The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 379: Sunny's Evolution

"…so, how long should we wait?" I asked Tia.

"I don't know. I have done everything my father said to make Yellowsun grow. But maybe this one is different. Though I don't really know since this is actually my first time doing this. And I'm the oldest elf here," Tia said.

"Maybe it's because the Magqua is not enough?" Lina asked.

Lina is the one who is worried the most since Sunny is her monster. Of course Lina wants to make Sunny stronger, but if it's dangerous, she will refuse it.

Summoner can only have one monster unless they eat Pear-y Fruit. It means when they have a monster they don't like as their summon, they need their monster to die first before making a contract with another monster.

And the fact that Sunny is still alive, and she's Lina's monster from the day she awakened her magic, just show how much she cares about Sunny.

"Maybe that's the case. I think it's best for us to wait," Tia said.

"Isn't there a better option? Sunny can understand our language, so we just need to ask her what she needs. Lina, you're her master. Ask her," I told Lina to ask Sunny if she needs something.

"I'll try."

Lina then walked toward the hole that I dug. That's where Sunny is absorbing the life force of the dungeon tree directly from the roots.

"Sunny, is everything okay? Do you have anything you need?" Lina asked.

Tia, Shelia, Victoria, and Spot are also looking into the hole to see Sunny. The other elves are curious as well, but it seems like they are still afraid of us so they won't come any closer.

I can see that Sunny seems like thinking about something. Probably it's something necessary for her growth.

Seems like she has realized something. Sunny is growing her vines so long as they grabbed… my leg?

"…Sunny, if you want a living sacrifice, I won't do it," I said.

I can see her shook her flower head. I guess I won't die. But what does she want?

Sunny then used her vines to hold me up. But why am I being held upside down?

"Sunny. Head is supposed to be above, and feet should be below. This is wrong," I said.

"Master! Seems like Sunny needs something from you! As she needs something to make her evolve, she found what she needs from you. And looks like Master is the only one who have it," Lina said.

Something important for her growth… and it's only something that I have… is it handsomeness?

Just as I thought about it, a new vine come out of the hole where Sunny is, and slapped my cheek.

"What was that for!?"

"Master. Whatever you're thinking must be wrong. That's why she slapped you," Lina said.

"How does she know what I'm thinking!?" I said.

"Probably because we have been together for so long. Anyway, it's not what you were thinking. What she needs from you is probably Aura. Sunny wants you to pour your Aura into her," Lina said.

"Of course I know that! I was just thinking of a joke, but before I say anything, she slapped me!"

So, Sunny needs Aura? I doubt that's the case for her species. Maybe each one of them are different from the energy that they suck.

And for Sunny, she sucked the energy from a tree that is actually a dungeon, and she wants my Aura as well. Let's try it out.

"Sunny, I'm going to pour my Aura into you. Can you let me down?"

I'm still hanging with my leg being held by Sunny's vine while my head is below. I can hold this position for a long time, but I don't want to.

But even after I asked her, Sunny refuses to let me down or put me back in the right position. She shakes her flower head to my plead.

"Why!? Just put me down! Lina, please ask her to put me down," I asked Lina.

"…can't do that. You have to be the one talking to her," Lina said.

"…alright, Sunny. You want to evolve or not?" I asked Sunny down in the hole. She replied with a nod.

"Then I will help you if you put me down!"

This time, she shook her head.

"What do you want from me!? A fertilizer?"

She shook her head again.

Alright, let's think. What does she want? Sunny, although we were hunting monsters a few times together just the two of us, I still don't know how to get close with her.

Unlike Victoria, Shelia, or Spot, Sunny can't speak. But seems like for the elves, her species is considered as their god. But I doubt that Sunny wants me to worship her.

The only thing I can think of is… Lina.

"Okay, if you put me down, I will spend more time with Lina and compliment her a lot. Is that what you want?"

And Sunny then gently flip me and put me down slowly. Not on the ground, but into the hole that I dug.

I also looked at Lina who seems to be happy hearing I will spend more time with her. I was right that this is the correct answer.

"Alright, where should I grab?"

