The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 474: Fighting Multiple Goos

In a big room inside the dungeon, we encounter ten goos at once. I guess we should take care of them real fast.

"Ten of them at once! Mages! Attack!" I gave the order.

It's not the first goo we encountered after meeting up with the others. Before we reached this room, there were some goos. But only one at a time would appear. And now, there are ten of them right away.

And our plan is simple. Since we have experienced fighting them already, we don't need to think too much.

At first, the mages will attack first. Candy, Wendy, and Angela. As for Sara and Celestine, seems like their earth magic is useless against them. So, only three of us attacked.

After that, once the goo turned into a human, the rest of us stabbed the heart of the enemies. I and Graham can use our spear, Shelia can slash them with her claws, Celestine and Sara can use Ground Spike to pierce their heart. Or Sara can just use her gun to shoot at them.

Some are too strong that we need to attack them several times until we can pierce their heart. But with all of us working together, it wasn't hard.

And now, fighting ten goos at once, Candy, Angela, and Wendy attacked at the same time. Candy use her fire magic, and Wendy used her wind magic to spread the fire. As for Angela, she can do both actions at once.

Even more, Angela still used the strength of advanced level mage. Not her real strength. She's much too strong now. I think she will ask me to spar with her seriously in the future. And the chance of me winning is so slim.

Among all of us, she's the one with the highest chance to reach master level. If she asked me to fight her in the future once she reached that level, I won't be able to do anything against her. I will lose without knowing the reason why.

Though if I could still get much stronger than I am now, I can still win. But it's nearly impossible to see how much growth I have. I can only do so in a real fight. That's why for me, experience is important.

Though once the cult is destroyed, I don't want to have anything to do with training or getting stronger anymore. But if Angela still want to fight, I guess I need to make sure that I am still fit a while after the cult is destroyed. She deserves it. But if she doesn't want to, that will be the best.

Back to the fight. Because of the huge fire inside the room, the air is burned. But it's not a problem for us since Sara used air magic on all of us.

"Is it over now?" Candy asked.

"Not yet. Burn them a little longer. They haven't transformed yet," I said.

With my Divine Vision, I can tell that not all of the goos have transformed into humans. Just some of them.

"Graham! Shelia! Sara! I will point where the goos that have transformed into humans. You will kill them. The first three are the one on the right, third from the right, and second from the left," I gave the direction to where the humans with two hearts are.

"Can we kill them instead of attacking just one heart?" Shelia asked.

"That's fine. I think we have grabbed quite a lot of them from before. Capturing them is optional, but we have spent too much time in the dungeon, so whatever is the fastest for you," I said.

"Good! Now, die!"

The three of them aimed their attacks to the direction I pointed.

Sara with her gun. I don't need to worry about her aim since she's a better marksman than me. As for Shelia, her slash attack affected a wide area. And she can attack continuously. Graham used light magic to attack from afar. Her power is weaker than Shelia, and his aim is worse than Sara. He also can't use his attack continuously like Sara. So, before he could kill his target, Shelia killed it after killing her target.

"Hah! I'm still the better familiar than you!" Shelia proudly said to Graham.

"…That's fine. I'm not going to compete with you. The sooner we destroy the cult, the sooner I can be free. I have that goal in mind," Graham said.

I guess the reason he participated willingly in this mission is because of that purpose. He's right. Once I have destroyed the cult, I won't have any other purpose to call for them. Maybe I will go to Monsters World occasionally, but I don't need to call them unless it's for something important.

It seems like as long as what we're doing is related to the cult, I can use him well. That's makes it easier for me to ask him to do something.

"Next one is—"

"Wait, I'll do it myself."

I was about to continue pointing at where the next goo that transformed into a human is, but Angela stopped me. She wanted to take care of them herself.

Since we don't need to grab all of them for research, we can just kill them.


"It's fine. I don't see anyone there with the heart of a child. Angela, you're free to do what you want."

I know what Celestine is worried about. And this time, there really is no one among them who has the heart of a child. Killing a child is taboo for Celestine. And probably all of us as well. That's why I told her what I see with my eyes.

Hearing my reply, Celestine sighed in relief. And Angela smiled happily knowing that she can do whatever she wants.

And she did. She burned all of the goos until there's nothing else remaining. Even after transforming, they were quickly got burned to ashes.

"…I guess for the next goo we fight, we can leave them to her," Sara said.

"…Did you really teach her something at school?" Candy asked Wendy.

"…I might have given her some guidance, but most of it was her own doings. I'd like to say that she's the student I'm proud of, but I didn't teach her much, so I can't really say it. Still, I'm glad she's on my side," Wendy said.

We have experimented on the goos on the way here. Once they transformed into a human with two hearts, I tried to talk some senses to them. But no matter what we said, they never reacted.

But once we destroyed one of the hearts, and talked to them, they reacted slightly. Which mean we can only get something from them once we destroyed one of their hearts. So, we have to pick one who dies among the two in that one body.

Before we came here, we encountered some. And I always told them to never aim their attack toward the smaller heart of the two. And they transformed again before I transported them.

As for the rest of the research, I can leave it to the doctors in Varadis and Russell. They are the best doctors in the continent. At least other than me and some doctors in Cassau. Though I also get some doctors from Cassau to go to Varadis to help with their research.

We finished everything so quickly thanks to Angela. And the next goo we encounter, Angela defeated them all.

"It's fine. I didn't waste as many mana as I expected. Using advanced level to improve my magic is a good idea of training."

Seems like she got better in just a few hours we're in this dungeon. Just what the hell is with that growth rate!?

"Wait! Let's stop here and get some rest. My vision is clearer now. Up there, the mana is not as much as it is here and my vision is clearer. There seems to be many things renovated by human hands, but there aren't humans at all there. Let's rest here for a while."

Seeing that the vision is clearer now, the exit should be closer. We will soon reach the exit and find the Professor. Maybe. We don't know if the Professor as still waiting for us or not.

"Are you going to call the others now?" Candy asked.

"Not now. Once we get closer, I will call for them. Sonia, tell the others that I will call them soon," I said to Sonia after I summoned her here.

Sonia has been so busy today. Not only she's watching at Consenza with Spot, she also keeps relaying messages everywhere. If only we could find a similar ghost to Sonia to help us…

"It's fine. I have been staying still in that house for a thousand years. Doing so many things in one day makes me feel better instead," Sonia replied after I asked her about my concern.

"That's good. We'll start moving after resting for thirty minutes. Tell them that they can relax during that time," I said.

If they are too tense before we call them, they will just get tired instead once we call them. Sometimes, waiting is more tiring than fighting. It wears you off mentally.

Once we're rested enough, it's time to move again.

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