“Finally dismissed that annoying little girl.”

Liufeng returned to her room, and after eating, Jiu Xinnai had to ask Liufeng to explain the immortal mode to her, but how could Liufeng tell her.

This is not stingy Liufeng either, the key is that immortal mode cultivation is very dangerous, if she really cultivates secretly, she may play herself to death.

After lying on the bed and resting for a while, after Liufeng nourished his spirit, he entered the system space.

“Hit Uchiha to warm up with earth, and then go to solve the inter-column projection of the thousand hands.”

Obito is only worthy of letting Liufeng warm up, to be honest, Liufeng is too easy to deal with Obito, any space-type ninjutsu is like encountering a natural enemy in front of Liufeng’s time retrospection.

Liufeng entered the trial space, and the bored little Meng also came in with Liufeng.

That’s right, Xiaomeng can also enter the trial space, but she can only watch the play, and she can’t help Liufeng.

Looking at the masked man in front of him, Liufeng squeezed his fist and immediately broke your mask.

“The battle begins.”

Instantly, Liufeng moved, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Uchiha Obito, and then smashed a straight fist towards the opponent’s head.

The fist passed through the opponent’s body, as if it was just a phantom, and the other party virtualized himself.

The attacked position can be transferred to a different space, seemingly still in one space, but in fact the opponent’s body is already in another space.

This is true physical attack immunity, unless you can break the space, otherwise you can’t hurt the other person at all.

“It’s really worthy of divine power.”

Liufeng’s eyes lit up slightly, in fact, Liufeng had also thought about buying this pupil technique, after all, this pupil technique was simply like a BUG.

If you have to find a pupil technique that restrains Shenwei, then there is only Huangquan Birasaka, oh, there is another Shenwei pupil technique.

Huangquan Hirasaka belongs to the blood snare, can freely shuttle between real space and different space, and does not need to be marked at all, is definitely the strongest ultimate time space ninjutsu.

Suddenly, Uchiha Obito disappeared, appeared behind Ryukede, and launched an attack towards Ryuke.

“Huh, are you killing yourself?”

If you don’t attack, you can hold on for a while, and now you take the initiative to attack me, that’s not looking for death.

“Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken.”

With Liufeng’s proficiency in this ninjutsu, the spiral shuriken instantly took shape in Liufeng’s hand, and then Liufeng turned around and hit the opponent’s face.

“Go back in time.”

At the moment when he was about to touch the other party, Liufeng used time backtracking, and the Uchiha Obito, who was originally going to use the divine power void, was pulled back to before using it.

The mask shattered instantly, and then the entire body was swallowed up by the ninjutsu of the spiral shuriken.

The other party has primary cells, if you attack somewhere else, you may not die at the first time, but the attack is on the head, and you will definitely die.

[Ding, you kill Uchiha Obito and get: 100,000 points, pupil art and divine power blur, fire escape and explosive wind dance! ] 】

Seize the opportunity and kill Uchiha Obito in one blow.

“Clean and neat, worthy of you.”

Xiao Meng praised Liufeng next to him.

“What makes me happiest is that I really burst into Kamui.”

Liufeng felt an extra power in his eyes, and there were only three pupil techniques in other people’s chakra eyes plus Susano’s universal pupil technique, but now Liufeng had a fourth pupil technique.

Moreover, his pupil power has also increased slightly, because the power brought by pupil technique has increased.

“Next, challenge the Thousand Hand Pillars.” Liufeng made his own choice.

“Isn’t it, just solved Uchiha Obito, don’t you take a break?” Xiao Meng saw Liufeng so anxious, and couldn’t help asking.

“To solve a belt soil, I just used a spiral shuriken, I didn’t even have time to move my body, do I need to rest?”

Liufeng only punched Obito, and then used a Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken.

Although he used an S-level ninjutsu, compared to Liufeng’s current Chakra, it was completely a drop in the bucket, and it was not worth mentioning at all.

“Okay, then I’ll go to the theater with me.”

“Advise you not, although you will not die, but you will also be hit when you watch the battle inside, if you are not afraid of pain, you can follow me into the trial space projected between the thousand hand pillars.”

“Then forget it, I’m still afraid of pain.”

Xiao Meng immediately shook her head, don’t watch the play, go back to sleep.

Liufeng was sent to the trial space projected between the thousand hand pillars, and saw a man wearing Warring States period armor not far away.

“It’s a pity that it’s just a projection, and you can’t see the charm of the real thousand hand pillars at all.”

The projection just has the power of the other party, and there is no character of the other party at all, and he will not even engage in nonsense with Liufeng.

“Perfect Immortal Body, Mu Duan, and Asura Chakra.”

These are what Liufeng wants to get the most, as for whether he can get it, it completely depends on luck, but Liufeng feels that his luck is good.

Because Liufeng basically defeats the projection, most of the time it can burst items, you must know that bursting items depends on luck, it can be seen that Liufeng has strong luck.

Those who can become crossers and also have goldfingers, which one is unlucky.

“Fight, let’s begin.”

Liufeng jumped up and stood on a small hill, looking condescendingly at the Thousand Hand Pillar not far away.

“Immortal Mode.”

At the beginning, use the immortal mode, anyway, the immortal mode is not only not tired to use, but the more you use it, the more spiritual.

In the imperfect immortal mode, there will be a lot of pattern masks, but Liufeng only has some patterns at the corners of his eyes, and there are three hook jade in the center of his forehead that look like three hook jade writing wheel eyes.

Not only does it not look ugly, but it is also a little handsome.

After Liufeng turned on the immortal mode, the thousand hand pillars that were originally going to rush over stopped, and then also turned on the immortal mode.

It is too easy for people who have mastered the immortal mode perfectly.

“Immortal Law Fire Escape Hao Fire Extinguished!”

The use of immortal methods to strengthen the fire extinguishing has far exceeded the fire extinguishing used by Uchiha in the original work.

“Immortal Law Mu Dun Ranking Technique!”

“So exaggerated?”

Liufeng was a little surprised, and actually used this wooden ninjutsu that could resist the powerful Susano’s slash to resist, was it overkill?

It is obviously wood, but it is difficult to be ignited by flames, and the wood between the thousand hand pillars is not very afraid of flames.

Without using the big killing move first, the battle between Liufeng and the Thousand Hand Pillar was also to test his strength and treat the other party as an ordinary opponent.

Even Liufeng is not afraid of failure.

Even if he loses to the other party, Liufeng can challenge again, it doesn’t matter at all.

The collision of physical skills, the thousand hand pillars have a perfect immortal body, physical advantages, so his own physical skills are also very powerful, and the strange force technique is probably also developed between the thousand hand pillars.

However, in terms of physical skills, Liufeng actually did not fall into the downside, of course, he could not gain the upper hand, although Liufeng also attached great importance to physical skills, but he suffered the loss of age.

His body has not yet reached its peak.


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