The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 336: Return to Daily Life

After finally finished my first day of teaching after taking a long break, I returned home and play with Daniel, Lana, and other kids from the orphan. I told the orphans that Celestine will be away for a little longer, so in case they need anything, they can ask Veronica.

Some kids turn sad hearing that, but they love Veronica all the same and said that they will patiently wait until Celestine returns. So heartwarming…

At least the good thing today is that there is no hell broke loose. I'm sorry that I broke my promise, but I have them play with me as much as possible after I finished my class. We played until the kids fall asleep.

After they both fall asleep, I went to Sam to ask her if there's anything important that I need to do. But it seems like she's doing really well and don't need me to do anything yet. And she asked if she can get more share since she became busier.

I thought that since I'm already rich, I agreed. Now, I only received ten percent, but that's fine. She has many people working for her now and she needed more money than me.

And while I'm at it, I went to the empty island where I put all the stolen magic tools from Arturo, and bring them all to Jeremy, to have him appraise them and get those items put to good use.

I gave some defensive tools to those who doesn't have defensive equipment, and some magic tools for improving a certain element to those who have that element. Now we have gotten stronger. Though I told them to not use them in the tournament.

After that, Sonia appears and told me to bring Shirley and Angela back here for dinner. She said that they want to inform me about the participants from the capital. Though I don't really need to hear them. After all, I know that these two should be able to get selected. And it's not like I have to get report of everything.

…I guess that's the fate of being a clan leader. I just told those who qualified good luck.

There's one more thing. Hannah doesn't seem to like playing with the kids as much as before. Now, she is studying about everything that will be taught at introductory school. She seems impatient to get her magic.

But that's good. So, when she awakens her magic in the future, she doesn't need to attend classes. She just needs to take the exams and graduate. Though whether she wants to go to college after that or not is up to her.

It's time for dinner, and we have a huge feast for celebrating my return. Other than Shirley and Angela, Ian and Ruby returned as well. I also told Shelia that she can bring several Werewolves to feast.

Victoria is busy chatting with the girls about everything we experienced during the mission. And as for Spot, he seems to be popular among the children. They love playing with him, and Spot love to play as well. Though he's still dangerous.

"So, how is the capital? You two get qualified, right?" I asked Shirley and Angela.

"Easily!" Angela said.


Instead of answering confidently like Angela, Shirley sighed.

"What's wrong, Shirley?" I asked.

"Well, just like Kayla, I got qualified thanks to recommendation. I really wanted to kick those noble bastards in their asses, but I don't have the chance to. Our way to get qualified is similar to here in Cassau. Three from battle, and two recommendations. I got one recommendation, while Angela easily beat everyone and be the strongest. But I really want to fight those annoying nobles!" Shirley said.

"Since there are two recommendations, don't tell me that the other one is for another rich kid?" I asked.

"Well, he is rich and a noble as well. But he's unlike the other kids from nobility, and his strength is real deal. He probable able to fight evenly against an agent who participated in the training camp. He's unlike the guy from here." Shirley said.

So, it's just the professors in Cassau who got bribed. That noble kid from the capital is truly talented. I'm curious about his strength. If he trained like the agents, he could be a lot stronger than them. I wonder if he's famous in my past life? Though I doubt I will remember even if I heard his name.

"Kayla! I won't hold back! Let's go all out during the tournament!" Angela said.

"Actually, you need to hold back so you don't kill anyone. Killing others mean we will be disqualified." Kayla said.

"In any case, let's have a good fight!" Angela said.

The reason for no killing rule is for the participants to consciously holding back. That is also a way to learn magic control. We wanted everyone to learn magic control through practice.

There might be some people who dissatisfied because of such rule. And when they lose, they will claim that it was because of an unfair rule. That's just stupid.

If they don't like the rule, don't participate. It's that simple.

The rule should obviously have been told to everyone already. Those who complained are just idiots.

Now, the tournament is getting closer. I like how there are many people who have become interested in getting stronger. Like the three new students of my air class elements. But there's one problem for me as the one who proposed the idea.

…just watching them fight is boring. At least, for me it is.

I hope I won't be forced to watch all the fights.

"Roy, I want to check on my kid who is staying near here. I will return tomorrow." Spot said after we finished our feast.

"Sure. You don't have to tell me when you want to return. Just return back here anytime you want. This is also your house now. And if I need to go somewhere for another mission, I will call you. Though I don't know if Sonia can speak underwater." I said.

"Then I might take a leave for a while. Just call me if you need anything. Though I will probably return soon because the foods are delicious." Spot said before he flew through the open window to the sea.

With him and his children protecting the ocean, we are safe if there are any cult members who travel through the sea route. And not just cult members, pirates as well.

After that, my daily life returns back to normal.

Teaching air elements on Monday, teaching medical knowledge in Saturday, and went diving once in a while.

Jeremy also appraised the magic items I brought when he's not working. The one I already gave the others are some common magic items which he easily appraised. And most of the items he appraised are no longer working and have no magic in them anymore. What a shame.

When I'm free from teaching, diving, or playing with the kids, I would return to the Mysterious Forest to learn about the gases produced by the trees. Since the leaves not working, I tried the bark of the trees.

Victoria refused when I ask her to be tested, but she finally agreed when I said that I only need to test one type and she's free to decide which one she wanted. Obviously, it's the white calming one.

The result? The bark really is the one producing the gases. But after a few days, the bark no longer producing the gases. Which mean they will only produce the gas for a long time when they are still part of the trees. If I take them away, they are still working, but not for long.

It was fine when I tested the calming effect on Victoria. When the others hear about it, they wanted to test the calming effect as well, so I tried them on everyone. Seems like the weaker the magic level we have, the stronger they affected us. I learned that when Veronica tested its effect.

Since everyone but me has tried it, it's time for me to test it.

I know the effect is not dangerous, so I just tried the calming effect in my bedroom.

Ahh… it feels good… so calm… I wish everyday is like this…

This feels so nice… I want to stay like this forever…

"Roy! Wake up!"

"Huh? What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

I look around to see that everyone is surrounding me around the bed. Is there any emergency?

"You're the problem! Do you know you have been staying on bed for a whole day? Twenty-four hours!" Kayla shouted in anger. No, it's more like worry.

"Twenty-four hours!? So, this calming effect is dangerous as well." I said.

"It is dangerous! Even when we tickle you or hit your cheek, you never move at all! We even called Sara to help you using her air magic, but you haven't taught her about how to cure you from the effect of those barks!" Kayla explained.

…this is not a calming gas. It's a sloth gas. Making the people who smell it too lazy to do anything by giving them the hallucination that everything is fine and calm.

And it's also my fault as well. When the others smelled it, I was there to cure them. But no one can cure me and it takes twenty-four hours until the effect wears off.

I will teach Sara how to use this magic so next time, she can cure me. That mean she needs to be present the next time I do my research of these gases. I don't want everyone to worry about me anymore.

Though my main concern now is that I'm starving. I'll think about it more after I fill my stomach.

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