The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 454: The Waiting Game

As soon as I got out of the igloo, Angela trapped me again. This time, I'm inside an earth dome. And it's also hot in here.

"Sigh… does she really think that she can beat me if I'm trapped inside?" I said to myself.

"Roy, don't be overconfident. It's hot in here, so she's going to deplete your energy. What will you do now? If you go out again, you will be attacked again," Victoria asked.

"For now, nothing," I said.


"Although we spare a lot in the past, and she gained a lot of experiences fighting various people, there's one type of enemy that she has never experienced fighting against. Someone who won't do anything. I'm being trapped? That's right. I can escape anytime I want, but I will stay here for now. She has experienced fighting against Kayla who is smart. And she's trying to win against me by using traps. She needs to know that I can provoke her just by doing nothing. Sonia, I know you're here. Don't tell Angela about what I just said. She needs to understand it herself," I said to an empty spot. I know that Sonia is there, but she didn't reply.

Angela has become much stronger. But she needs to know that there are many kinds of opponents that she will fight. And I will provoke her by not doing anything.

She's wasting her mana on depleting my energy, but did she forget I can use portal? Maybe that's what she's waiting for. She might have realized that the Blobbybullets that I shot before are still there for me to transfer to with my portal. But I won't do anything for now.

The other watching can also learn a thing or two from not doing anything. It's good since I can rest as well.

Inside the Earth Dome, I transformed Victoria into a bed and a blanket. Angela won't know that I'm using this chance to rest. She should have used brute force even more instead of letting me rest. As for the heat, I can survive the heat in a volcano. This much is no problem.

I guess this is something she needs to improve on. Any heat coming out of her magic outside fire magic, won't be as hot as when she's using fire magic. She will only waste her own mana doing this.

I don't care if the others who are watching are angry at me for not doing anything. It's their own fault if they think that the battle will be intense the whole time.

We have two cameras. One is on me, and the other is on Angela. As for those who are watching, they put two TVs side by side. One will broadcast it from my point of view, and the other will be from Angela's point of view.

It must be weird for them to see one screen is dark, while the other only shows a picture of this Earth Dome I'm in without moving. I know because I can see Angela is looking here.

Do I really just need to rest and not do anything? That's right.

I can also do the same thing like before. During our first exchange.

I can wait until she's relaxed and attacked her out of nowhere. This time, she really won't expect it since she can't see me inside the dome.

Maybe she's waiting for me to use portal? She can sense magic after all.

But that's not my problem. I can rest here with my Aura. Though I won't use it all the time since I need to save some energy.

I mostly depend on Victoria. But a blanket in this heat? At least there's a bed.

I can also use portal to grab some water to drink, but if Angela noticed that I used magic without escaping from this place, she will know what I'm doing.

So, I just do nothing. Nothing until she started realizing something is wrong.

I'm a patient man. In fact, it's my dream to not do anything in a peaceful world. Not doing anything in this place is something easy for me to do, so that's exactly what I'm doing.

As I keep waiting, suddenly something is changed. The heat is gone. It's back to the normal temperature again.

I guess Angela has realized what I'm doing as she doesn't want to waste anymore mana. But fifteen minutes is quite long for her to realize it, right? I should be proud about it.

But I'm still trapped in this Earth Dome. Though she doesn't need to use her magic anymore to maintain this dome.

I can see her sweating. She must be stressed from not seeing my reaction at all for fifteen minutes, and keep being wary at all times. That will only tire herself out.

I guess it's about time for me to go out. And I do it in a similar way like our first exchange.

I stand in my stance, preparing to thrust at her. But I only have my right hand on the spear, as my left is changed into a huge shield.

The purpose of the shield is for me to break through the dome and charge at her. Even though she stepped back and get more distance than before, as long as I caught her unprepared, she will still get some damage.

It's waiting game for both of us. But since she can't see me, I'm at advantage. Still, the two of us have a lot of pressure just by waiting.

Angela is sweating a lot more, but I don't care. Though my mind will be distracted easily if it takes too long.

Let's use calming gas for a bit.

And as soon as I used it on myself, Angela jolted. She reacted just from that little bit of magic.

Come on, Angela. I know that this shouldn't be how you fight. But doing something like this won't do you any good. Just use your magic instead of waiting. You're much better in brute force than strategizing.

Maybe she realized that a long battle is disadvantageous for her, she changed her fight. She made the Earth Dome shrink to capture me.

Now that she used magic on the earth, I don't think I can destroy it easily. But I still charged forward anyway.

With a huge shield to charge through the dome, I destroyed the wall.

I also changed the grip on my spear into a back hand. It's to throw Reizpear at her.

That's right. Although I can thrust my spear and the attack can get farther with my Aura and will, there's a simpler way to attack from distance. By throwing the spear.

As soon as I see her in an unobstructed view, I threw the spear away like a javelin. Reizpear flew forward in a low altitude, but the power is enough to reach Angela before it hits the ground.

Angela never expected me to throw my weapon away. And as it was infused with my Aura, it has power to break through the barriers she hastily puts.

But on the last second, she used Ice Armor to stop the spear. Only the tip of Reizpear reached her arm, and only grazed the skin. She bleeds, but it's not something that she will have a trouble over.

Another thing she didn't expect is that right after I threw Reizpear, I transformed Victoria into a whip and threw it. The whip follows the path of the spear, so it won't be stopped by the barriers she puts.

The whip reached her, and I had Victoria to wrap it around waist before pulling Angela to me.

"Endure it," I said to Angela, as I throw a fist at her gut.

My punch was strong enough to break three of her ribs, but this is not a punch to finish the fight. Just a punch for a warning.

As she falls in the ground in pain while holding her stomach, I shouted at her.

"What the hell is wrong with you!? Trapping me? That's not how you fight! Just because you got stronger, you think you can fight smarter? Use brute force! That's what you're good at! Don't think too much and fight however you like!"

This is something that I keep in my mind for a while since the fight started. Although I used calming gas before, it's something that won't get off of my mind.

Why would she do something that is so unlike her? Keeping her distance was fine, but trapping me? Did she think she get smarter after breaking through?

Probably after breaking through, she has sparred with several other people. Those I know are just Shelia and Candy. And because she keeps winning, she became overconfident and tried to use the same thing that she did on them to me.

That's a big mistake.

If I'm just another mage, that might be the correct answer. But I'm an Aura user.

"If you still fight like this, I'll finish you right now! What's your answer!?"

She slowly stands up while holding the place I punched her, and looked at me.

"…sorry. Seems like I'm not myself. I'll fight you for real from now on," Angela said.

"Good. Come!"

This is where the real fight begins. I need to keep Angela in her place. To make her not being overconfident anymore, I have to defeat her.. I will no longer think of this as a normal spar anymore.

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