The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 282: Quest From Guild

Today is Tuesday. Just one day after my scheduled class which I only taught one student. I have free time today so I decided to go diving after a while.

As for the 4 in a row game, Sam is already asked some people she knows to build it. She says that it will be sold well once people learn the rules. After she built one, she will have someone play it in a bar or anywhere with a lot of people watching. That way people will be interested in playing it and would buy them for recreation with their friends or families.

I was about to leave, when I noticed someone approached our home. It's the receptionist of the guild. Maybe she's here to give us request. I hope not. Please just passing by.

And I was wrong. She knocked on the door and Penny opened the door. And hearing someone is at the entrance, the others who are training in the basement which we arranged into a dojo come out to see what's happening.

Jewel is sparring lightly with Shelia whom I summoned to this world. And Hannah is also there learning from Victoria. Victoria is teaching her self-defense technique called judo throw. What is judo? I asked her before and it's another grappling martial arts from her world. And it seems that some of the joints dislocation techniques I learned from her are considered judo technique as well.

Hannah's childish innocent has gone as she's growing up. Knowing the danger in the future, she decided to learn as many things as possible before she manifested her magic. She's so busy nowadays as she's still playing with Daniel and Lana. As for Alan, he rarely stays here since he needed to learn about etiquette as the crown prince. But when he does stay here, he plays as much as he can.

"Roy! The guild is asking for you!" Penny shouted. She knows that I can hear her from my room with my improved hearing sense as Aura user and she doesn't want to go all the way to the top floor just to return back down again.

I have no choice since it's my duty as the leader of the clan. Sigh…

"What can I do to make sure that you return quickly to the guild with good news?" I asked her as soon as I see her.

"…you really don't want to waste time, huh? Well, let's get to the main point. The guild master asked me to give you this request. This request has been there for a while and no one has completed it. The quest is about subjugating minotaurs. We don't know how many they are as the hunters who got dispatched died or escaped in fear. The location is in…"


…she explained everything in one breath just because I told her to be quick. I guess that's expected of a guild receptionist. She needed to be able to speak quickly and clearly so the other hunters who lined up won't wait for too long.

"Okay, we'll take the quest. You can go back to the guild now." I said.

The receptionist leaves, and we're deciding who are going for the subjugation.

"Well, since I don't think I will do quests often, I think it's a good idea for me to take a request once in a while. I'm going for this request. I also feel bored since I have no class today. Who else is coming?"

"For someone who doesn't want to work, you're too excited for this mission. Do you really want to see a minotaur?" Victoria teased me.

"Well, I am. You said it before that it's half human half cow. I'm curious. I'm also thinking of what would be a good monster to be my next summon. If this cow is capable of communicating, I'm considering it to be my next summon. That's still far a way though. I don't know when I can reach advanced level." I said.

"Minotaurs don't talk. They taste good though. I'm going!" Shelia said. She wanted to take part in the quest. She's also already a registered hunter now and a member of our clan.

"Sigh… there goes my expectation. I guess I should just stay at home."

"You can't do that. You already decided to go." Victoria said.

I guess she's right. I shouldn't have decided anything too quickly next time. As for Victoria, since I'm going, of course she will as well.

"I'm going as well! I don't have any class today!" Jewel shouted.

"Well, I guess it's to be expected that everyone who doesn't have class today will go. Maybe we shouldn't have everyone attend college at the same time so those who don't can be put on standby. I guess that's…"

I was about to say that we have decided everyone who is going, but I can see Hannah's lonely expression.

I looked at Penny who smiled at me. She knows what I wanted to ask, and she nodded at me. I guess that mean she's fine with Hannah's decision if Hannah want to join.

Knowing the danger in the future, one child slowly growing up knowing that she might participate in the war. It's just one child, but if the war also takes too long, there will be more children do the same. Losing their childhood to war.

Hannah's case is still pretty good since she's still playing with Daniel and the orphans. And she had just done this when she's thirteen. Only two more years until she manifested her magic elements.

I see many cases in my previous life. Cases which make me care too much toward children. And this is also why I took Daniel in even when I don't have a home and shamelessly asked Ruby to take care of him in her brothel.

In my past life, because of the war, many children were orphaned. And when there's an attack, most casualties were the children since they are powerless. That's why I'm worried about the children.

As for the adults, they have awakened their magic. Even if they work as a farmer or maybe a chef, they have manifested their elements. It's their own fault to not trying to get stronger. That's why I looked for a way to get stronger, and accidentally awakened Aura. But it takes too long for that to happen, and I died too soon just after getting it.

I hope we can destroy the cult quickly so no children will be the victims of the war. But I guess I hoped too much.

Damn them for leaving no traces!

"Hannah, you want to come as well?" Since Penny has decided to support Hannah, I will do the same and asked her if she want to join.

"Can I really?" Hannah surprised seeing I invited her. She's thirteen now so she knows that I care for the children, including herself. That must be why.

"Lina, we'll take Sunny with us. She will be the one guarding Hannah. Hannah, you will be wrapped with Sunny's vines. I will protect you as well, but don't let your guard down, okay?"

"Okay!" She answered happily.

…that's not the expression I want to see on a kid when we're going to kill some monsters. I hope before Daniel grows up, the cult will be gone.

"Is it fine to let Hannah come along? I thought that you will be the one who will refuse it no matter what." Victoria asked.

"Then, can you tell me a way to destroy the cult within two years? If so, please tell me."

"…this is what happened if you know too much, huh? You have to make difficult decisions. I thought of you better now." Victoria said.

"What the hell did you think of me as, huh? Anyway, go ask Veronica and Celestine if any one of them want to come. Just one since the other will need to stay."

"Got it!"

Victoria left with her human form to the orphanage. I'll just go back to my room and change. I'm still in my pajamas even when I met the guild receptionist.

Jewel also enters her room to change and she also helped Hannah on what she needed to bring. Even if I have portal that I can use to grab anything in the storage from far away, it's still best to bring your own stuffs with you.

It seems the expert level mage we will bring with us is Veronica as she's already flying here with Victoria on her shoulder. It's double V!

After everyone is prepared, I opened a portal to the nearest location to the destination of the quest.

"Why did you mark a cave as your transfer location?" Veronica asked as soon as we all transferred.

"Obviously for hiding spot in case of danger. The more Victoria can make her clones, the more location I can transfer to. And since she can make quite a lot of Blobbies, I put some in good hiding spots. And this is the closest one to our destination." I explained.

"So, where are we going?" Veronica asked. She wasn't there when the receptionist come so she doesn't know.

"It's a village in that mountain." I pointed at the mountain which should be over twenty kilometers away.

"…and this is the closest spot?" Veronica asked.

"Yes. How many people you can bring with your wind magic?"


It's a good choice that she's the one coming with us. Since she's a wind mage, she can fly and bring some people with her. This way we can get there faster.

"Everyone. But you don't need me, right? You can fly on your own."

"Yeah. Let's go! Hannah, don't be afraid. We will protect you no matter what." I said to Hannah.

"Yes! I believe you!" Hannah said innocently.

It's good that she still has some of her innocence. I became even more spirited seeing it. I'll do my best in this quest!

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