
Incomparable shock!

How difficult is it to improve one's own professional level?

Anyway, although the entire Galaxy Continent has entered the Age of Ascension, no one has obtained a professional advancement stone!

Never expected that a small seed of life has a chance to improve itself!

Black Wolf thought about it.

She really wants to become a hidden professional!

Although for most people, rare professions are already very strong.

But who cares about being stronger?

As long as she becomes a hidden professional!

She has absolute confidence to become a top player!

By then... this star, it doesn't matter!

Taking a deep breath, she looked at Gu Chuan: "How much is this thing?"

"No money, everyone is so familiar with each other, I'll give you one for free." Gu Chuan smiled and replied.

He knew the other party would not refuse!

Without any hesitation, Black Wolf took the seed of life and swallowed it in one gulp!

Although the emperor will control his own life.

But as long as she can become a hidden professional, everything is worth it!

If she can find a professional advancement stone, she can become the only professional!

In short, the future is limitless!

[Your profession has changed. ]

[Congratulations on obtaining the hidden profession "Hacker Knight"! ]

Sensing the explosive increase of his four-dimensionality, Black Wolf opened his eyes in disbelief.


On the other side, the fifteenth floor.

In the headquarters of the All Living Beings Guild, in the president's tree house.

Mu Chen sat on the second floor to rest.

He wanted to take a good rest these two days.

After all, there was no information about the materials of other unique equipment.

It would be better to ask the emperors.

Just when Much Chen wanted to ask several emperors he was familiar with, the system prompt sounded.

[Player "Black Wolf" applied to join the guild, do you agree? ]

"Black Wolf? Isn't this Ya Ya?"

Mu Chen thought of Ya Ya mentioned by Gu Chuan and others before.

He glanced at the other party's profession.

After discovering that it was a hidden profession, he decisively agreed to let the other party join.

After doing all this, Much Chen was about to open the emperor chat group.

At this time, Daisy suddenly sent a private message.

[Daisy: Muchen, I got the news about the golden material [Wind Spirit Heart]. ]

"Wind Spirit Heart?"

Muchen was stunned, and then recalled what equipment the material of Wind Spirit Heart was needed.

[Name] White Dragon Wind Drawing

[Type] Boots

[Quality] Unique

[Casting Requirements] Wind Spirit Heart (Gold), Dragon Skin (Gold), Platinum Diamond x1 (Special Item).

"Although it is not an item of [Silver White Dragon Eye], this is not bad either."

Muchen said to himself, and then sent the message.

[Muchen: Where is it? ]

[Daisy: In the game ruins on the 49th floor. This is a ruin that my guild members just discovered, and it triggered a quest. This is an epic quest. The quest indicates the reward. The reward is divided into a series of items such as [Wind Chime Gold] and [Thousand Wind Staff].]

Seeing this, Muchen did not hesitate at all and began to edit the information.


The information has not been edited yet.

A reminder sounded in his ears.

[Congratulations on reaching level 80! ]

[You have reached the level cap and need to undergo the fifth job awakening to break through the current cap! ]

[Please choose the job difficulty! ]

"Good fellow! Everyone is really hardworking."

Mu Chen stopped what he was doing when he heard this voice.

Yesterday I was level 78, and today I am level 80!

I didn't expect the upgrade to be so fast!

After thinking for a while, Mu Chen felt that this experience should be provided to him by the generals of the Great Xuan Kingdom and Qing Ling.

Jiang Yanran went to the Great Xuan Kingdom just after getting up this morning and distributed life seeds to the soldiers.

Although the soldiers' level is not very high.

But many generals are level 5!

And Qing Ling didn't sleep all night, and was leveling up every minute and every second.

You can imagine how perverted these professionals with higher professional levels than themselves are!

After thinking for a while, Muchen said, "I choose the five-star five-turn mission!"

[The five-turn mission is open! ]

[Mission difficulty: 5 stars]

[Scanning the current status of the player]

[It is detected that you are currently in the Galaxy Continent. Please go to the 55th floor as soon as possible to defeat the world boss [bloodthirsty troll]! ]

"The 55th floor?"

Mu Chen raised his eyebrows and began to recall the information of the 55th floor.

The 55th floor is also a floor similar to the Western style.

This floor is called the Light Floor.

It is said that the NPCs on this floor have serious brain diseases, and they all believe in the God of Light!

If players go there, they will definitely be stared at by those fanatical believers, so that players can believe in the God of Light together!Healers with other beliefs who appear on this floor will be burned alive as pagans!

So generally speaking, people on this floor are basically all mentally ill.

As for the World Boss?

In fact, every floor has a World Boss in addition to the floor master.

But generally, when it just appears, it will be jointly attacked by everyone!

After thinking for a moment, Muchen sent a message to Daisy.

[Muchen: I just triggered the fifth job task, which is a World Boss, so I can't come here immediately. ]

[Daisy: Then you go quickly! Otherwise, if the World Boss dies, your job transfer task may have to be carried out next time. ]

What Daisy said is true.

The most feared job transfer task is the World Boss!

Because as long as the World Boss dies, if you want to transfer again, you can only wait until the next World Boss refreshes.

So you can't wait!

[Muchen: OK! ]

Muchen responded, he also understood this.

Without any hesitation, he stood up and walked to the window, opened the window and jumped out, flying towards the portal.


After a while.

Galaxy Continent, 55th floor, Bright Floor!

The location of the portal.

White and neat streets, a small town portal on the edge of the Kingdom of Light.

Muchen's figure appeared from the portal.

Although the Bright Floor is special.

But the players are not without any solutions.

This is not...

On the edge of the Kingdom of Light, this town of [Hope] was built by the players together.

Its purpose is to avoid the fanatics of the Kingdom of Light.

Muchen had just arrived at the 55th floor when a notice resounded throughout the floor!

[Floor Notice! ]

[Player "Emperor of All Living Things-Muchen" arrived at the 55th floor! All portal channels are now blocked! World BOSS [Bloodthirsty Troll] has been strengthened! Professionals above the fifth level are temporarily expelled and leave the 55th floor! Clergymen should defeat the world BOSS as soon as possible! ]

As soon as this notice came out.

Countless professionals living and working on the 55th floor were stunned.

What…what the hell?

The world boss, the bloodthirsty troll, has been strengthened?

What the hell is this?

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