Lucky 88

Two days ago, Kimberly was still busy with writing her research about how to shrink the battle suit. While she was busy with writing, Calix decided to clean the laboratory. Calix was a meticulous person because he experienced almost dying when he left stuff on the ground. It was traumatic so he became a clean freak.

From then on, he became meticulous and he always cleans his room. 

While cleaning the laboratory, he accidentally touched the pistol. A slight electricity shock him and the pistol trembled.  

[You are worthy.]

"Oh shit!"

"Hm? What happened, Calix, is everything okay?"

"N- no, everything's fine."

Kimberly turned to him. Calix waved his hand and acted that nothing happened. He did not want to disturb her. 

Caliz looked intently at the pistol, his hand was sweating and he felt a unique sensation when he touched the gun. As if the pistol made a connection to him. 

On top of that, Calix believed that he heard something. He started sweating and extended his hand to the gun. 




Timmy spat as he kneeled and stared at his partner who was wriggling as half of his body was missing. 

Sacko coughed blood and looked at Calix, he was indignant, he felt like he made a mistake. His face contorted. A big mistake that he could never fix because he was going to die. He looked down, his lower torso was shot, missing and his intestine was visible. Only blood and small bits of flesh were present in his lower part. 


That was the last word that he said before he died. Sacko lost his strength as blood created a red puddle on the floor. 

Calix glanced at the pistol, his hands were trembling so much. This was the first time that he killed a person. Calix experienced a lot of things in life but killing was different. His father taught him to treat life with importance. He swallowed hard as he stared at the dead body. 

He did not regret it, he knew that something bad would happen to Kimberly if he faltered. Just like what he said, "he would rather die, and he would rather kill than let his loved ones hurt."

Furthermore, he knew that Sacko was a 2nd Advanced. He won't die easily. The only reason why Calix killed him so fast was because Sacko lowered his defense as he believed that the small pistol won't penetrate his skin. In a way, Calix was Lucky. 

He closed his eyes and regulated his palpitating heart. It was a good thing that he learned meditation. He took a deep breath and aimed his gun.

"Mento, activate handgun mode."

[Activating Handgun Mode.]

A soft robotic voice, Mento, echoed inside his head and the pistol slowly transformed into another form. It was a Desert Eagle. He took a deep breath and aimed it at Timmy. 


Timmy screamed as he knew that he would die if he won't do something. He glanced at Kimberly and cast his spell. He still did not forget about the mission. He was getting desperate as he extended his hand. 

"Scented Whip!"

An invisible whip made of his odor caught Kimberly's arm and pulled her. Kimberly yelped as she tumbled around. Timmy grabbed her hair and glared at Calix. 

"Do it! Hehe, pull the trigger but your girlfriend will die! You asshole, you killed my partner!"

He spat, his eyes were bloodshot. He was nervous and mad at the same time. It was fast, it was too fast that he could not think straight. 

Calix clicked his tongue, he should have pulled the trigger to kill him. But then again, perhaps he was afraid to kill another person. His hands were still trembling. In fact, he was not confident if he could aim well. 

He was not like one of those usual protagonists who would not sweat killing a person. Calix was just a normal guy who had unique Luck. He has heart and he has strong sympathy for life. Killing is a crime and Calix strongly believed in crime and punishment. 


Kimberly glared at Timmy but her neck was tightly grasped so she couldn't speak well. Her gaze turned to Calix, she was so relieved to know that Calix was fine. Because of the fast sequences, her brain couldn't keep up but she was thankful that Calix was fine.

She thought Calix would lose his shoulders but it did not happen. She didn't care if it was because of his Luck, possibly. All she thought about was how thankful she was that Calix was in good shape. 

In fact, she did not care if she was hurt. If Calix was fine then everything was okay. Perhaps this is what it means to love. Being grateful that the other person was fine compared to herself. Was it self-sacrificial? 

Anyway, Kimberly was glad that Calix was alive. 

"Let her go."

Calix threatened, his trembling stopped when he found that Kimberly was watching him. He needs to man up, he has to show his courage in front of her. That's what it takes to be a real man. To become strong for the person you love. 

"Hehe, what about it? Are you going to shoot me? Come on, shoot me! But I will make sure that your cute girlfriend will die."

Timmy looked at Kimberly and licked her cheek that had tears. Kimberly grimaced in disgust, she struggled but Timmy grasped her throat tightly, almost choking her. 

"You know, I really want to fuck you. When the first time I saw you, I decided that I will thoroughly break you. God knows how much I want to tear your dress and violate you! Hehahaha!"

The maids started running towards them and even some screamed when they found a huge hole in the mansion. 

"What great timing."

Timmy grinned and slowly backed away, there was an escape route behind him and he could leave this place. His bloodshot eyes glared at Calix. 

"I know that you have a powerful gun, but is it enough? Let's see if you can follow me!"

Timmy jumped out to the mansion, he was carrying Kimberly who kept struggling. Calix pulled the trigger but it was already too late, he only made another hole in the wall. 

"Damn it!"

He looked down and found that Timmy was already on the road, running so fast. As expected to 2nd Advanced TA User.

Calix knew that he could never jump that high even if had Luck on his side. 

However, a suitcase fell on the floor and Calix looked at it. It was a battle suit. 

[Timmy Yow.]

[Odorazor Term Attribute]

[Scented Whip Term Attribute]

[Fuel: He must not clean one part of his body to release a strong odor.]

[Backlash: He will lose his sense of smell if he cleans all parts of his body.]

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