Blurred blood obscures the field of vision.

Lu Taining and Old Lady Lu pushed open the wooden door of the courtyard and saw corpses everywhere, all of them were warriors of the Lu clan!

The Lu clan has exhausted their efforts in order to cultivate warriors belonging to their own family.

They did not hesitate to collude with their henchmen and make bloody killings in the court to increase their power and obtain more resources.

And the resources obtained by the Lu clan will be immediately invested in cultivating warriors.

After a long period of accumulation, the number of third-rate warriors of the Lu clan can definitely be called the largest in the capital of the Great Qian Emperor.

Lu Taining also used his power to steal a strong bow and crossbow from the army, and it was really enough to be a headache when he was fully armed.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the Lü family’s base is huge, resulting in the number of servants recruited by the Lu Mansion, which is also not small.

The concept of dignity and inferiority of the Great Qian Dynasty caused the large servants of the Lu Mansion to have no access to the true martial arts exercises at all.

And Li Pu ascended the throne and said that the whole people of the emperor popularized the basic Tuna method.

Even Lu Fuzhong has practiced the basic Tuna Method, and there are not a few of them.

Even if they no longer practice, the imprint of the imprint will not disappear.

They were like invisible nets of heaven and earth covering the entire Lu Mansion.

However, Lu Taining and Old Lady Lu did not notice at all.

“Who are you!”

“Aren’t you afraid of the retaliation of bloody killings if you are so unscrupulous?”

Lu Taining was the first to react, and he shouted at the killer in the night.

The burly strong man subconsciously stood in front of Lu Taining, his bright eyes like a torch in the night.

He is a second-rate peak martial artist!

Right now.

The insolent voice was accompanied by the sound of horses’ hooves coming from a distance.

“Lu Xiang, just grab it!”

Lu Taining listened and looked at it.

The one who came was none other than Wu Commander who had used bribes to rebel in Yulin Wei.

There was no compliment on Commander Wu’s face, only the infinite blooming heyday of murder.

He grabbed the reins with one hand to drive the BMW galloping past, and dragged the Daguan knife with the other hand to collide with bright sparks on the stone bricks.

“Lu Xiang, retreat!”

The burly man’s face changed drastically, and he hurriedly pushed hard, and Lu Taining flew out like a sack.

Rolling four or five times in succession on the ground, Lu Taining opened his eyes again.

The burly man had become a headless corpse.

Old Lady Lu stood in place stunned, as if stimulated by this scene.

“Oh, I don’t know if I am dead or alive, and I dare to confront me head-on when I first enter the second-rate peak!”

Commander Wu laughed twice, spit out a mouthful of spit and smashed it on the strong man’s body.

When Lu Taining saw General Wu insulting the strong man like this, he wanted to angrily scold the other party for treachery.

Who knew that General Wu pulled the reins and went straight to Lu Taining.

Such an impatient performance seems to kill people.

Lu Taining stepped back one after another, at a loss.

Right at the critical moment.

Old Lady Lu was unusual, and a terrifying qi and blood erupted from her trembling body when she stood up.

“Zizi, do you really think that my Lu family is a lamb to be slaughtered?”

“When I sat down with the Blood Killing Ancestor, you still didn’t know where it was!”

Old Lady Lu took a strong breath and flew out like an arrow.

He wanted to scare off Commander Wu by fighting for his life.

But what he didn’t expect was that General Wu, who had been greedy for life and afraid of death, actually gritted his teeth and greeted him head-on.


Waves of blood-colored qi tumbled and spread out in the air like ripples.

Old Lady Lu’s majestic momentum was like a towering building, but his arms suddenly forcibly locked the flowing qi and blood.


A thin invisible silver needle pierced through the void.

Old Lady Lu’s body trembled, and her eyes widened with anger.

The qi and blood that were originally locked in the breath all flowed away.

“Alas, half a foot has stepped into the coffin, why bother?”

Yuhuatian calmly pinched a slender silver needle, and under his right foot was stepping on the corpse of a warrior of the Lu clan.

The second-rate peak realm made him invincible on the battlefield.

The Lu clan was killed abruptly.

The three thousand little eunuchs are like three thousand eunuchs, plus the sneak attack and the desperate struggle of the Wu commander, the battle is decided.

Wan Kui, who is in the innate realm, sits in the center and coerces the audience.

When the Great Qian Emperor heard the movement and inquired about it, the other warriors of the family who rushed to the capital were all intercepted by Wan Kui alone.

The ghostly speed and deep internal force made people despair.

Wan Kui stepped on the corpses of two or three first-class martial artists under his feet.

Two of them are the heritage of the Lu clan.

Similar to Old Lady Lu’s situation, but slightly better.

It’s a pity….

They met the Wankui of the innate realm.

Without even the power to fight back, it was all wiped out.

Lu Taining’s own breath was almost out of breath.

He couldn’t figure out why!

Even if the new emperor wanted to make a move on the Lu family, there must be at least one reason!

Isn’t he afraid that the other great families in the imperial capital will join forces against him?

The dynasty of flowing water, the family of iron!

The Great Qian Dynasty was composed of countless families ruling the people of the dawn.

They crawl on the body of this behemoth to draw nourishment.

They are all in one!

“If you want to blame, blame you for letting the anonymous assassinate Your Majesty!”

“The Lu clan has all been destroyed because of you!”

Commander Wu showed a cruel smile and said murderously.

Without waiting for Lu Taining to continue speaking, he stabbed his head.

The tumbling head clearly showed shock and doubt.

John doe…… Who is it?

The last thought flashed through Lu Taining’s mind.

Yuhuatian led the little eunuch to carry the heavenly materials and earth treasures of the Lü clan, and Yu Linwei was responsible for cleaning the battlefield and imprisoning the remnants.

“Overseer, we found a yellowed Danfang in the secret room of the Lu Mansion!”

Yuhuatian carefully flipped through the simple yellowed parchment, on which he could vaguely see the three words “Xiao Huan Dan”.

“Xiao Huan Dan’s Danfang, it’s a pity that Danfang is incomplete!”

Yuhuatian couldn’t help but show a disappointed look, the incomplete Danfang was meaningless, at most it was included in the imperial library.


The inner hall of the Taihua Hall.

Li Pu slowly opened his eyes.

[Yuhuatian destroyed the warriors of the Lu clan and searched for a broken small Dan Danfang! ] 】


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