Lucky 21


Calix was panting, he couldn't believe that was happening. He sat on the chair after finishing, his knees got tired but it was obvious that he wanted more.

"Say… You're not going to end it with just one night right? Fufu, this is my revenge for what you did to me this last week."

Scarlett licked her lips seductively. Now, she was in control. 



Three days passed and the thing that Calix was afraid to happen did happen. His power(Luck) stopped and his unlucky life welcomed him with a warm slap again. His Luck Term Attribute stopped working when he woke up after he conquered the Claw Machines in the Game Center. 

He only realized if when he left his dorm, the girls stopped looking at him. In fact, no one even gazed at him treating him like air. That's when Calix understood that his Luck Term Attribute stopped working. 

Just like that, his miserable life returned. In these three days, he experienced humiliation. Such as being locked in a storage room in the gymnasium. Apparently, the P.E teacher forgot about him and locked the room. Calix was the person scheduled to clean the room, he meticulously cleaned the room. He made sure that every equipment was nice and clean.  But when he opened the door, he realized that he was locked. 

At this moment, he knew that he fucked up. 

He aggressively hit the door, asking for anyone to open the door. It took five hours for someone to notice him. Calix was sweating hard and dehydrated when he came out, it was afternoon when he was set free. He spent half of his day in a room with no food and water. He should have fainted but Calix was too healthy and strong for that to happen. This man experienced a lot of misfortunes and his body adapted well to it.  Being locked in a room was actually too weak for him, but still bad luck.

Anyway, let's just summarized that Calix's whole three days were hell. And he overcame this hell, just like always. 



Calix returned to his room with an exhausted face, he had bruises and injuries but they were not fatal. Today was tiring too, he groaned as he laid on the bed with depletion. He was too tired and even eating was hard to do. He rest on his bed without changing his clothes.

"But it is nice to know that Morg didn't change. I thought they will start to hate me again."

He grimly said, his face had grazes because he fought before he reached the dorm. 

Another group of thugs tried to beat him and Calix didn't have a choice but to face them. Fortunately, Morg and his friends saw him and helped him fighting the thugs. The battle ended with them winning, Calix and the others shouted their victory. They won the battle and the enemies ran with their tattered bodies. 

But Calix and the others didn't leave unscathed, they had bruises all over their bodies. Still, they were happy about it. Morg tried to ask Calix if he wanted to celebrate but Calix didn't accept his offer. He knew that his backlash would affect them if he stayed with them any longer. 

'Even the injuries they have, it's because of me. If they didn't help me, they will never have injuries.'

He wanted to stay and celebrate but he knew the graveness of his backlash. Morg didn't say anything after that, although there was dissatisfaction in his face. Calix apologized and bowed his head, he promised that he would celebrate with them next time. 

"I'm a disgrace!"

Calix clenched his fists and slammed them into his bed. He was frustrated. Now, perhaps Morg and the others thought that he was inconsiderate leaving them like that. 

"I found friends but this fucking backlash keeps getting on my way!"

He angrily said. In that night, Calix slept with hatred in his chest. This was the first time that he felt so frustrated that he wanted to punch someone. If he knew that his power could only last for three days, then he won't hesitate to ask any woman to have sex. 

"Fuck this!"



"Oh my gosh, Scarlett is so pretty!"

"Of course she is, she's a Goddess!"

The girls were chattering while glancing at Scarlett, they were in the training hall where people with offensive Term Attribute practiced.

"Kyaahh!! Did you see that? She looked at me!"

"Are you stupid? She glanced at me!"

Scarlett moved her gaze around just to find a certain person but she couldn't him. She sighed.

Scarlett returned yesterday, her father actually told her to take some time relaxing but Scarlett decided to return to school. There's someone that she is eager to meet. Within those days where she was in the mansion, Calix's figure always appeared in her mind. 

Whenever that happened, her face would turn red and the maids would ask her if she was okay. They were worried that she was sick because of the color of her face. 

"Kyaahhh! Did you see that? She looked at me again!"

"Huh? Are you stupid? She didn't look at you, she looked at me!"

Her fans started shrieking. They didn't know that Scarlett was not looking at them. She was trying to find Calix.

'I know that he can't control his Term Attribute but maybe he's here…'

She was hoping to find Calix in the crowd. The training ground was always packed with people who wanted to practice and people who were watching. It was good that Scarlett had a spot only for her. 

Her eyes traveled to find Calix, but instead of finding him, what she found was the glaring eyes of a guy. 

'I see, so you didn't run.'

She smirked and returned the glare towards Young Master Chen. Chen was furious but Scarlett just shrugged it off. However, inside her, deep anger was erupting erratically. 

'You want to fight me? Just make sure that you are ready to face this.'

Scarlett's eyes glowed, she aimed her hand at the giant slab of stone. As a Vindicator, as the protector of humanity against the Aberrant, Scarlett (was forced to) decipher how to control her power for the betterment. 

Her fuel to use her FireBall Term Attribute is hatred. Whenever she was angry she could manipulate her element and create a ball of fire. The bigger her hatred is, the bigger the fireball.

And as of now, she was angry, so fucking angry at Young Master Chen. She wanted to roast him alive. If Chen is not the son of Cudgel Tech, Scarlett won't hesitate to kill him. 

The fireball in her hand enlarged until it became a size of a dump truck. The people around her started running as they were afraid. This was the biggest fire they have ever seen. It was like a miniature sun, even the heat was burning them despite being far. 

Scarlett smiled and shot the fireball into the slab of stone. The stone disappeared and a wide crater appeared after. 1/4 of the training ground vanished and the people were dumbfounded. 

Scarlett looked at Young Master Chen. The guy was trembling as his eyes were red like a madman. Scarlett scoffed at his reaction. 

[Scarlett Robinson]

[FireBall Term Attribute]

[Fuel: Hatred, she used hateful memories as her fuel]

[Backlash: Her skin will burn if she doesn't get angry for a week]

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