[Civil official: Liang Heguang].

[Martial Dao Realm: None].

[Loyalty: five].

[Participation in the incident: fornicating with the White Lotus Sect, bribing civil and military officials for Lu Taining, selling Daqian intelligence to the Shangwu Imperial Dynasty, accepting bribes from the Dayan Imperial Dynasty, and secretly inciting martial artists in the rivers and lakes to disrupt the order of Daqian…].


This data panel was generated using a variety of data analyses.

There was not only the data provided by the servants who served Liang Heguang, but also the scattered data of other relevant people in Daqian.

They may just be a teahouse treasurer, they may just be a small house serving tea and pouring water, or they may be passers-by who happen to hear a word.

Each and every one of them may not have witnessed this in its entirety.

But when their data is all concatenated, this detailed data panel is generated.

Strictly speaking.

Liang Heguang’s crimes can completely rank in the top ten among the civil and military officials.

Even so, he did not know how to converge, as if he had something to rely on and fearless.

Lü Taining’s power seems to have overshadowed Li Pu, the new emperor.

In Liang Heguang’s heart, this is probably the idea.

At the same time, Li Pu also noticed the name “White Lotus Sect”.

The White Lotus Sect is a Demon Dao sect that arose in the Great Qian Dynasty and called itself the White Lotus Holy Sect, but the Great Qian Dynasty called it the White Lotus Demon Sect.

The origin of the White Lotus Demon Sect cannot be traced.

There seemed to be a top-level exercise hidden inside the White Lotus Demon Sect, and that exercise had created the twelve post-heaven masters of the White Lotus Demon Sect.

The White Lotus Demon Sect’s stationing area not only covered the Great Qian Dynasty, but also spread to the territory of the Shangwu Dynasty and the Great Yan Dynasty.

It belongs to the type of cutting grass without removing roots, and the spring breeze blows and grows.

Even if the three major imperial dynasties frequently send troops to strangle, they can restore the vitality that has been severely damaged by a little time.

At the end of the old emperor’s reign, he had never heard of the White Lotus Demon Sect making trouble, as if it had all evaporated out of thin air.

Now it seems that this is not the case, but it is all hidden.

Li Pu continued to click on Liang Heguang’s resume.

The specific process of his fornication with the White Lotus Sect instantly appeared in front of his eyes.

From the initial chance encounter, to accepting bribes and being condemned by conscience, and finally falling completely.

Liang Heguang’s experience was stripped clean and had no privacy.

Liang and Hikaru stood in place like stone statues.

The whole court was quiet.

Not sure why.

Whenever the new emperor’s gaze fell on himself.

He had a strange feeling that he didn’t have a wisp of it.

The indifferent eyes seem to be extremely penetrating, and can look directly into the deepest human hearts.

“Your Majesty, the case of eunuchs overriding hundreds of officials is unprecedented, please think twice!”

Liang Heguang stiffened the silence and exhorted with a sad face.

However, Li Pu did not pick up his words.

“Liang Heguang, in the one hundred and twenty-fifth year of the Great Qian Calendar, you secretly connected with the disciples of the White Lotus Sect to plot with them to subvert the Great Qian.”

“One hundred and twenty-six years of the Great Qian calendar, the imperial dynasty ordered people to strangle the White Lotus Demon Sect, and instead of repenting, you switched to letter contact.”

“Your correspondence with the disciples of the White Lotus Demon Sect are all in the cassette under the stone brick in the corner of the table in the Liang Mansion Mansion.”

The voice that was calm as water was like a magic voice at this moment, making Liang Heguang’s heart go to his throat, and a drop of sweat dripped from his brain.

Li Pu didn’t need to send someone to verify.

Liang and the soybean-sized sweat droplets and trembling legs of the light brain door did not fight themselves.

“Liang Heguang, you disappointed me so much.”

Li Pu looked at Liang Heguang’s expression full of disappointment.

The expressions of Lu Taining and Wen Wubaiguan were slightly surprised.

