Xiao Zan dragged his clothes and let Tao Lele do both hard and soft. He just didn't let go.

In the end, Tao Lele was also a little tired. She didn't expect Xiao Zan to be such a rigid person. Tao Lele was a little tired. After all, Xiao Zan was a regular fitness person. Moreover, there was a great difference in strength between men and women. Tao Lele naturally couldn't beat Xiao Zan. So when Tao Lele sat down and hung his head, Xiao Zan came together again.

Although Xiao Zan doesn't agree to let Tao Lele see his abdominal muscles, he doesn't want Tao Lele to be unhappy about it.

Xiao Zan carefully poked Tao Lele with his fingers. Tao Lele moved in the opposite direction. It was obvious that he didn't want to talk to Xiao Zan. Xiao Zan was a little anxious. A layer of fine sweat poured out on his forehead, and his fingertips were slightly suffused with cold light. He swallowed his saliva, and then gently said, "Lele, are you angry?"

Tao Lele gave him a white look and didn't speak.

At this moment, Xiao Zan looked at Tao Lele wrongly. He didn't know whether it was because of the light or something else. A pair of starlike eyes were stained with a thin mist, "Lele, I -- I'm sorry."

Tao Lele was really angry because she didn't think she was an abdominal muscle. When he went to the gym, many people could see it and let him see what happened. However, when Xiao Zan was wronged and flattered himself, Tao Lele felt that she did have some points, because she knew how shy Xiao Zan was.

Tao Lele glanced and said, "forget it, I won't watch it. Now that we've finished eating, let's go."

Regardless of Xiao Zan, Tao Lele took the lead to stand up, glanced at the mess on the table, and then went outside.

Xiao Zan felt that Tao Lele was still a little angry. As soon as he saw Tao Lele running out, Xiao Zan was even more worried. He didn't dare to delay, immediately picked up his suit, put it on his arm, and then chased out.

The night breeze is slightly cool. At the moment when class is over, the crowd at the gate of the university not far away is gathering, which is a spectacular scene.

Tao Lele walked towards the flow of people. She knew that there was a famous university in the city. Tao Lele heard that there was a "lover Street" in the University. In this season, all the ginkgo leaves on both sides of the street were yellow, which was very beautiful.

Tao Lele has seen the scenery of previous years from the humble. The yellow leaves have paved the whole "lover Street" into a golden world. There are many long wooden benches in the middle of the ginkgo tree. The milky yellow paint on the wooden benches may have fallen a lot because of the wind and rain all year round, but this does not affect its overall aesthetic effect.

Tao Lele made a special inquiry when he saw it on his microblog. It is said that this time is the season when the leaves turn yellow, so Tao Lele decided to meet Xiao Zan in the "elopement Pavilion" next to the University. Tao Lele is still selfish. If you have to take ambiguous photos of Feng Ze and his girlfriend according to Ye Ying's requirements, Tao Lele hopes to take these photos in a beautiful scenery.

Because these photos are likely to appear on the cover of this issue of entertainment circle.

Tao Lele walked slowly in front, followed by Xiao Zan. When he came to a crowded place, Xiao Zan subconsciously protected Tao Lele with his arms to prevent others from touching Tao Lele.

Tao Lele sees this small detail in her eyes. She feels inexplicably happy, but when Xiao Zan's harmless smiling face appears in front of her, Tao Lele will deeply blame herself. Isn't the person she likes Fengze? How can you be attracted to others?

When the two people came to "lover Street", Tao Lele specially accelerated her pace. When she really saw the golden world, Tao Lele held Xiao Zan's arm excitedly, and then said happily, "Xiao Zan! Did you see it? The scenery is really beautiful. The ginkgo leaves flutter and fall down. It's so beautiful!"

The scenery is really beautiful, but Tao Lele, who is shaking with laughter, is more beautiful in his eyes than the sky of Ginkgo biloba. Xiao Zan looked at Tao Lele, who was elated around his neck, solemnly nodded and said, "it's really beautiful."

She was talking about the golden ginkgo leaves, while Xiao Zan was talking about her.

Tao Lele couldn't help but drag Xiao Zan to run for two steps, and then turn around in this golden world. She felt very happy. When she was excited and came back to hold Xiao Zan's hand, Xiao Zan looked at the moving face in front of him. The face that made him miss so much, and even kissed it.

His kiss is very light and soft. The soft lips cover Tao Lele's pale pink lips with no other superfluous actions. The two people hold hands together. Behind them are the golden ginkgo leaves. The whole picture is like that in a comic book. Tao Lele enjoys the kiss. Her heart beats faster and her breath is short, Holding Xiao Zan's hand tightly, he couldn't help trembling slightly. In this light kiss, Tao Lele slowly closed his eyes.

Tao Lele is totally immersed in this unique kiss at the moment, completely forgetting that there is a Liang behind him.

When a Liang saw this scene, the camera he held in his hand almost fell to the ground because of surprise, but his professional ethics as a paparazzi made him quickly capture this beautiful scene.

Tao Lele's hand gently rested on Xiao Zan's shoulder, and his arm circled her waist, as if to rub her whole body into his own body. At the end of the kiss, Xiao Zan's mouth smiled and his eyes were bright like stars. "Lele, you are so beautiful."

Tao Lele's face turned red.

She and Xiao Zan hugged each other in this beautiful scenery. On the wooden stools around them, some couples noticed them. The girls covered their faces excitedly, while the boys held the girls in their arms.

Tao Lele opened her eyes and looked at Xiao Zan's handsome face. Suddenly, a burst of loss surged in her heart. At the moment, her heart was still beating fast. She was even very excited and had a faint expectation for Xiao Zan's next move.

Tao Lele pinched herself fiercely. Her white teeth bit her lower lip. Now she is Fengze's girlfriend, but why are you interested in Xiao Zan? Tao Lele is very tangled in his heart. Doesn't he really like Fengze?

Tao Lele bit her lips hard. Her lips were white when she bit them. Xiao Zan gently raised his hand to touch Tao Lele's soft lips. In a low voice, he said, "don't bite again. I'm in pain."

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