Black Wolf sighed as he looked at the tavern named "Lovely Maid".

She came here because she added the players of the All Beings Guild as friends.

As for why she added friends?

It was mainly because of the three fans who had died before.

Although they were a bit stupid, they were killed because of her, so she wanted to meet the players of the All Beings Guild, inform them of the matter, and compensate them.

I just don't know if the three of them have relatives.

Give them all the savings on her.

The car will be returned to their relatives at that time, after all, it is not hers.

"I should not have bought the equipment if I had known."

Black Wolf complained.

She didn't have much money on her now, and she didn't know if it was enough.

Taking a deep breath, Black Wolf stepped out her white legs and entered the tavern.

As soon as she came in, she saw many professionals drinking and chatting.

"There are quite a lot of people."

Muttering, she looked around the hall, and finally found a player in a white coat in the corner.

The other party was wearing a mask, but judging from his body shape, he should be a young man.

Seeing the nickname prefixed with [All Beings] above his head, Heilang walked over.

Soon, she walked over to sit opposite the player.

"Are you from the All Beings Guild?" Heilang asked calmly.


The young man nodded and smiled: "Hello, Yaya, my name is Zhao Ming."


Heilang nodded, and then said strangely: "I remember my stage name and nickname are both Heilang, why do you all call me Yaya?"

Heilang was very confused.

Not only the man named Zhao Ming in front of him, but also the three fans who died before, called themselves "Yaya".

"Don't you think Yaya sounds good?"

Zhao Ming smiled slightly.

Just kidding!

She looks so much like Yaya, so she must be called Yaya!


Heilang didn't hesitate too much, and then his face straightened and he got to the point: "I came here this time to ask you about Gu Chuan and the other two, and to give you some compensation."

"What the hell?"

Zhao Ming was a little confused.

That's right!

He hasn't reacted yet.

Although Xiao Cheng and the other two had told him about Yaya before, in his mind, what is compensation?

Everyone can't die, what's the use of this thing?

At the moment, Heilang told the story of Gu Chuan and the other two again.

After hearing these words, Zhao Ming's expression gradually became strange, and he calmly opened the guild channel and sent a message.

[Guild Chat Channel]

[Zhao Ming: @Guchuan@Xiao Cheng@Li Ang. Three cadres, where did you go? Yaya contacted me and said she would give us compensation. If I told her directly that she was resurrected, she probably wouldn't believe it, so I planned to take her to your place. ]

[Gu Chuan: Ya Ya? ]

[Xiao Cheng: We are in a psychological counseling clinic on Ailan Street in Qiming City. ]

[Li Ang: Some trauma, need a psychologist. ]

After seeing what the three of them said, not only Zhao Ming, but also other male members in the guild fell silent.

Because now everyone knows that these three cadres were kicked out by someone!

So pitiful~

With a joke in his heart, Zhao Ming looked up at Ya Ya: "Come with me, I'll take you to a place."


Heilang nodded.

Then, the two got up together and left the tavern.

As soon as he came outside, Zhao Ming saw the motorcycle parked by Heilang here, and then he was stunned.

"This... Heavy-duty bunny?"

A question mark appeared on Zhao Ming's head.

She looks like Ya Ya, and she also drives the same heavy-duty bunny.

It's confirmed!

You are the legendary "Lychee Herrscher"!

He didn't know about Bai Yu's previous gift to the heavy-duty bunny, after all, Bai Yu didn't directly say the nickname of the equipment.

So he thought it was Yaya's own equipment.


Nodding, Heilang stepped forward and climbed into the car.

"Sit behind me, you point the way." He turned his head and looked at Zhao Ming.

"Forget it."

Zhao Ming shook his head: "It's just right for me to try my new shoes."

After saying that, he put two rings from his backpack.


Heilang was a little confused when he saw the rings.

What kind of shoes are these? Can the rings still be worn?

As if seeing her confusion, Zhao Ming smiled slightly, and then put the ring on the ground.



The ring stood upright, emitting flames, and was suspended one centimeter above the ground!

Zhao Ming stepped on it calmly, as if he was stepping on the air.

Looking at the two flaming circles under his feet, he showed his neat white teeth: "White La A Feather CardHot Wheels, you deserve it!"

Black Wolf: "..."

The red lips twitched slightly, and Black Wolf didn't know what to say.

Why does this guy named Bai La A Yu always make some weird things?


Is this thing called "Hot Wheels" really a shoe?

"Let's go."

Twist the throttle, the engine roars, and the motorcycle starts.

Zhao Ming took the opportunity to pose handsomely, took out a long gun from his backpack, and followed Black Wolf.

The two walked on the street, attracting many people's attention.

But most of them were looking at Zhao Ming.

After all, they really had never seen what was under his feet.

After walking for about 500 meters, a voice sounded beside the road.


Black Wolf and Zhao Ming stopped at the same time and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a white-haired young man in law enforcement uniform, walking to the two with a serious face, then looking at them, and finally his eyes fell on Black Wolf.

"Where is your helmet? "

The white-haired young man asked with a serious face, staring at Heilang, trying to give her a sense of oppression.


Heilang was stunned, "Do you still need this thing?"

Future City doesn't need to wear a helmet, okay? What's wrong with Qiming City?

"What did you say?"

The white-haired young man widened his eyes. He had never seen such a rampant person!

Without the slightest hesitation, the young man's face condensed, and he took out a large sword emitting flames, and said righteously: "Take out your driver's license! Your driver's license has been revoked! "

Black Wolf:..."

Zhao Ming, who watched the whole process next to him, looked strange.

Driving license revoked?

Hiss~ Why does it look so familiar?

Zhao Ming glanced at the name above the NPC's head.

[Law Enforcement NPC: Kevin-Traffic Police]

Zhao Ming:..."

I was wondering why it looked so familiar, it turned out to be you, Kevin the Ancestor!

Looking at Black Wolf, she heard what Kevin the traffic police said, and she felt like she was going to lose something important, and hurriedly said: "Driving license revoked for not wearing a helmet? There is no such rule in Future City!"


Kevin the traffic police said proudly: "This is Qiming City! It must be revoked! Don't talk nonsense to me!"

His words made Black Wolf angry.

Stretching out his little hand, Black Wolf pointed at Zhao Ming next to him and said angrily: "What about him? He didn't wear a helmet either!"

Kevin the Ancestor glanced at Zhao Ming and curled his lips.

"Do you think I'm a fool? What he's wearing is just a pair of boots, not a means of transportation, why should I bother him?"

Black Wolf: "(゚д゚)"

Zhao Ming: "( ̄□ ̄)"

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