The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 447: One Month To Learn To Be Human

"What should we do with them?" I asked the others on what to do with the bandits we captured.

"You gave the mission to the vampires, but you don't know how to deal with them?" Shirley asked.

"That's right. And there's no mission about bandit extermination in the guild as well, so we can't get a reward. Not to mention, these vampires are not hunters yet," I said.

"Sigh… for now, since you have put the collars on them, you can transport them to an empty island or isolated location somewhere. Just do it fast before the vampires started their feast," Shirley suggested.

When I looked at the vampires, some of them have started drooling. Is the taste too delicious for them to hold back?

I quickly opened a portal to an empty island, and get Angela to build prison cells there. I'll check on them tomorrow. I also need to report Albert about it.

"So, how does human blood taste?"

Just in case, I asked the vampires.

"It's the most delicious blood I ever drink!"

"Can't we go to war quickly? We should be able to drink more blood in the war, right?"

…they're addicted to it. I hope they can endure it. but we will need to think of a way to get them to drink blood regularly.

"Also, some human tastes different. The weaker ones are delicious, but their leader was the most delicious," Arin said.

"So, the higher their magic level is, the more delicious their blood taste?" I asked.

"I think that's the case. And the more we drank their blood, the higher chance we can evolve into higher rank. Living in this world might not be a bad idea at all," Arin said.

"You do know that if you drink more than you should, and even started attacking humans, especially innocent humans, I will have to kill you, right?" I put some pressure in my words to make them understand the situation they're in.

Feeling my pressure, the drooling vampires wipe their drool and started paying attention to me seriously. For now, they can be trusted. But it's just the first night. They still have a month to prove themselves.

"And don't try to escape. Or I will release the werewolves to search for you," I said.

"I understand. We will try our best to only drink when we are allowed to," Arin said. And as the representative of the vampires, the other vampires also nodded in agreement. Including the vampires who used to be part of the Vampire King's army.

Have they started to get along? That's nice.

"Don't worry. As Albert said, as long as you prove yourself to us that you can be trusted, you can have more freedom. Maybe he will let you be the guards for a city. Being a guard means you have the authority to a certain extent to protect the city in various way. For example, like killing a criminal who fight back. But I will ask you to at least not drink their blood in public. Well, that's just an example. If you want to live another way, there's other options than just being a guard," I said.

Hearing that they might have the chance to drink blood however they want, their motivation is rising. Are they this easy?

"That's why for this one month, you will learn a lot of things from us. If you have any question, you can ask us. Maybe that way, you can find other job that is more suited," I said.

"We will try our best to live up to your expectation. Now, what do we do? Do we have more mission?" Arin asked.

…they ended up becoming too motivated. They can't wait to get another mission.

"It's the most important mission. Pretending to be humans. Night time is the time where most criminals like bandits and the like to come out. It's where trouble appears more often. Because it's the time for most humans to rest and sleep. That's why you will try to rest at night as well. It's not like we will give you mission all the time. Tomorrow, you will explore the city in small groups. Watch what other people is doing, try eating what they eat, drink what they drink, and learn what they do. I will have some other business to attend, so you can ask other people to guide you around the city," I said.

For Shelia and Graham, blending in is simple. Because they are my familiars, and they can't disobey me if I ordered them to. I just need to give them an order, and they will follow it obediently.

But these vampires, only one of them is a familiar. And the rest are actually wild and dangerous vampires. Telling them to do something doesn't mean they will obey.

Since they will be our important allies against the cult, Alberts want to train them to obey orders. Not just from him, but also other people as well.

The vampires then returned home. I guess they already memorized the route to take. Veronica and Wendy then followed them. Leaving me, Angela, and Shirley behind.

"Why aren't you leaving?" I asked.

"What will you do tomorrow?" Shirley asked.

"I need to go to the hospital to do some experiments. If it works, the vampires won't need to attack humans," I said.

Victoria told me last night, after meeting the Vampire Queen with Albert and the others, about blood bag.

She has told me in the past about blood type. And the hospital is helping me researching about it. This way, if there's a patient who loses a lot of blood, they can use blood transfusion to regain the blood they lost.

It's still in the middle of experiment since we don't know how many blood types out there.

If it's successful, we can just donate our blood, and get the vampires work their asses to buy some blood instead of hunting people. But if the blood of those with higher magic level is more delicious, it might be difficult if those who donated their blood are people with low level. The vampires will start looking for higher level mages on their own.

Well, I will see the experiment tomorrow.

I guess that's what Shirley is curious about as she returns back to the base soon after. Does everyone forgot that I can use portal to get home sooner?

Maybe they just like flying more.

"What about you?"

This time, I asked Angela who hasn't left yet.

"When will we fight?" Angela asked.

"…Aaah, right. We need to see your full strength at one point. Have you tested it yet?"

"I have tested it on monsters. But being in a real fight will help me more than trying it on weak monsters," Angela replied.

"How about on stronger monsters?"

"I tried sparring with Shelia, but the gap now is too big. The only one left I can think of is you or Spot. But I think I can learn more from fighting you."

She had a spar with Shelia? Was it during the meeting with the Vampire Queen? Probably.

Back then, after I returned, I see Shelia looked down. And she seemed exhausted. So, that's because she's sparring with Angela?

It's amazing how powerful she has become. I hope Angela can reach master level in the future.

"It's best to test it sooner, but I have vampires to take care of. Scheduling it for next month will be too long as well. How about next week? By that time, the vampires should have gotten used to this world and we don't need to watch them all the time anymore," I said.

"Next week then. Let's do that."

After confirming the date, she flies away. In the end, they have forgotten about my portal even though I just used it to transfer the bandits to an empty island. Well, that mean I don't need to waste my mana.

Now, should I go report it to Albert?

Nah, I'll do that tomorrow. Albert and Marie both also curious about blood transfusion. For tonight, I'll just tell Dean that they are coming.

I just said to the vampires that humans are mostly sleeping at this time, so it's obvious that Dean is sleeping as well. But it should be fine to wake him up, right? After all, the king and the queen are coming here. It's an important information.

I opened a portal to the Blobby that Dean has, and entered a bedroom which I assume to be his. Since he is not married, he sleeps alone. It would be awkward if I entered his room to see him and his wife.

When I woke him up, he was quite angry for being awoken in the middle of the night. But after I told him my purpose in coming here, he's wide awake.

"Shit! I need to inform the hospital quickly! And all other researchers should be at their home right now! Why did you have to inform me now and not earlier!?"

Before I could answer, he run out of the house. Again, another person who forgot I can use portal. If he told me that I can be the one relaying the message to the other doctors right away, I can do it since this is important. But I guess he won't need me.

At least I can go to bed early today.

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