"Jewel, what's your lightning element test?" Sophie asked.

"Oh, I just need to strike as many steel rods as possible. Easy, right?" Jewel said.

"Hmm… I guess you struck them all, right?" Sophie asked.

"Right! If it's you, I bet you can do it as well. And even better than me!"

The three continue exploring the campus, until they finally go to Roy's location to accompany him since they know how easy that guy feel lonely.

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