The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 344: The Day Before the Tournament

I woke up inside the room in the hotel the next morning. Other than me, Daniel is here as well. She's sleeping with me.

As for Lana, she's sleeping with Hannah. No, I was wrong. She's sleeping with Luna and Carmen, while Hannah sleeps with Jewel. Or more like it was Jewel who intrudes into Hannah's room. Seems like Jewel had a lot of fun talking with Hannah.

I look around and see that everyone has already awake. Well, most of them.

Last night, after hanging out with Kron and Oleg, I patrolled the city to find any cult members. I found some, but none of them are exceptionally strong. Maybe there are some expert level mage in hiding with no explosive devices inside their mouth. I wouldn't know.

Though I will keep killing any cult members that I find. And if there are someone causing trouble, I will bring them to Oleg. He's also the head security for the tournament so he's extremely busy. I also have given him a lot of Magic Restriction Collars just in case there are expert level mages. As for those who have reached advanced level, I think the guards here are enough to keep watch on them. They joined the training camp and should be strong enough.

Though we need to be careful to not get found out that we have such collars. And I doubt those who wears them will be allowed to live.

I have also seen the venue for the tournament. It looks similar to the Arena in the Werewolves settlement. Albert must be the one giving them the ideas.

And today should be the day when for the schedule of the tournament. Let's ask Kayla or Wendy how it goes. Or maybe Shirley. Let's ask any one of them fixtures.

Breakfast has been served. And Lina is obviously helping the chefs in the hotel.

I woke up Daniel and went down for breakfast together. Almost everyone is already there.

"Daniel, go wake up Carmen, Luna, and Lana. It's time for breakfast." I said.


Daniel go to their room, as I take a seat at a table where three other men are already there. Kron, Oleg, and Fabio whom is already friendly with the two.

"Morning." I greeted everyone.

"It's rare for you to wake up early." Kron said.

"It is. By the way, how's the fixtures?" I asked Kron who is the official staff.

"It should be announced at noon. Each team will send their representative to check on it. Just wait patiently." Kron said.

We ate breakfast together as we chatted. We mostly just talking about random nonsense. Though Fabio seems happy to get along with the two. I wonder if he will get along with Hill as well.

Then someone else looked at a free seat next to me, and take a seat there. He's Fred. One of Shirley's teammates from the capital.

"Can I sit here?" Fred asked.

"Sure." Fabio said.

Among us four, Fabio is the one with the highest status. Although the other two treated him normally like a friend, they still know how to behave in front of a prince. That's why the one who should allow Fred to join our table or not is Fabio.

I already told Kron and Oleg that Fabio is a prince and Carmen is a queen last night. And the two still treated them normally. They have gotten used in hanging out with a king after all. Though when I asked, Kron just said that it's normal for me to be close with another weird dude. Is Fabio a weird dude now?

As for Fred, he doesn't know anyone here other than me. But he's still approaching us. I don't hate that behavior, so it's fine. And I think Fabio is also interested in one of the participants. That's why he allows Fred to join our table.

We just chatted as Fred is trying to get along with us.

Then I asked him, "Have you heard anything about the schedule for the tournament?"

"No. But later at noon, Princess Shirley will go to the arena. That's where she will be given the announcement of the fixtures, and she will tell us later." Fred said.

"Don't call her princess in public. We don't know who is trying to harm her." I said.

"Sorry. But calling her casually is…"

"If you can't call her by her name, just call her team leader or something. She's the leader from your team, right?" I asked.

"I guess I'll call her that from now." Fred said.

I look to see that Shirley is talking with Kayla and Wendy. They are still here. I think they will leave soon.

I can just ask Kron about it, but I doubt he will leak the information easily. Although he's kind of dense, he is someone who can be trusted with a secret.

Soon after, Kayla, Shirley, and Wendy leave together to the Arena to hear the announcement. Kayla is the representative from the team from Cassau, and Wendy is the supervisor of the team. Probably, the professor in charge of Shirley's team will be there as well.

Kron and Oleg also leaves because they have a meeting with other official staffs. And since Fabio is happily talking with Fred, I'll just go for another patrol.

Well, since I already did a patrol last night, I don't think there will be a lot of cult members anymore. Though I still need to be vigilant. Who knows if there are some cult members who have just arrived today?

But my main goal is not that. I want to look around Melk because it has been a while since I'm here. And I'm not alone. I'm with Lina who is on break. Well, I'm the one forcing her to take a break and go on a date with me. Because if I never asked her, I don't think she will ever take a break from her maid duties.

Especially if she has another nightly duty for me. she would be tired the next day, but she would insist on working.

What a hardworking maid.

In the end, it's not a patrol. Just a regular date.

We walk around to see my old school, Red Tail, Sam's old base where Lina used to work at, and many other nostalgic locations.

None of them were destroyed during the stampede. But the buildings nearby, some of them have been renovated.

I still have the key for Red Tail, though I never went here again. I'll tell Albert to use this place as another base for his agents here. Or maybe just give the whole building to Oleg? I'll ask Ruby when I'm in the capital. If I remember.

My old school was still there. No renovation at all. And I can see Mr. Wig is still teaching there. With a whole different type of wig.

After that, we had a lunch at a restaurant. It's just a normal date the whole time. No patrol at all. Though it's thanks to the cult members not being nearby.

"I had fun today. Let's walk around again tomorrow." I asked Lina to do it again tomorrow.

"But tomorrow should be the opening of the tournament, right? We need to watch it."

"Actually, we don't. It's not like either Kayla's team or Angela's team will fight in the first day."

"But the Arena will be crowded. If there are any cult member, they should be inside the Arena to watch. You can't just fly into the arena and kill someone there, right?" Lina said.

I guess she's right. That mean I can no longer go on a date until the tournament is over.

We return to the hotel to see that Kayla and Shirley already returned. As for Wendy, I don't know where she goes.

"So, when will you two fight?" I asked Kayla and Shirley.

"In the final. I think the drawing is rigged." Shirley said.

"That's obvious. The final will be watched by your brother. We can't give weak performance in front of him. And there are other important people who will watch the final. That's why we can't have you two fight in the first day. When will Albert arrive anyway?" I asked Shirley.

"He's already on his way. Probably in three or four days. Though he can be here faster if you want." Shirley said.

"Nah, it's a pain. I'll just wait unless he needs me."

Then I asked them about the tournament. They will schedule it so there will be two matches in one day. Though for the first day, the two teams don't have a fight scheduled. So, we will only watch the fight of other teams.

"Will you watch the first fight?" I asked.

"Obviously. The arena has been arranged so each team has their own private room where we can watch the tournament." Kayla is the one who answered.

"Can I enter the private room? I'm also a professor after all." I asked.

"No. Even if you can, you will end up using that room for sleeping and won't watch the match. You will need to watch the fight somewhere else."

What a pain. I guess I need to do this job anyway. And instead of watching the tournament, I will watch the audiences instead.

Sigh… it's the fate of someone awesome. Everyone relies on me that I don't have much freedom to do anything I want.

Wait, that's the same as marriage. Does that mean I'm already married to the girls? Since when?

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