The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 310: Splitting Up the Works

"So… why are you following us?"

We left the city and right now, we're outside of the gate at a location where I marked with a Blobby. I used portal to get there with everyone, but there's someone I didn't expect to follow us. It's princess Julia.

"So that's how it feels to travel with portal. It's so useful! Anyway, I'm here to help you. This is my kingdom, so I thought that it's best for me to participate. Although we're allies, I don't want to leave everything to other people. Especially those from other kingdoms when this is mostly the problem of my kingdom." Princess Julia said.

That's… the total opposite of me who wanted to leave everything to other people. She's a diligent princess. And she's also an expert level mage. She's probably much stronger than other mages here, but much weaker than Veronica and Celestine since those two have learned magic control.

"It's the problem of the world though… alright then, we'll split up into three teams. One will go to the hut where I found the thugs who were hired to put explosive devices inside the orphans' mouth, and another is to look inside the city for anything suspicious. Then the last group will look outside the city if there are any hiding spots like that hut." I explained the plan.

As for the group, the first group that will attack the hut will consist of Victoria as the leader since she knows where it is, Celestine who is extremely angry at them, Shirley, and Lina who will be there with Elsie and Sunny. Elsie can watch the surrounding if the person who hired those thugs will appear or not.

As for those patrolling the city to look for anyone suspicious, smarter people will do that. They are Kayla, Jewel, Candy, and princess Julia who knows the layout of the capital.

The third group will be me, Veronica, Angela, and Spot. The four of us are strong and can fly. We can cover a lot of areas together.

As for Sophie, she will return to Cassau

Actually, I can do it alone or with Spot. But since they are angry at me, I can't just tell them that I don't need them.

…sigh. On one hand, I want to get as much help as possible. On the other hand, I don't want these girls to do this. Just what exactly do I want? I thought that I want to live a peaceful life while letting other people do everything. But it seems like they have become part of my life now and I don't want to see them suffer in guilt for acting toward the children.

I need to be more selfish and ask the others for help more often. Just like how I'm worried about them, they are also worried about me.

"Three groups, huh? The capital of Varadis is the biggest city in the continent. I have been to other capital city, but ours is the biggest. I don't think just three groups are enough." Princess Julia said.

"You're right. Well, the three groups are just us. I will add another group."

After saying that, I used portal into Monsters World. Right where Shelia is.

And noticing that it was a portal instead of just summoning her directly to my side, the other Werewolves quickly getting ready and entered the portal.

"They are Werewolves. They will be the fourth group which will act separately. They will be split up since it will be faster that way. Shelia, can you track the smell of these explosives?" I asked Shelia.

"Hmm? They are those things that got attached into the inner side of the bad guys' mouth, right? It will be difficult, but if we get closer to them, it should be easy." Shelia said after I handed her some explosives. Shelia then gave those explosive devices to the other Werewolves so they can recognize the smell.

"That's fine. Some of you will roam inside the city, and some will roam outside. Those who are outside the gate will need to be in your wolf form. And those inside will need to hide your ears. If you find any, kill only the adults and let those who are young be. Don't kill the young ones."

"Understood, my king! I will obey your order!" Shelia said as she kneeled.

It's the sight I only seen a few times. She would do that and call me king when she notices how serious I am with the order. If it's other order, she will still obey me but she won't kneel.

"Good. Now, go!"

The Werewolves then quickly leave. Seems like they know who will be outside of the city, and who will get inside since I see half od the Werewolves who came already transformed, and they split up. As for Shelia, she chooses to go inside the capital.

Why did I send the Werewolves? It was because if there are any witness watching them killing, no one will be able to find them since they will already be back to their home world. Then, those who were tasked with the mission inside the city will be able to freely do what they want. They can just blame the Werewolves for their actions. Both Kayla and Jewel already understood my intention.

"Wait! You're a king? A Werewolf King? Are you a Werewolf?" Princess Julia asked.

"No. I'm a human. But I'm stronger than their strongest fighter, so I became their king." I said.

"So, you're a king of all Werewolves?"

"No. Just their tribe. By the way, Shelia, the female Werewolf who kneeled toward me first, is my summon. I don't know if there are other Werewolves tribe. But if there are, I don't think they will bow down to me. Not until I prove my strength first." I said.

"By the way, if our job is inside the capital, you don't have to get us out first." Princess Julia said.

"Can't do that. You also need to be wary of the guards. If they noticed something happened when no one entered the gate, they will think that the culprit is someone from the inside. And I noticed that some of the guards are too lazy so it's easy to trespass into the city. You are the princess, you want to know that too, right? Which one can be trusted, and which one you cannot trust?" I said.

"I suppose you're right. Well, we're off. Good luck all of you!" With the princess in the lead, the other three followed her.

I don't know yet what her elements are, but if she's confident she can enter the tightly guarded city, then I guess it's fine. As for the other three, I don't need to worry. Kayla is the smartest, and Jewel is my disciple who follow my way of thinking. And not to forget that Candy was an agent. She's good at sneaking in.

"Roy, what should we do after we killed all those thugs?"

It was Celestine who asked.

"I don't know if all of the thugs will be there at the same time. And you can ask Lina if Elsie saw something suspicious. There might be a chance that the one who hired them will appear. Be careful since we don't know if that person is an expert level mage or not. Since this kingdom is almost fall to the cult, and with how many cult members inside the city, it's hard to believe that there's no expert level mages at all here to supervise everything." I said.

And there's a chance that it might not be just one. That's also why I separated the three expert level mages. Even though I can fight evenly against an expert level mage, there's no shame in having an expert level mage with me.

After confirming their mission, Victoria and her group leave. Which only leave us who will patrol outside the city.

"So, what is our mission?" Angela asked.

"We will go further. The Werewolves are taking care of things closer to the city so we don't need to check around that area. I made our group the strongest on purpose as well so in case they needed reinforcement, I can send you to them with my portal. We will ride Spot and see the surrounding. If there's anything suspicious, we will check them. It's that simple." I told them my plan.

"Hmm… so…" Angela looked confused even after telling her my plan. That's as expected of Angela.

"You just need to go where I told you and kill whoever I told you to. No need to think of other difficult stuffs." I said.

"I guess that's easy. Though, I don't think we're the strongest. I get why Veronica, Spot, and you were chosen. But why me?" Angela asked.

"Unlike everyone else, you are the most balanced fighter. You're not that smart in other areas, but in a fight, you're a genius. You don't have any obvious weakness as well with your four elements in advanced level." I said.

"That's right. And whenever we had a spar, sometimes the only way I can win is just with brute force since I'm higher leveled than you. Otherwise, you are the most versatile combatant we have."

It was Veronica who spoke. Angela would often ask the two expert level mages for a sparring session. Which end most of the time with the expert level mages' victory. But lately, whenever they fight, Angela almost never seem to be at any kind of disadvantage other than having weaker magic. Which causes problem for both Veronica and Celestine.

I can say proudly that other than me, the secret weapon against the cult will be her. That's how highly I think of her.

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