The 35th floor.

Ruishou City.

Because today is the day when the public beta players come to the Milky Way Continent, Li Ang, as the emperor, ordered the soldiers to surround the area around the portal in front of the White Emperor Palace.

The civilians of the empire still live as usual.

Li Ang brought Prime Minister Liu Qufeng, as well as many civil and military officials and soldiers, to count the Dragon Country players who came to the Great Xuan Kingdom.

At this time, somewhere in the crowd, Li Ang, wearing a dragon robe, was chatting with the elder with Liu Qufeng.

"I didn't expect you to rule an empire."

Looking around at the professional soldiers, the elder sighed.

These beta testers are making great progress.

In just one month, they actually took down an empire!

They are really doing well.

"Not bad, not bad."

Li Ang grinned.

Today is a really good day.

It's really cool to be able to show off in front of so many Dragon Country people!

Liu Qufeng laughed beside him, "Since the founding of our Great Xuan, we have had thirteen wise rulers. Under the governance of your majesties, the empire is peaceful and prosperous."

The elder heard this and his eyes flashed with surprise.

Thirteen wise rulers? Didn't they conquer it?

So it seems that the Great Xuan Kingdom is really extraordinary.

Very curious, the elder asked: "Great Xuan Emperor, how did you inherit the throne?"

Although Li Ang looks a little young, the elder will not put on airs.

After all, the civil and military officials of the Great Xuan Kingdom are still here, and they must give them enough face!

This is a matter of etiquette.

"The late emperor passed the throne to me, and I succeeded to the throne." Li Ang replied.

Hearing this answer, the elder frowned.

The late emperor has no blood relationship with you, and it's only been a month, you should not be familiar with each other, how did you suddenly inherit the throne?

In the opinion of the great elder, the thirteen emperors of the Great Xuan Kingdom should be the same as the inheritance model of ancient China.

And because of the extraordinary power, the emperor's reign will only be longer.

There may be accidental deaths in the middle.

But how to say... Each emperor's reign is at least a hundred years, right?

According to this calculation, the Great Xuan has at least a thousand years of history!

Very puzzled, but the great elder did not ask more.

Because there are new people in the Legend Gate.

However, this time, it was not the Dragon Kingdom players who came out, but a group of soldiers who were escorting the inside.

Such a situation made everyone present stunned.

"What's going on?"

As the prime minister, Liu Qufeng immediately walked over and frowned at the soldiers: "Have these ape people committed a crime? Why were they escorted to the imperial capital?"

Being escorted to the imperial capital, it is obvious that something big has happened!

Hearing his words, the great elder beside Li Ang looked strange.

Ape people? This...

Choosing to keep silent, the elder decided to find out the situation first.

"Prime Minister, these guys used the name of Emperor Gaozu to cheat and were caught by Emperor Gaozu, so Emperor Gaozu asked us to escort them to the Heavenly Prison." The captain of the soldiers answered.

"I see."

Liu Qufeng suddenly realized, and then waved his hand: "Imprison them in the Heavenly Prison and wait for Emperor Gaozu to come back and wait for their punishment."

"Yes!" xN

The soldiers got the reply and took these people away.

"Great Xuan Emperor, is your Emperor Gaozu still alive?"

Thinking of the words of the soldiers just now, the elder's expression was a little strange.

Good guy!

No wonder the Great Xuan Kingdom can let Li Ang be the emperor, it turns out that Emperor Gaozu is still alive.

In this way, everything is explained.


Li Ang nodded and smiled: "You also know him, Great Elder. He is the president of our guild, Muchen."

Great Elder: "..."

Feeling his head vibrate, the Great Elder took a deep breath.

Fortunately, he has been managing Dragon Country for many years, otherwise his head would have burned directly!

Emperor Gaozu? Guild President?

The emperor who can be called the ancestor is generally the founding emperor.

And Muchen and others have only been in the Galaxy Continent for a month.

So... in this month, Daxuan has changed thirteen emperors?

The Great Elder was silent. What could he say? He could only say that these kids played too much.


Just then, another figure stepped out of the portal.

When they saw that figure, the civil and military officials and soldiers saluted at the same time.

"Your Majesty the Great Ancestor!" xN

Hearing this title, all the Dragon Country players present cast their eyes.

"His Majesty the Emperor? Hiss... The founding emperor?!"

"Fuck! Isn't this our Human Emperor - Muchen? I saw his photo on the Ascension List!"

"How dare you! Who told you to call him by his name? You should call him His Majesty the Human Emperor!"

"YouStop it, this makes me want to be an emperor for fun."

"Be an emperor? Even a dog wouldn't be an emperor!"

"That's right! Even a dog wouldn't be an emperor! "

A few players are eager to take the throne of the emperor, but most players simply look down on the position of the emperor!

This is normal.

Everyone has been baptized by modern society and can't bear to be an emperor.

You want to say that the emperor dominates life and death, wealth and honor, and has harem beauties and other privileges?

The above may attract a large number of people in Blue Star, but in the Shenqi online game, strength is the only mainstream!

You have a high level and a good profession, but if you don't take the initiative, there will be many female professionals who will pay for you.

And those high-level female professionals also have countless suitors.

So here, strength is the only criterion for measuring a person!

Without paying attention to these players, Mu Chen looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Liu Qufeng, and he walked quickly.

When he came to Liu Qufeng, he stopped and said seriously: "Did you see the people who were escorted here before?"

"People? "

Liu Qufeng was stunned, his mind turned, and then he seemed to think of something, and said in shock: "Your Majesty Gao... Those are not apes, are they humans?"

This is too shocking.

This is the first time he has seen such a human race!

"The wild people who have just evolved, their brains are not as smart as humans, and their strength is not as high as apes, so they are the product of failed evolution." Mu Chen explained.

Hearing this, Liu Qufeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it's not humans.

If the human race is like this, it is estimated that the human race will be laughed to death by the races of the entire Milky Way Continent!

"Notify everyone, the guys who look like before are not allowed to enter the territory of Daxuan Country. "

Mu Chen gave a death order.

This order must be given!

After all, in the real world, these guys are experts at doing bad things.

Now that all the people have entered the Milky Way Continent, there is no guarantee what those guys will do!

Of course, there may be better ones, but they are only a minority.

And according to the official reply of Shenqi Online Games, they are not considered human, so I, the Human Emperor, can't control them. I have to distinguish them quickly, otherwise how will other races view the human race?

And if that day really comes.

The other four Human Emperors will definitely make trouble for me!

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