Shenqi Online Game, Galaxy Continent.

[Welcome to Galaxy Continent]

[Galaxy Continent has a total of 100 floors]

[Currently 90 floors are open]

[As a newcomer, you are now in the first-level safe zone "Biyang Town"]

[Open the floor channel]

[Open the world channel]

Biyang Town is a peaceful and beautiful existence.

It is like a beautiful painting, exuding charming brilliance.

The sun is like golden sand, spreading on the ground, the bright golden light shines in the town, the grass and trees exude the breath of spring, revealing a beautiful color.

In the surrounding shops and dirt roads, pedestrians are smiling and talking.

Some people go to work, some people take a walk, and some people go to wild monsters to level up and get materials.

Look carefully...

You will find many people with animal heads.

These are professionals of other races or civilizations.

In Shenqi Online Game, the Tao body is the most convenient, so most races are seen in the form of Tao body.

At the same time, at the portal of the town square.

Mu Chen and a thousand other players descended collectively.

Seeing them descend, the professionals quickly retracted their gaze.

For professionals who have lived here for many years, they have seen tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people coming to the first floor at one time.

So this scene is not uncommon.

"This is the Galaxy Continent, the air quality is very good~"

Beigong Qianyin took a deep breath, the fresh air and beautiful scenery made her mood suddenly better.


Mu Chen murmured, looking around.

[Name: Iris]

[Race: Elf]

[Profession: Elemental Bartender (Rare)]

[Introduction] A resident of Biyang Town, the first floor of the Galaxy Continent, a newborn of Shenqi Netizen, a bartender of Sisi Tavern, and a lively person.

【(Click to view details)】


【Name: Ike】

【Race: Human】

【Profession: Blacksmith (Ordinary)】

【Introduction】A resident of Biyang Town on the first floor of the Galaxy Continent, the silly son of a blacksmith, and a kind person.

【(Click to view details)】


After looking around, Muchen turned off his skills.

It doesn't mean that Blue Star is the only civilization in the universe that is human.

Strictly speaking, their Blue Star civilization is a relatively backward civilization, because Blue Star is not even a first-level civilization!

So it is normal for the human race of other civilizations to appear.

Here, there is no fighting between civilizations. The Dark Forest Law is obviously not applicable to the laws here. If you have to say... it is more suitable for races to stick together.

Of course, it doesn't mean that there will be battles between races.

Except for extreme races, most races are relatively friendly.

"Everyone, move freely."

Muchen said to the people behind him, and led Beigong Qianyin to the tavern opposite.

The rest of the people heard the words and scattered together.

Although there is only one safe zone in the first layer of the Galaxy Continent, it does not mean that there are no players in other places.

There are countless wild areas, and many wealthy and powerful professionals choose to buy land in the wild.

What a pity.

Now Muchen has very little money, so there is no need to think about buying land.

He took Beigong Qianyin into the tavern and saw many people bragging, chatting, eating and drinking here.


Mu Chen saw a table of strange guests.

There were three people at this table.

They were the cat-eared girl, the minotaur and the tiger-headed man.

It seemed that the cat-eared girl and the tiger-headed man behaved very intimately, like a couple, but in Muchen's sight, the cat-eared girl and the minotaur were always exchanging eyes.

This situation made him understand that the tiger-headed man was bullied!

With a shudder on his body, Muchen took Beigong Qianyin to find a seat and sat down.

He swore that he would never communicate with the minotaur in the future.

Because he didn't want to be bullied!

"Sir, this is our menu."

A cute fox-eared girl came over with a bottle of juice, put it on the table, and handed Muchen a menu, making a soft and sticky sound.

"Thank you."

Mu Chen thanked him, took the menu, and looked at it.

Although the tavern mainly sells alcohol, it also has food.

After all, professionals who are busy all day are in urgent need of energy intake.

"Two servings of fried meat and golden fried rice, and two bottles of ice spring wine."

The food that Muchen ordered was all ingredients he had never seen in Zone 0, so he wanted to taste it.

"Okay, sir~"

The fox-eared girl took back the menu and turned to leave.

Seeing her leave, Beigong Qianyin said, "Brother, it seems that life in the world of divine revelation is also pretty good."


Mu Chen nodded.

The world of divine revelation is an absolutely fair world!

Here, as long as you don'tIf you are lazy, you will never starve to death! As long as you work hard enough, you can become a real big shot!

Although there is a gap in professional level.

But once the opportunity comes, these can be made up.

In the real world, those who can do nothing and only know how to exploit employees can't survive here.

After all, if your subordinates are more capable than you, you are nothing!

So if you want to control your subordinates, there is nothing else except absolute strength.

"But there are so many life professionals here. I thought there were many combat professionals in the Shenqi online game." Beigong Qianyin said again.

In her previous impression, there were very few life professionals in Zone 0, so naturally she felt that combat professionals were everywhere.

Unexpectedly, when she entered the Galaxy Continent, she saw that there were obviously very few combat professionals here!

Muchen nodded, he thought so too.

Stretching lazily, he smiled and said, "I wonder what the people of Blue Star will think in an hour. I'm really looking forward to it."

"Brother~ Sister Qingling said that we will go to the 35th floor in a while. She wants to celebrate our arrival in the Milky Way Continent."

Beigong Qianyin saw Qingling's speech in the guild channel and reminded him.

Qingling obviously knew that today was the day for everyone to enter the Milky Way Continent.

After all, her guild companions were here, and she couldn't have been unaware of it.

"Okay, I'll go there in a while. I'll give myself a day off today."

Mu Chen nodded.

Just then, the fox-eared girl came over with two glasses of wine.

"Sir, Miss, your wine."

"Thank you."

Mu Chen took it and put it on the table.

Seeing this, Beigong Qianyin stretched out her little hand to take it, but was grabbed by Mu Chen.

"Children can't drink."

Mu Chen smiled and looked down at the other party.

Little Loli still wants to drink? Absolutely not! You are not even an adult!

"But I want to drink~"

Beigong Qianyin said reluctantly.

"Drink juice." Muchen pointed at the juice that the waiter put on the table.

This juice is available on every table, free of charge.

The little Loli was unhappy with her pouting mouth, and muttered: "Okay."

She didn't want to be naughty.

The main reason for her unhappiness was that her brother thought she was still a child.

She could have grown up!

She knew what she should learn, and she also knew what she shouldn't learn.

But her brother just treated her like a child.

So distressed~

Muchen smiled slightly when he saw this, and then took the wine and drank it.

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