The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 297: Telling the Past With Puppet Shows

"Well, Spot, you're really a friendly monster, huh? Are you used to be with humans?" I asked Spot before telling him the truth about his master's death.

"Not really. I more used to killing them. The one I'm used to are Aura users. That's why I'm friendly with you. Then, while sinking most ships that tried to cross the sea and disturbed me in the past somehow, I ended up being labeled as a sacred monster." Spot said.

So, he knows that the people in the coast of the Empire worshipped him. Does that mean in the past Varadis Kingdom really waged a war on the Empire? But they were stopped by Spot. Good Spot.

"It has been so long since I met an Aura user! I was so excited seeing you running on the sea surface. And then you ascended to the sky as if you noticed me approaching you! That must be your ability gained through Aura by defeating a certain monster, right? I know that some Aura user prefer to keep their ability as secret, so I won't ask more. Can you tell me about the disappearance of Aura users? I was just a baby a thousand years ago." Spot said.

In a brief moment, I made an eye contact with Victoria. She noticed my intention and turned into her humanoid form.

"Before that, can I ask you something? Have you met a Black Slime in the past?" Victoria asked.

"Whoa! You transformed into a human! Wait, you're just changing your shape into similar to a human. You're still a slime." Spot said.

"You're right. Can you answer me?"

If Spot has met a Black Slime in the past, that might be either Javier, or any other consciousness in the Black Slime. Way before Victoria joined the party. But if Spot has met a Black Slime before, Victoria can explain things easier.

"Hmm… no. I don't think I have met any before. And if they are so small, I might have met one but I don't remember. Sorry." Spot apologized politely. He's too friendly for a monster that look so scary!

"No problem. Well, if you met, that might be this body before my consciousness entered." Victoria explained about how a Black Slime has multiple consciousness and Javier or the others might have met Spot before.

"Oh, that's awesome! As for me, I keep getting bigger and bigger. I can't transform at all." Spot said.

"By the way, I am Victoria. I used to be a human and an Aura user in the past before I died. About a thousand years ago. So, I might have met your master before." Victoria said.

"Amazing! I'll tell you what I remember about my Master! He's… well, he looked younger than Roy. But he already capable of running in the sky like Roy. His ability is… Well, he died anyway so I don't think it will be a problem if I tell you. He used a sword and when he swung it, he can slash enemies that are in the distance." Spot said.

"Oh, just like Werewolves. Maybe your Master defeated a Werewolf to get his ability. He must be quite strong then." I said.

I know from my experience from fighting Grandpa Werewolves who said that in the past, Werewolves back then are much stronger than the current Werewolves. Maybe Victoria knows Spot's Master.

"Hmm… I don't think I've heard of him. Let's ask Sonia." Victoria said.

Oh, right. We have another monster who used to be an Aura user in the past.

I called Sonia who was surprised to see a talking monster. But she got used to it soon.

"I have heard of a swordsman who can attack from distance using his sword. But I didn't really care about him since he's not a part of my harem." Sonia said.

…she only cared men who were charmed by her. I forgot about that.

"I see… maybe the man you've heard about was my Master. I guess he failed to be famous. He said that he wanted to be the strongest swordsman. But he died soon after. What a shame. Thanks for telling me." Spot said.

"Since we're talking about Aura user and the past, I think I should stay here. Roy, do you want me to call Albert?" Sonia asked.

Right, calling Albert here is a good idea.

"Yeah. And while you're at it, contact Lynn and Claudia as well. We're still in the Empire and they need to know about the monster they called sacred." I said.

Sonia leaves, and soon after returns. Telling me that Albert, Lynn, and Claudia are ready to go. So, I opened a portal twice. One to Albert's location, and another to Lynn's location.

All three of them were shocked to see the size of Spot. And his charming smile.

"Hello, King and Empress! I'm Spot!" He introduced himself energetically.

Albert, Lynn, and Claudia introduced themselves after that. Then they chatted a bit, and finally, we returned back to the real topic.

"Let's talk about how the Aura users disappeared. We don't know what started it, but someone started to…" Before Victoria continued, Spot stopped her.

"Wait, can you not make the story boring? Even if it's important, if you told me in a boring way, I'll be asleep before listening to everything." Spot said.

What the hell did this spoiled snake said!? Make it interesting? Just how spoiled was he in the past?

I looked at Albert, and he nodded telling me that Spot said the truth. He will fall asleep before the important part was told.

"What if we told you the summary? Will you understand it?" I asked.

"That's still boring."

"What do you want you oversized snake!? Do you want us to do a puppet shows or something!?" I shouted in anger.

"Oh! A puppet shows! I love puppet show! Do it!" The oversized snake shouted happily.

Roy, you're an entertainer. Do it properly.

"Alright! That's what I want as well! Let's go! Celestine, prepare the stage! I will use Victoria and Blobbies as the puppets. Albert will help as well." I gave the order to everyone.

"Wait, me too?" Albert asked.

"Obviously! The other doesn't care about Aura users in the past so they don't know how the story progress. They just care about the future. Sonia will help as well. Let's go!"

After the stage is prepared, two men, a slime, and a ghost go behind the stage. We arrange the puppets to what we want. Somehow, Albert is more enthusiastic than I thought.

"Well, this is interesting after all. Once we destroy the cult, history will say that we convinced a monster to help us by using a puppet shows. I want that written in history books." Albert said.

I also want that as well. that's why I became even more enthusiastic as well.

The show started. It goes from how the Evil God started its hunt. From attacking Sonia and her lovers.

"Ah! You're a bad human!" Spot said angrily.

"Wait! I'm no longer a human! I'm a ghost!" Sonia said.

"So, you were a bad human, and now you're a good ghost?" Spot asked.

"Yes. Let's continue with the story."

Each time the story became too intense, Spot got angry. We made some made up sob story as well to lure Spot to be engrossed in the story, while making sure that he will help us.

"Oh! So sad!" Spot said with tears falling from his eyes.

"It is!" Lynn hugged the Serpent's beak as the two cried.

I think the story worked too well. but for Celestine and Claudia, those two knows that we made things up. But they didn't say anything.

After telling how Victoria died, we played the part when the first king of Tatrama Kingdom became a hero and a king. We add some fighting scenes and I have to say that my acting as the defeated Evil God was done very well.

Then I started telling about my past live. And then how I returned back to the past.

"Oh! You have a harem! Me too! The Sea Serpents in this area are all my children and grandchildren. I have a lot of partners!"

That's what Spot said when we told him about my harem.

"Oh, are they obeying you?" I asked.

"Yes! My children, grandchildren, and more, are all obeying me! They are good kids!" Spot said happily.

Does this mean that if we get him as our ally, we can control the sea? Albert and Claudia both are excited to hear that. As for Lynn, it took a while for her to get it.

The story is over, and it's finally the decisive time.

"So… will you help us?" Albert asked.

"I will! I can't forgive the Evil God for killing my Master! He might not be the one who killed my Master, but he killed my friends! Sonia and Victoria are my friends, so I have to avenge them!" Spot said.

"Thank you very much! With your help, our chance of winning raised a lot!"

We succeeded! The puppet shows worked! Spot is now our ally!

"If you need any help in the sea, I will help you. If I can't do it, I will send my children. Wait here, I will introduce my children to you all."

Spot then dive into the sea to call for his children.

Meanwhile, we cheered on the empty island that we received another powerful ally. Even Celestine who is an expert level mage doesn't have the confidence to defeat Spot.

I should also go get the others to introduce to Spot.

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