Everyone exclaimed.

On the other side of the street.

A young man in gorgeous clothes, with a cold current rising from his feet, immediately dragged himself up, flew into the air, and attacked Muchen on the opposite side!


The cold current spread, instantly freezing the big trees on the roadside!

The passers-by who were still shocked panicked!

"Ah! Help!!"

"Run! Run! This is my countryman!"

"Fuck! Don't push me!"


The vehicles also stopped, and the pedestrians panicked and turned to run away!

The air also began to change suddenly under the influence of the cold!

"Cold current!"

Xue Qianfeng roared and released his skills again!

Hua La La~!

The ice crystal attacked from mid-air and attacked Muchen's face directly!

Ice and snow filled the air.

Jiang Rou's face was horrified and she widened her eyes.

I'm going to die! !

A voice in her heart subconsciously told her to run, but she couldn't move at all!

However, the next second, Muchen beside him took a step forward.


One after another, fireballs emerged behind him and shot towards the cold current.


Boom! !


The collision of ice and fire, white mist emerged in the explosion and spread everywhere!

In just two seconds, the cold current was resolved by Muchen.

But he didn't stand there stupidly, but kicked the ground with his right foot, like an arrow, and rushed out!

At this time!

A person with golden light on his body blocked Muchen.

This person was Gu Chuan!

Seeing the person coming, Muchen punched out.

Gu Chuan hugged his hands in front of his chest to resist the attack.


Just one hit! Muchen directly pushed Gu Chuan back several meters, and two deep marks were scratched on the ground.

Although Muchen held back, the level gap was too big, so Gu Chuan didn't dare to be careless.

If you insist, Gu Chuan didn't need to retreat at all, after all, the domineering body was not a joke!

But in that case, he would have to endure Muchen's attack, so it was not worth it.

Xue Qianfeng jumped down from the air and followed Gu Chuan to attack Muchen.

The three of them began to attack with fists and flesh, and used skills from time to time.

They had all surpassed the limit of human beings, so their reaction speed was very fast.

And because Muchen held back, Xue Qianfeng and the other two could completely withstand his attack!

As for destroying the environment?

There is still a month before the public beta of Shenqi, and there will be no humans on Blue Star by then!

So there is no need to worry.


In those buildings.

Countless people watched the battle cautiously and took pictures with their mobile phones.

Extraordinary power, so terrifying!

Especially since these three people have no legal awareness and are fighting recklessly in the square!

Fortunately, no pedestrians were seriously injured.

Some were slightly injured, but it's not a big problem.

Female internet celebrity Jiang Rou has been hiding fifty meters away.

She carefully poked her head out and looked at Muchen and the other two.

On the phone, the barrage was also swiping frantically.

[——"Fuck! Supernatural power!"]

[——"Damn! Did that guy just release fire?"]

[——"Is this really the world I know?"]

[——"Too outrageous!"]

The netizens are crazy!

This is a live broadcast!

There is no script at all!

After all, Jiang Rou is just an internet celebrity. Didn't she see that all the pedestrians around her ran away?

How could a small internet celebrity like her have such great power?

It's too outrageous to think about it!

Back to the battlefield.

Muchen and the other two seemed to have discovered something, and they all stopped and looked to the north at the same time.

Passersby also observed this scene and followed the three people's line of sight.

I saw a white-haired lolita wearing a black and red Gothic princess dress and holding an umbrella, walking towards the three people step by step.

Who is this person?

The passersby were stunned.

But soon, they came to their senses.

Because the guy who can be noticed by the extraordinary is definitely not a simple person!

So the other party must also be an extraordinary person!

Beigong Qianyin walked slowly until he walked between Xue Qianfeng and the other two.

"Miss." x2

Xue Qianfeng and Gu Chuan bent down and bowed at the same time.

Such a scene surprised countless people.

Although they couldn't hear the sound, judging from the actions of Xue Qianfeng and the other two.

This white-haired lolita should be their boss!

It is estimated that her identity is very extraordinary!

Everyone thought to themselves, looking at Muchen and others without blinking.


Beigong Qianyin nodded in response, then looked up at Mu Chen: "You should hide your strength."

Mu Chen's face was calm.

"Your men are pretty good, but let's stop here today."

After saying that, Mu Chen turned around and walked away, intending to leave.

Just leftAfter three steps, his figure turned into a burst of light and dissipated here.

"Let's go."

Seeing him leave, Beigong Qianyin spoke.

Hearing this, Xue Qianfeng used his skills to drag the three people up and leave the square.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

After confirming that they had left, those who dared not breathe came out.

They moved very carefully.

Until five minutes later, Muchen and others did not appear again, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh~ Finally left."

"My goodness, hasn't there ever been any gods and ghosts in our world? I didn't expect that there are really extraordinary people!"

"Maybe the country knows! It seems that the 99-year agreement can't be concealed."

"I just called the police, and I guess the police will be here soon."


Everyone was talking about it. What happened just now was too shocking to them, the materialists!

After a while.

The police also arrived.

But seeing the environment destroyed by Muchen and others, they were all confused.

After finding out what happened from the people around them, they were even more confused.

Extraordinary people?


This is a new society, what you said is too outrageous!


Someone took the video from his mobile phone to the police, and they were all silent, and then... they felt incredible!

Are there really extraordinary people? !

Many people also posted the video online, and the number of clicks is also increasing rapidly!


On the other side.

Shenqi, internal test zone 0, novice village.

Muchen and the other four gathered together.

"That's it, I believe it won't be long before our zone 0 will be full."

After the matter was over, Muchen didn't plan to stay.

I must reach level 10 today!

I have wasted some time just now.

"I also want to level up." Beigong Qianyin made a soft voice, and she also planned to reach level 10 today.

Xue Qianfeng and Gu Chuan had no objection.

"Let's eat at 8 pm."

Seeing this, Muchen set a time.

Then, everyone walked out of the Novice Village. After leaving the village, everyone dispersed again.

Muchen walked towards the original leveling location.

Two hours later...

[Regional Announcement]

[The first player to reach level 10 in this area appears]

[Rankings open]

[Rankings only record players above level 10, please upgrade your own level as soon as possible! ]

[Congratulations to player "Muchen" for winning a "mysterious gift package"]

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