Chapter Seventy-Eight: Jixia School Palace, Shang Wu Turmoil.

Three months passed in a flash.

The huge Jixia School Palace rose up in the capital of the Great Qian Emperor.

The majestic and spectacular Jixia School Palace is like a lonely peak across Daqian, and I can see carved fences and jade buildings, Qionglou jade yu, and green brick tiles. An endless stream of ordinary people brought their heirs into the depths of the Jixia Academy Palace in an orderly manner under Fang Xuanling’s arrangement. The existence of the Jixia School Palace is related to the future of Daqian.

All the trainees who walked out of the Jixia Academy Palace with excellent grades would be recruited by the Great Qian Dynasty.

The scope of knowledge involved in the Jixia Academy Palace is extremely broad, and it mainly focuses on the five major aspects of martial arts, science and technology, agriculture, governance and military. The lecturers of the Jixia Academy Palace are all figures standing at the top of the pyramid in various fields, mainly Wang Yangming and others.

They may have been invited, or they may have been escorted.

Anyway, the names of the people handpicked by Li Pu can only come to the Jixia Academy Palace by name. As for the aftermath, Fang Xuanling has full discretion.

It was a troublesome matter that couldn’t be sorted out, but Fang Xuanling was happy about it.

“Great Qian Martial Classic!”

“I heard that this is a martial arts book compiled by Emperor Qian himself, which not only contains the existing system, but also has a path above the top.”

“All-inclusive, can I actually have access to this kind of book?”

The burly young man excitedly opened the Great Qian Martial Classic. And then….

“Eh, dare to ask the Jixia Academy Palace to teach us to read?”

The scene suddenly fell silent.

This situation is not an isolated case, and most ordinary people in Daqian are illiterate. Fortunately, there is a gentleman who is responsible for teaching literacy in the Minora School Palace.

What made the people of Daqian most excited was that the Jixia Academy Palace actually managed the food.

In particular, students who practice martial arts may not be able to eat meat three times a day, but they can eat medicated meals three times a day. This is absolutely unimaginable.

When a large number of warriors in Daqian heard this, they all went to the Jixia Academy Palace. As a result, the Kinoshita Academy Palace created an unprecedented grandeur.

Even the martial artists of the rivers and lakes who fled with the sect’s exercises heard the news, and they all hid their heads and gathered towards the Jixia Academy Palace.

“That, you don’t search.”


A stunned blue appeared in front of the gate of the Jixia School Palace.

Fang Xuanling, who was fully responsible for the matter, also looked at the other party speechlessly.

“What’s so good about searching?”

Fang Xuanling smiled casually.

“Aren’t you afraid I’m one of those quacks?”

The stunned words made the entire gate of the Jixia Academy Palace fall silent.

Fang Xuanling looked at the other party stunned, and then laughed: “Are you a remnant of the rivers and lakes, can you still be searched out by me?” ”

Seeing that Stunned Touqing still wanted to continue talking, Fang Xuanling only asked.

“Are you my great people?”

“That’s nature!”

Stunned, Qing suddenly raised his head and straightened his chest and said. Fang Xuanling touched his beard with a smile,

“Then let’s go inside!”

“Aren’t you afraid that I will succeed in my studies and deal with Emperor Qian?”

The stunned question made the hidden martial artists around them almost cry. Just you Mad talk a lot.

Some timid martial artists have begun to shake their legs uncontrollably.

Fang Xuanling glanced at Touqing with deep meaning, and then said flatly: “Let’s go in!” ”

“Emperor Qian has an order that all the people of the great Qian can enter the Jixia School Palace.”

“No matter how many identities you have, as long as you don’t cause trouble, then your only identity in the Jixia Academy Palace is my Great Qian people.”

The words are beautiful and sonorous.

Fang Xuanling’s positive color made many martial artists shocked. With a word, Emperor Qian let 100,000 Heifu Tu horses step on the rivers and lakes.

There were countless dead and injured in the major jianghu sects, and the people who hated him to the bone were so vast.

Even so, Emperor Qian was still able to let them enter the Jixia Academy Palace to study martial arts, and such boldness really shocked everyone present.

“Actually, it doesn’t feel bad.”

Thoughts like this suddenly arose in my mind.

After all, there are only a few people who can really access the profound martial arts classics.

The Jixia Academy Palace can treat everyone equally, and a hundred martial arts classics can be viewed by you.

This made many people who had a martial arts qualification in the sect but obtained advanced martial arts could not help but raise the idea of contrast. Then they had the idea of defecting.

“Master, you divide the inheritance of the sect into three, but the most important part is given to the senior brother alone, then don’t blame me for not recognizing you.”

“Master, I will definitely try to avenge you, but I will not talk until I have enough to eat in the Jixia Academy Palace.”

“Master, everything will disappear when people die, you go all the way, I’m going to run to Dagan.”

What’s more, they knelt on the spot and cut off their robes.

Its purpose is to let Fang Xuanling see clearly. The grandeur of the Jixia School Palace quickly spread to the entire Great Qian Dynasty.

Even the people in the neighboring Shangwu Dynasty received the news. Compared with the grandeur of the Great Qian Dynasty, Shangwu Jianghu is miserable. Shangwu Jianghu first-class force Five Poison Sect.

The Five Poisons Great Elder angrily lifted the table, and the surging internal force advanced out.

“Where the hell did these people come from?”

“Each of them is extraordinary, and all of them can be comparable to the acquired martial artists.”

“Not only our Five Poisons Sect, but also the disciples and elders of other sects in the rivers and lakes are disappearing one after another.”

About a month ago.

In Shangwu Jianghu, a group of warriors with extremely high sword skills emerged one after another. The ghostly figure is difficult to judge, and the sword momentum is like thunder.

They are like madmen who grab the martial artists and kill them indiscriminately. The most uncomfortable thing is their profound swordsmanship.

At first, first-class warriors can touch them. Now non-acquired martial artists cannot match it.

Shangwu Jianghu was immediately set off by them in a bloody storm.

If it continues like this, the foundation of Shangwu Jianghu will be crushed.

“Great Elder, I do have a gossip, but I am not sure of the authenticity.”

The three elders of the Five Poisons Sect took out a secret book.

“The cultivation conditions of this exercise are extremely harsh, and it may not be really difficult for ordinary people to make up their minds to cultivate.”

“What’s so hard to make up your mind, Mistress, if I want to say that you are really old, I will be on the spot if you are your eldest brother:…”

The words stopped abruptly.

“If you want to practice this skill, you must first come from the palace.”

The muscles at the corners of the Great Elder’s mouth twitched slightly.

Which immoral thing would cultivate this kind of ghost thing.

“The parents who suffer from the body, cough cough, what the third man said makes sense.”

“But how did this technique come about, and how did it spread in the rivers and lakes?”

The Great Elder couldn’t help but ask, Shangwu Jianghu had been stable for so many years, but they had never heard of the prestige of the Evil Sword Spectrum. Now it can spread so quickly in just three months.

If there is no mastermind behind it, who will believe it?

Just when the Great Elder subconsciously thought of a person, the gate of the Five Poisons Sect was suddenly kicked over.

“Who’s coming!”

The Great Elder of the Five Poisons Sect shouted angrily. The next moment.

The thick internal force of the terrifying waves swept through. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Six consecutive explosions sounded.

The entire room was stained red with splattered flesh and blood.

A figure walked into the room and slowly picked up the Evil Repelling Sword Spectrum.

“Oh, the evil door is crooked, everyone is cursed!”

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