The eyes of some officials were mixed with horror.

“It turned out to be an undercover agent of the White Lotus Sect, it’s really damned.”

“I didn’t even notice it from the beginning, but fortunately he is not a core person.”

Lu Taining’s eyes flashed with a deep light, and there was a fake smile and a trace of jealousy on his greasy face.

However, Lu Taining is used to seeing strong winds and waves.

His expression quickly recovered, and he turned to look at Li Pu playfully.

After all, the disappointment on Li Li’s face was not concealed in the slightest.

That’s a real disappointment!

Could it be that Liang Heguang was his eyes and ears, and then he was countered by the White Lotus Sect?

Otherwise, why did the new emperor show such a distressed expression.

Just when he was watching the play with peace of mind.

“You are not even as good as Wang Zhen’s dead eunuch.”

“At least he can secretly communicate with the White Lotus Sect to divide the helm master, and a seventh-grade official in your hall actually went to secretly communicate with the White Lotus Sect disciples.”

The smile on Lu Taining’s face suddenly froze.

What is this comparison boxing method?

You are not a disciple of the White Lotus Sect who is sad that Liang and Guang fornicated, but that it is just a disciple with a humble status who dislikes him for colluding?

The thoughts in Lu Taining’s mind flickered rapidly.

At this moment, he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Assuming that it was a coincidence that Liang and Guang fornicated with the White Lotus Sect, how was the eunuch Wang Zhen’s fornication master discovered?

Moreover, the officials of the Great Qian Dynasty were successively rebelled by the White Lotus Sect, and Li Pu, as the new emperor, did not have the fury he imagined.

Lu Taining suddenly found that he couldn’t seem to see through the thoughts of this new emperor.

At this time, his attention suddenly stayed on the old eunuch Wan Kui.

Just a glance made Lu Taining’s pupils contract suddenly!

If Li Pu’s elusiveness made Lu Taining slightly uneasy, then the changes of the old eunuch Wan Kui were extremely frightening.

It is clear that he looked half-dead some time ago, but at this moment he exudes a different kind of vitality.

Whether it was the rosy complexion or the heavy oppressive force that was inadvertently emanating, Lu Taining was uneasy.

The old eunuch is a martial artist of the peak realm of the day after tomorrow, what situation can make him rejuvenate?

Lu Taining felt that the development of things seemed to be completely out of control in an instant.

And the origin of everything is the end of the new emperor retreat!

“Lu Xiang, what is the crime of fornicating with the White Lotus Sect? Tell me about it! ”

Li Pu’s target suddenly turned to Lu Taining.

Lu Taining raised his eyebrows and suddenly returned to his senses: “Blame according to the crime!”

“Since that’s the case, then drag it out and cut it.”

The voice fell.

The court was still quiet.

The guards outside the Jin Luan Hall actually widened their eyes.

In the past, they all obeyed the orders of Lu Xiang, who was in power and opposition.

Li Pu gave the order as the new emperor, and they actually hesitated.

If the meeting had just begun, Lu Taining would naturally be in a happy mood.

After all, this suppressed the prestige of the new emperor and enhanced his prestige in disguise.

But when Lu Taining noticed the change in Wan Kui, he began to panic inexplicably.

In the rivers and lakes, all the forces that have innate warriors sitting in the town are all first-class forces.

The innate strength possessed by innate martial artists is even more powerful.

The martial artist under the innate can’t even carry a move in front of the innate martial artist.

Suppose the old eunuch Wan Kui really breaks through the innate realm.

Lu Taining had no doubt that as long as the new emperor was willing, Wan Kui would definitely be able to take his head tonight.

Thinking of this, Lu Taining suddenly felt that his neck was cold and swishing.

In such a crisis situation, the guards outside the Jin Luan Hall were still frantically giving him eye medicine in front of the new emperor.

“No, I have to stabilize the new emperor first, and then the flying pigeon will pass on the book to the blood killing gate!”


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