The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 409: Finding A Place To Cultivate Air Magic

After seeing Graham's full strength, I told him to get the angels trained with the werewolves. After that, I'm thinking of cultivating my air magic.

…should I go to outer space?

""Let's go!"" Victoria and Spot spoke together.

"Do we really need to? I don't know much about outer space as Victoria, but won't it be scary over there? I mean there are no air and no gravity over there! That's what you said, right?" I asked Victoria.

"Don't worry. Some humans from our world has gone to space. And as long as you keep maintaining your air magic around you at all time, there shouldn't be any problem. At least I hope that's the case," Victoria said with some doubts.

"Why did you have to say the last part!? Now I don't feel like going there anymore…"

"If it was in my original world, it's really impossible for human to survive out there alone without any preparation. But this is magic world. Or at least it's the Monsters World that is connected with the magic world. I wonder if we can connect my world to your world?" Victoria asked.

"I don't even want to try it. That seems scary. And how could we connect to that world? There's no monster over there, right? You think I can make contract with a human and make them my familiar? Anyway, tell me more about going to outer space. What do we need?"

"I don't think you really need it, but a spacesuit would be good. Although you can just cover your body with air, I think it's safer that way. As for that, I can just transform into a spacesuit. I guess we're ready then," Victoria said.

"No, we're not ready. Let's just cultivate normally on earth, which is way safer than out there," I said.

"But your magic is weak. And you need more training than other people even in air magic. Even Sara is already an intermediate level in air magic. She cultivates at a faster rate than you. If you don't hurry up, you won't reach advanced level before our raid to the lab," Victoria said.

Seems like she receives information from Sonia who enters this world from time to time.

Sara is already intermediate? When I first taught her until I left the university, she was still a beginner level. Her improvement is much faster than mine. Soon, she might be reaching advanced level.

I'm not jealous. After all, she's my student. In fact, I'm proud that my teaching helps her progress that fast.

But what about me? Do I really need to go to the outer space?

"…Victoria, tell me more about outer space," I asked again.

"Well, it's cold. No air, and there's radiation as well. I don't know how to explain radiation, but it's best to keep your air barrier up at all time. Since there's no air, there's no sound as well because the sound can't travel without air. Maybe keep using your Aura as well is a good idea," Victoria said.

"…why does it seem like there is more and more danger in going there? Anyway, why are you interested in going there as well, Spot?" this time, I asked Spot.

"Of course! I have never seen anything above the sky! As you already know, I'm a half Sky Serpent. We just love to fly," Spot said.

"Yeah, but the first time we met, you were under the sea, right?"

"I'm a half Sea Serpent as well!" Spot said.

That means he loves flying and swimming, right? What about on land?

"So, you want to come as well? If I ride on you, we can go faster. But I can't cover your body with Aura. Wait, maybe I can if I think of you as my extension. Just like weapons," I said to myself.

"That means we're ready! Let's go!" Spot shouted.

"No. Let's do some tests first. But before that, let's ask someone who has been in the sky the longest," I said.

If it's Andro, he might have some experience in flying higher. Though I doubt he can stay for long.

I used portal to go to where Andro is, and asked him about outer space.

"I have tried it twice. The first time, I was out of breath in just a few minutes. The second time, I tried holding my breath. I could stay for a few hours, before I need to take another breath. As for gravity, I don't think that's true because I remember that I still feel my weight at the time. Although the scenery changed. It was still bright at the time, but suddenly, it turned dark," Andro said after I asked him.

"There are multiple layers of atmosphere in the sky. You haven't passed everything to be in zero gravity area. That's why gravity was still effective. Maybe what Roy needs is just to go to that place instead of going to outer space," Victoria said.

I received important information now. Which mean I can still survive up there even without needing to go pass the atmosphere and to the outer space. Maybe the area Andro went to is somewhere my air magic can be cultivated faster.

Wait, that mean I can just go to the highest peak of this world, right? Does the highest peak reach that layer Victoria said?

Let's check on it later.

"There. Are you convinced to go up there?" Victoria asked.

"Maybe just the place where it turns dark. Beyond that, I need more testing," I said.

"Let's go there then! Don't forget to help me with my breathing!" Spot said. He is the one who is interested in going up there the most.

"At least just go until that layer. I'll cast a magic that allow you to breathe without having me maintained it at all time later. It should be enough for one hour at least," I said as I sat on top of Spot's back. He's not in his original big form, and just the smaller version. But still enough for me to ride on his back.

Spot flew to the sky with an obvious joyous expression that telling me about how much he wants to go higher.

Like Andro said, it was still bright when we ascend to the sky. Wait, that sounds like we were dying.

Anyway, it was still the same bright scenery as we were flying to the sky. But as we reached a certain height, the sky above us turned dark, and I can see stars. And because of my air element, I can feel that the air here is thinner. This must be the place that Andro went to in the past.

"Oh! The view is amazing! It's dark up there, but below is so bright! It's blue and green! And there's a bit of brown down there!" Spot said.

"The blue one must be the sea. The green is the land. And that bit of brown is—"

"That's our friend Andro. From up here, he seems small," I said before Victoria finishes her sentences.

As Spot said, the view from here is beautiful. Now, I really wish I could go further even though I was scared shitless just before. Though I will test it later if I could survive or not. But for now, let's enjoy the view.

"…wait, we're not here to enjoy the view! I'll try cultivating now and if my progress rate is much faster than usual, I will be cultivating here," I said.

"What about going further? Aren't you curious?" Victoria asked.

"I am curious. But I need to focus on getting stronger and defeating the cult. Spot, once one hour has passed, go down. We'll go up again some other time," I said.

"…hey, Roy. Once you're done today, bring me back to human world. I want to see if the highest peak of the world can reach this place. I have never been to the top of the highest mountain before," Spot said.

"You like it that much being here, huh?"

"Yeah. But in our world, if we tell Sara or other air mages about such place if it exists, I can go there anytime with them around. I don't have to be with you at all time," Spot said.

"…are we breaking up?"

"What's that supposed to mean? Anyway, I just love the view here and would like to go here anytime I want. Even without your help. That's why I want to find such place," Spot said.

"But I will need to test it first. If the progress rate is not different than cultivating down there, I don't think there's a need to go looking for the highest peak," I replied.

"Then I hope your progress rate will increase."

I hope that's the case as well.

Now, with Spot just flying at the same height without ascending or descending, I started cultivating on top of his head. From now on, I won't be able to use air magic to help Spot breathing. That's why I told him to go down after one hour.

One hour later, I opened my eyes as Spot is descending to the ground.

"So, how is it?" Spot asked.

"…I have made more progress than I did down there."

"That's great! Now, bring me back to humans world!"

I guess we really end up separated from now on.

Well, at least I have made a new friend. A Kaiser Dragon. I'll ask him to go up so I can cultivate next time.

With the wind mage on his back, and me on his head, Alejandro is the perfect friend for cultivating our magic. At least only the wind and air mages. And since it's dark above, maybe light mages as well.

In any case, this is a great discovery.. I will tell Sara later about it.

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