Looking at Uncle Zhong's disappearing back, Tao Lele couldn't help worrying. What he said was something. Tao Lele couldn't help being curious. She looked up at Xiao Zan.

Xiao Zan took off his woolen coat and casually put it on the back of the sofa. He leaned lazily on the sofa as if everything had just happened was illusory, while Xiao Zan was thinking with his eyes closed. Tao Lele could not help but pinch his fist, push Xiao Zan's shoulder, and whispered in Xiao Zan's ear, "Xiao Zan, what did Uncle Zhong get?"

Xiao Zan's long eyelash stirred, his eyelashes were very long, and a shallow shadow was shrouded in his eyes. Last night, Xiao Zan and Tao Le Le spent the night, so two people had a pair of thick dark circles on their faces, but Tao Le Le was okay. She deliberately put on makeup in the toilet and concealed her dark circles with concealer.

But Xiao Zan is not as scheming as Tao Lele, but Xiao Zan's own skin is very white, so it's only two hours. His dark circles are not so heavy. Tao Lele can't help looking at the sky. Why is Xiao Zan's skin so good.

The corners of Xiao Zan's mouth moved, and his hands spread freely on his knees. Xiao Zan's voice was gentle, but very pleasant. Tao Lele felt very relieved as soon as he heard Xiao Zan's voice. He said, "I don't know. Uncle Zhong didn't tell me when I came with you."

Just when Tao Lele wanted to impose a new round of torture on Xiao Zan, uncle Zhong came down with a yellow file bag.

Tao Lele became more curious.

When Uncle Zhong slowly opened the rope wrapped around the file bag, Tao Lele stared at it without blinking, and Xiao Zan suddenly opened his eyes, as if he had telepathy.

Uncle Zhong's voice was thick, as if he had penetrated the thick clouds to reach the ground, "This is the truth you want to know. The master has been outside these days, so he should not know about young master Fengze, but I already know. I think your return must have something to do with young master Fengze. I don't know why you will investigate Ye Ying when young master Fengze has an accident?" Speaking of this, uncle Zhong paused for a moment, as if trapped in a deep memory, and said, "that was nearly twenty years ago."

Tao Lele couldn't help breathing when listening to Uncle Zhong's voice. He stared at the file bag in Uncle Zhong's hand. According to Uncle Zhong, he really knew the existence of Ye Ying, and ye Ying must have a certain origin with Xiao Zan's family. Tao Lele couldn't help sinking. Is it true that what ye Ying said was true? His parents were killed by Feng Ze's family?!

Tao Lele felt the earth whirling for a moment, as if something had strangled her throat, making it difficult for her to breathe.

She stared at the file bag in Uncle Zhong's hand. The veins on the back of his hand burst. The file bag looked very old, because the edges were deeply historical and yellow.

Xiao Zan breathed tight, locked his eyes on the file bag, and his voice trembled slightly. He couldn't think that his highly respected father had really hurt other people's parents? In Xiao Zan's world, his father is a God, and he respects his father very much.

Xiao Zan finally found his voice and asked, "Uncle Zhong, ye Ying has a lot to do with this matter. We're here to know what our Xiao family owes him. Is it true that our family has something to do with Ye Ying?"

Uncle Zhong listened to Xiao Zan's words, his deep eyes showed deep sadness, and his voice couldn't help shaking. His fingers clenched the file bag tightly and sighed, "It's all about Chen sesame and rotten millet. The Xiao family really owes the child, but at the beginning, the master said to compensate the child, but ye Ying was very stubborn and refused to accept the master's help, that is, a child of six or seven years old. At that time, he had to say that he would starve to death and would not eat the food. It was so twisted that the master didn't do anything about him Law. "

Tao Lele was confused by Uncle Zhong's words. What's the matter? She entangled the gratitude and resentment of two generations, covered with dust like a heavy history book, and finally turned a historic page.

Xiao Zan also had the same question as Tao Lele. His face was a little pale. His slender fingers held Tao Lele tightly, as if they wanted to draw strength from Tao Lele. He asked eagerly, "Uncle Zhong, what's the matter?"

"Alas..." Uncle Zhong sighed deeply. His old fingers stroked the Yellow file bag. His low voice echoed in the empty room, hitting Tao Lele and Xiao Zan one by one, "That's an old history many years ago. At that time, the master was a poor young man. He met his wife. She fell in love with him at first sight. However, the wife's family refused to admit the marriage at that time. The wife was a rich lady. How could her parents marry the Pearl of their own eyes to the master of the family? But what can they do, old man My husband and my wife really loved each other. At that time, I had an opportunity to start a business with his friend Ye Ziqian, ye Ying's father. They founded an e-commerce company. At that time, I was going to go uphill. My husband worked hard all day to give my wife a good living condition so that her family could accept him , they agreed to their marriage. Kung Fu pays off. The company of the master and ye Ziqian is booming. Seeing that it is becoming more and more prosperous, the wife's family gradually recognized the master. They finally agreed to let the master and wife marry. But - "Uncle Zhong paused here.

Tao Lele's eyes lit up. She held her breath to hear uncle Zhong go on. Tao Lele didn't expect that the Xiao family had such a history.

Uncle Zhong paused for a moment, then sighed gently, and then said slowly, "But God's will made people. When the company of master and ye Ziqian was booming, I don't know why a batch of very important orders went wrong. At that time, several people came to the company to say that master was suspected of using the company to launder money. What an important crime it was. How could master launder money? Master is definitely not that kind of person."

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