The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 338: Shirley's Group

This is what happen during the time Roy taking the quest to clean up the monsters within Cassau.

In the capital, Angela and Shirley both are preparing to leave for Melk. They didn't ask Roy to transport them with portals because just like Kayla, Shirley thought that it's best to travel together to get to know each other better.

"Princess, why do we have to travel on our own instead of taking a carriage together?" One of the members from the capital asked. He's a son of a noble, but not a bad one. His name is Frederick.

"No need to call me princess. Just call me Shirley." Shirley said.

"I can't do that. No matter what, you're still the princess." Frederick replied.

"Sigh… whatever. We have various reasons. First, it's to get to know each other better. The main reason why the tournament started is because of the cult. We need to get everyone to be stronger. And what would make them interested in growing stronger other than the title of the strongest? It seems simple, but just because of that simple title, we have everyone interested in participating. You've seen what happened during the selection for the participants, right? Not just those nobles, but also commoner won't give up. We even managed to find some diamonds in the rough." Shirley said.

"You're right, your highness. Thanks to the tournament, everyone is more determined to grow stronger. There are even some people who regretted that they didn't go to college because of it. I believe next year entrance exam will be filled by so many people interested in winning the championship." Frederick said.

"That's right. The stronger we are, the more chance we have in defeating the cult. And it's not just individual strength, but also teamwork and cooperation as well. That's why this journey is important. And by showing out strength and weakness with each other, we can cover our weakness and improve our strength just through discussion. You can see if the other has some kind of weaknesses, and ask the other if they can see yours during our journey. By the time we arrived at Melk, we would all be getting much stronger than before leaving." Shirley explained.

"As expected of your highness! Now I understand why this is important!" Frederick praised Shirley for her to think of travelling as a way of training.

"It's not that awesome. I can think of this because I met a certain man who taught me many things. And he also taught many other people as well. I believe there are other from different teams who were taught by him." Shirley said.

"A certain man? So it's not Angela? I thought you get stronger because you were always with her." Frederick asked.

"You are correct to think that I'm getting stronger thanks to Angela. But our strengths are mostly thanks to that man. Although Angela is a freak with her magic and battle sense. Sigh…" Shirley sighed because she took care of Angela ever since they attend college together. Angela's intellect in other things than battle and magic is truly something else.

She then looked at Angela who is happily chatting with the other two members. One is a man, and the other is a woman. Those two are both mages who were in the training camp. That's why Angela is close to them.

Not just those two, there are many other agents in different colleges who got selected to representing their college. Some were in the training camp, and some were not, but they got taught a lesson by those who attended the training camp.

Frederick also looked at the three who are happily chatting and asked another question.

"It seems that other than me, everyone else is already know each other. Am I right?"

"You're right."

Shirley didn't explain how they met, and Frederick understand that. Among the people there, Frederick is someone that Shirley trust the least.

One reason why the journey is important is to get to know Frederick better. To see if he can be trusted or not.

During Roy's mission, Albert has examined many people in the nobility. One of them is Frederick's father.

Albert has told Shirley that Frederick's father can be trusted. In fact, the person himself has been asked by Albert to join his cause and destroy the cult together. Frederick's father has given full support to the king.

But as for the person himself, Shirley need to check if he's good or not. And she has to do it herself since Albert won't help her to see if Frederick is full of lies or not.

As for Frederick, he just thought that the other two members are just the princess' bodyguards.

While the group continuing their journey, Angela noticed something approaching and Shirley quickly ordered everyone to stop.

"As for other reason, it seems that you can see for yourself." Shirley said to Frederick as she and the other three prepared to fight.

Although he was late by a few seconds, Frederick also prepared his magic to fight as well.

"Hearing about my journey, there would be many dissatisfied people who will attack me. Probably to kidnap me to be a hostage. Frederick, have you killed anyone before?" Shirley asked.

"No. Although I'm also a hunter, I only killed monsters before." Frederick replied.

"There are several people approaching us in a hurry. We're going to fight them. Would you like to experience killing someone for the first time?" Shirley asked again.

"If possible, I don't want to kill anyone, your highness. But I will if the situation deemed it to be necessary." Frederick said.

"Good answer. Try to capture them all. I want to ask them what's their intention in coming after us. If you can't capture them, kill them. Well… if we have the chance to fight obviously."

"Excuse me?"

Frederick was confused after hearing that, but Shirley ignored him as she looks at Angela whom already flying with her flight magic toward the opponents, and defeated them all in an instant.

Shirley was calm because she's already used to Angela's extraordinary talent in magic, but the other three were not.

The two agents know that Angela is strong, but they never thought that she would be this strong. Even in the selection battle, she never uses that much strength against the other challengers.

"Shirley! I'm done!" Angela said with a smile.

"Sigh… I told you to not go all out from the start! We need to extract information from them!" Shirley shouted.

"There are some who haven't died yet. Just ask them. It's not like we need to ask every single one of them. And Roy always said to hit first, ask questions later. I just did as he taught us." Angela said.

"Yeah, but that's too much! He can still hold back, but you didn't hold back at all!" Shirley said in anger.

"But I didn't kill everyone though." Angela sulked.

Suddenly, someone appeared from behind them and about to grab Shirley. Frederick and the two agents noticed that and about to protect her, but that was not necessary at all.

Because when the attacker was just one meter away from Shirley, Shirley already froze the attacker's body.

"Y-you monsters…" The attacker said before he lost consciousness from the cold.

"That's rude! Anyway, let's ask those who are still conscious why they attacked us."

Shirley ignored the three shocked people as she interrogated someone. As for Angela, she was not good at interrogating, so she just keeping watch of the situation.

Then, the two agents quickly realized the situation and helped Shirley interrogated the attacking group.

As for Frederick, he was still in shock.

Back during the selection battle, he watched all the fights. Since he was already recommended by the professors, he doesn't need to participate. But he still wanted to fight to see his limit.

After watching everything from the start until the final, he thought that there are many excellent mages. But other than Angela who seems to be difficult to see through her strength, he thought he would still be able to fight everyone else and win. As for Angela herself, he might need to put more effort, but he thought he would still win.

But now, after witnessing Angela and Shirley's effortlessly defeating a group of people attacking them, he changed his mind.

'I thought princess Shirley was strong already. I don't mind her participating through recommendation. But who would have thought that she could effortlessly defeating an enemy approaching her from behind when I could barely react?

More importantly is that Angela. She was too strong! Does that mean she hasn't used her true strength at all during the selection battle? I can understand that if the reason is because she knows her opponent's strength. They seem to have known each other for quite a while. But seeing Angela effortlessly defeating almost all of the enemies so quickly, and killed more than half, it seems like I was wrong. Not just I couldn't defeat her, but if I could survive a few second against her, that's already a huge achievement.

And these two said it was that Roy who taught them both many things. I wonder what kind of person this Roy is? If I meet him, can I get as strong as these two? Maybe we will meet during the tournament. I can't wait for the tournament. I'll get as strong as possible during the journey.'

Frederick thought as he got excited thinking of the future.

In truth, one reason he got that strong is because he loves magic. And similar to Angela, he was talented as well. Though not as talented as she is.

The five continued their journey after getting all the information they can get from the attackers. On the way, they get attacked several more times, but they easily handle them. And as they got closer to Melk, the strength of the three people other than Angela and Shirley have improved.

As for how strong Angela and Shirley is, the two haven't used all their strength yet. No one can tell how strong they have become.

And although the goal of this tournament is to get stronger before their clash with the cult, both Shirley and Angela are excited to finally be able to fight Kayla's group without having to hold back like during their sparring sessions.

Who will win the intercollege tournament?

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