Right in front of Sunny, I asked where I should start pouring my Aura. And Sunny replied with a headbutt to my chest. I guess I need to pour my Aura to the flower head.

I hold Sunny's flower head to my chest, and pour my Aura into her. Sonia and Victoria said that it's dangerous for an inexperienced Aura user to pour their Aura into someone else's body, but maybe it's fine for a monster. I'll stop if I detect anything dangerous. I don't want Lina to hate me.

As I pour a little Aura into her, Sunny's body jerked a little and she's started shivering as if she's in pain. But that stopped soon after she got used to it.

I guess it's right that pouring Aura inside someone else's body is dangerous. Then, can I use this method in a fight?

As I pour Aura into Sunny, I can see that Sunny is changing.

It's obvious since even though we are few meters underground, but there's a light here! And it's coming from Sunny's head!

Sunny is a sun! No wonder her species is called Yellowsun. They just like another sun but from a flower. Wait, that's just the explanation for what a sunflower is!

Sunny didn't change at all except that the petals around her head turn shiny.

Oh, wait! She's getting bigger now!

Her size is getting bigger as the hole we dug no longer fit for the two of us. I who was hugging Sunny's head now is riding on top of her flower head.

"It's here! That's the Yellowsun at the peak of its adulthood!" Tia shouted. Followed by the cheers of the elves who worshipped Sunny's species.

Sunny grows bigger and bigger. Although her size can't compete with the dungeon tree, it's still very big. About half the length of Spot when he's in his original size.

I was so shocked that I forget to pour more Aura, but it seems like she no longer needs it as she's already perfectly evolved.

Finally, her growth stopped. But the shine from her petals are still there. And they are concentrated to the middle of the flower.

Wait, is this an attack? Just like Spot's magic breath?

And as I guessed, Sunny shoots a beam of light toward a mountain far from here. And she destroyed it with one breath!

"Oh! You're amazing, Sunny! Just like me! But that was a light element magic, right? Mine is non-elemental magic. But that's about as strong as my breath attack!" Spot said happily.

"Sunny! You're so great!" Victoria also shouted happily seeing Sunny's growth.

Just by coming here, Sunny has become so powerful already thanks to the elves. If they still want to move to a safe place after the dungeon exploration, I will gladly help them.

Maybe there are other things than farming that they can do. But just farming is more than enough.

Hmm? Lina seems to be shocked. What's wrong with her?

"Lina. Aren't you happy that Sunny became so strong? Why do you look so shocked?" I asked.

"…yes, I'm happy. But I'm more surprised by it since… I became advanced level just from that attack," Lina said.


It should be me! I'm the one who wants to increase my level! But just by that one attack, and she's already advanced level and can contract another monster!?

"…that's amazing. I'm irritated by how you ended up surpassing me easily, but I'm also happy by it. Do you have any monster you want to make a contract with?" I asked.

"There's one here," Lina said without hesitation.

Don't tell me…

"Our god Yellowsun has descended! Rejoice!" Tia cheered along with the other elves.

"Elestias, I have something I want to ask you," Lina said.

"What is it, oh Master of Yellowsun?" Tia asked.

If Lina is the Master of Yellowsun, then I'm the Master of the Master of Yellowsun.

"Because of that evolution, I can now make contract with another monster. Will you—"

"I will! I will gladly be your summon and help you in any way possible! Although I lack in strength, I can do many other things! And because I'm the queen of the elves, I can get all elves to help you!" Tia said as she realizes what Lina is going to ask.

"…that's good. I guess I don't need to enter the dungeon again. What about you?" Lina asked Tia.

"I'll do anything you say! If you tell us to stay, we will stay. If you tell us to leave, we will leave!"

"…I want you to move your village to live together with the Werewolves," Lina said.

"We will prepare to move immediately!" Tia said as she ordered the elves to prepare to move.

…what is this? I no longer need to bring her with me into the dungeon? Well, that's fine.

And they will live alongside the werewolves? I hope they can get along.

I think it should be fine since I'm the Werewolf King, and Lina is the Master of the Elves Queen.

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