The two men held their breath and stared at everything opposite. Yao Qingqing and Feng Ze obviously had a good talk. Yao Qingqing was teased by Feng Ze. In particular, the towering chest fluctuated, which made people unable to look away.

"This fox spirit has taken away the soul of men." Tao Lele said with resentment. At the moment, she has a feeling that she is the main room and is catching adultery in bed.

"No, sister Le, I don't think Yao Qingqing attracts me at all." a Liang said quickly. He thought Tao Lele was talking to him.

"You keep watching." Tao Le Le took a look at A Liang. Then he realized that he was too professional today and hurriedly adjusted his mindset in his mind.

At this time, Yao Qingqing picked up a glass of wine, got up and walked gracefully to Feng Ze, and sat directly on his thigh, and Feng Ze didn't seem to have the slightest intention to refuse.

A Liang immediately saw the period and quickly pressed the shutter. At the moment, Tao Lele's heart was cold to the bottom of the valley. It turned out that Feng Ze was just an ordinary man and had no ability to distinguish in the face of beauty.

Tao Lele looked at the intimacy of the two people opposite. She felt no pain in her heart. She suddenly found that she didn't know when she cared about Fengze. She didn't like this feeling.

Tao Lele didn't want to continue watching, so he said to a Liang, "a Liang, you stay here and continue taking photos. I'm a little uncomfortable. Let's go first." then Tao Lele picked up his backpack and quickly walked out of the hotel room.

Although a Liang wondered why Tao Lele was suddenly uncomfortable, he was madly pressing the shutter at the moment. He had no time to pay attention to Tao Lele, so he had to let her go.

Tao Lele quickly ran out of the hotel. When she ran out of the hotel and blew the cold wind, the confusion in her head suddenly woke up.

"How could I care so much about him?" Tao Lele said to herself. Although she already knew the answer in her heart, she just didn't want to touch the answer.

The cool wind at night made her mind much clearer than usual. Tao Lele walked aimlessly in the street. At this time, there was a sudden thunder in the sky, and then there was a heavy rain.

The storm came so fast that Tao Lele got wet from beginning to end in only a minute, making it too late for her to escape. Tao Lele didn't avoid it at all. He just walked on the deserted street with his whole body wet. It was God's lesson that he should wake up.

Suddenly, a silver Maserati stopped beside Tao Lele. Before she could react, a man ran down from the car and covered Tao Lele's head with his coat. His face was full of concern, "Miss Tao, why are you in the rain here? Get in the car!"

Tao Lele raised her head and looked at Xiao Zan. His eyes were so concerned and serious, as if nothing had happened just now. All the emotions in Tao Lele's heart broke out at this moment. She pushed Xiao Zan away with all her strength and almost pushed him back.

Xiao Zan was a little stunned. He didn't know why Tao Lele was so angry all of a sudden. Although he didn't know what it was for, Xiao Zan still came forward quickly again and covered her with clothes. "Get in the car quickly. You'll catch a cold if you go on like this." Xiao Zan has never been so angry, but I don't know why, At this moment, he only thought of Tao Lele's body, without considering himself at all.

"I don't care." Tao Lele pushed away the other party again, but this time Xiao Zan was fully prepared. No matter how hard Tao Lele tried, he couldn't shake him. After several times, Tao Lele had no strength.

"Why did you come to me?" Tao Lele shouted excitedly to Xiao Zan. The cold rain hit her face and made her unable to tell whether it was rain or tears. She only knew that when she saw "Fengze" again, she was sure she had fallen in love with each other.

Looking at Tao Lele with red eyes and excited emotions, Xiao Zan doesn't know what he did wrong. He just happened to meet her after passing here, but he feels distressed at the moment. He really wants to take Tao Lele into his arms and protect her.

"It's my fault. It's all my fault. You can beat or scold, but don't let yourself catch cold?" Xiao Zan lowered his body and said. So was what he thought at the moment.

Although Tao Lele felt very painful because of Feng Ze and Yao Qingqing, Tao Lele's heart began to soften in the face of each other. Xiao Zan saw Tao Lele's hesitation, took the opportunity to pull her up to Maserati and took her back to a two-story villa in Lanhai city.

"Is this your house again?" Tao Lele asked with some tears and smiles as soon as he entered the small villa he had lived in the future. There are really many houses for this big star.

"Yes." Xiao Zan naturally didn't know what Tao Lele thought. He quickly found a towel to wipe the rain on Tao Lele. He looked at Tao Lele and himself, who were wet all over, and suddenly found out whether they were destined to water. They were wet all over the body twice.

Tao Lele turned and looked at Xiao Zan, who was seriously wiping the rain for herself. All the anger in her heart had evaporated at this moment. She found that no matter how angry she was, she would always compromise in the face of him.

"Wipe yourself, too. You're wet through," Tao Lele said, taking the towel in Xiao Zan's hand to wipe each other's hair and body. This time, Xiao Zan looked at himself with a pair of clear and tender eyes.

"What are you looking at me for?" Tao Lele was embarrassed by him.

"I..." Xiao Zan was asked by Tao Lele and didn't know how to answer. Although he was full of longing for Tao Lele, he didn't know how to get along with her. When Tao Lele asked, he blushed.

Tao Lele didn't expect Feng Ze, the romantic star, to blush. For a time, he was more tender and sweet.

"Yawn." suddenly, Tao Lele sneezed loudly. Even she was scared by herself.

"You must have caught a cold." Xiao Zan said, touching Tao Lele's forehead and his own. It looks very cute. "Your forehead is a little hot. Change into clean clothes quickly."

"I'm fine." Tao Lele still wants to argue, but Xiao Zan has pushed him into the dressing room.

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