"Father God~"

The soft and sticky voice of the little girl brought Muchen back to his thoughts, and he looked up.

He saw that Siglian, like the gods such as Aimen, restrained his aura and divinity.


Mu Chen smiled slightly, stepped forward gently, and opened his right hand to cover the little girl's head.

The hair on the top of the little girl's head passed through her fingers and kept swaying, looking very happy.

Xiweier and others were excited when they saw this scene.

The Tree of Life became a god! No one was more excited than the elves!

Without hesitation, Xiweier and others knelt on one knee and saluted Siglian.

"Meet the God of Siglian!"

The title of God can only be possessed by the gods you believe in.

Siglian was a sacred object of the elves before, and now she is the god of the elves, so calling her a God is completely worthy of her identity.

"No need to greet~"

Sigrian looked at them with her big cute eyes and waved her chubby little hands.

A group of high-ranking elves stood up in a hurry.

"Father God, I got some information when I became a god just now. Let's go upstairs and talk."

Sigrian obviously had something to say to Muchen.


Muchen didn't refuse. Anyway, he had already reached the eighth level. Even if he didn't go to the 91st floor now, it wouldn't take long.

A group of people flew towards the palace above.

Soon, everyone arrived at the Queen's Palace.

Xiweier, the Queen of the Elf, glanced at the elders: "Elders, please leave first."

Although I don't know what Xiweier wants to say to Muchen.

But looking at the current situation, it's better to let the elders leave.

Hearing this, the elders saluted at the same time and turned to leave.

Everyone is not stupid.

Know what Xiweier means.

And seeing that Siglian and Muchen were so close, they knew that they were a bit of an eyesore if they stayed here.

So they didn't plan to stay.

Seeing everyone leave, Siglian looked at Muchen.

"Father God, do you know the false god?"


After saying this, Muchen and Xiweier were stunned at the same time.

They looked at each other, and both of them were confused.

After a moment, Muchen shook his head.

"I don't know."

He wouldn't pretend to know something he didn't know.

The answer did not change Siglian's expression. She opened her cherry-like mouth and uttered a babyish voice: "False God is the name of those creatures who have the power and lifespan of gods, but do not have the status of gods."

"Professionals who failed to break through the gods themselves but did not die, have the power of gods."

"Professionals who forcibly inherited everything from gods, but failed to inherit, and did not die, have the power of gods."

"Both of these professionals can be called false gods."

Mu Chen and Xi Weier looked at each other.

They did not expect that there was such a thing as a false god.

But if you think about it carefully, it is very reasonable.

Is it possible that if you have the qualifications to become a god, you can 100% become a god?

It is impossible to think about it!

If gods can be easily achieved, there cannot be only so many gods in the Milky Way Continent.

So the term false god is very reasonable.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Siglian said again: "Although the false gods failed to break through the gods, there is still a way to make them become gods again!"

"What method?" Muchen looked down.

"Evil God!"

Siglian uttered two words.

As soon as the word "Evil God" came out, Muchen and Xiweier were both serious.

They have not forgotten the invasion of the Evil God Continent before!

In the next second, Siglian continued: "Evil Gods are divided into two types."

"The first type is the gods whose authority and priesthood are originally related to [evil] and [darkness]. These gods are just so in power, so they are essentially not much different from gods like me."

"The second type is the gods who are evil in thought! They enslave all the lives under the gods, are cunning and evil, and act without considering the consequences, so they are called evil gods!"

"And the second type of evil gods are basically infected with a special substance outside the universe. It is precisely because of this substance that they have the status of gods!"

This is not difficult to understand.

After hearing this, Muchen and Xiweier immediately understood what the other party meant.

The first kind of evil god only has such power, but it is not necessarily evil.

The second kind of evil god, although their power varies, is a true evil god!

They enslave living beings and pollute the continent!

This kind of evil god is definitely not a good god!

Anyway, Muchen and Xiweier are very disgusted with this kind of gods.

"What is the special matter outside the universe?"

Mu Chen grasped the key point and asked curiously.

Outside the universeSpecial substances.

This special substance can allow those evil gods to obtain the status of gods.

For false gods, it is definitely a treasure!

So Muchen was very curious.

"I don't know."

Sigerian shook her head.

Ah this...

Muchen and Xiweier looked at each other, and didn't expect to get such an answer.

Seeing their expressions, Sigerian explained: "Originally, I should know what this special substance is, but [Lord of the Stars]-Lu Yun once isolated this substance outside the universe, so now, I don't know what these substances are."

Lord of the Stars Lu Yun?

Muchen is very familiar with this name.

After all, the other party is also a supreme priest.

But he didn't expect that the Lord of the Stars actually isolated the special substance from the universe!

A little thought will show that this substance is very harmful to the universe!

Muchen is not sure whether the Lord of the Stars is good or bad.

But from the contact of the three gods of the [Galaxy God System], it is likely to be a good god.

Seeing Muchen thinking, Siglian did not disturb him, but took out a branch emitting white halo and handed it to Xiweier: "This is the seedling of the Tree of Life. As long as you plant it, it can grow into a new Tree of Life in an instant, but if you want the Tree of Life to function normally, you have to wait at least hundreds of years."

"Thank you, Lord God!"

Xiweier took it carefully.

Hundreds of years are not a big deal. Hundreds of years are just a blink of an eye for professionals like them.

"Okay, I have to go to the realm of the gods too."

After the matter was settled, Siglian stared at Muchen reluctantly.

Although she wanted to be with the Father God, she had just become a god and had to go to the realm of the gods.

"Father God, you have to become a god as soon as possible! I don't want to join the pantheon of those ordinary gods."

Siglian let go of his arm and hugged Muchen's thigh with his chubby little hand.

The Trinity God is definitely popular in the realm of the gods.

But she didn't want to join the pantheon of those ordinary gods.

After all, the one in front of her was definitely the strongest leg of the life-type gods!

"Don't worry, if you don't want to stay in the realm of the gods, you can also return to the Milky Way Continent."

Mu Chen smiled slightly and touched the little Loli's head.

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