“Is the auxiliary department weak? How it looks like you’re disappointed. ”

Looking at it without saying a word, Lu Chengqi forced out a smile

“You can’t say that, you just can’t fight head-on.”


“It’s okay, let’s go back first.”

Lu Chengqi pulled out the previous coin again, injected extraordinary power, and the light blue light lit up

A circular passage suddenly appeared in front of the two people, and Lu Chengqi explained without saying a word

“This is the passage between the inner world and the table world, and we are now in the inner world, and we will return to the table world in which we live when we cross the past.”

Without saying a word, he nodded and kept up, returning to the table world again

At this moment, it is late at night, the lights on the streets are scattered, and there are few pedestrians.

“I’m sorry, a lot of things happened tonight that you can’t understand, but if you don’t join the Sixteenth Guard, a lot of things can’t tell you, this is the rule of the Sixteenth Guard.”

Lu Chengqi lowered her head, and her tone was thick with apology, and she didn’t even dare to look up without saying a word.

“One more thing, it is extremely rare for people to awaken on their own without taking the ‘knocking potion’, so they must be registered and investigated by the Sixteen Guards, and tomorrow morning they will come to the school to find you…”


Lu Cheng looked up in a daze, only to see that a great blessing had been thrown over

She didn’t react for a moment, and she was in a hurry to catch it, and she didn’t say anything vaguely when she listened

“Taste, creamy, very sweet.”

Lu Cheng froze and immediately smiled happily.

Her mood rose again, because she understood that Shi Wushu had not taken what had just happened to her heart at all.

“Go back, it’s so late.”

Without saying a word, he swallowed a big blessing, and just used the ability to make him feel a little dizzy in his brain, and sweets can be very effective in alleviating this situation.


Lu Cheng replied with a sigh, lifted the bag that had been placed here before, containing the knocking potion and clothes, carefully put Dafu into the bag, and then held the bag on his chest and turned away.

She had just taken two steps when she heard a slightly magnetic voice coming from behind her.

“Cheng Qi, you look very good today.”

“Call Sister Xue!”

Lu Chengqi’s face instantly climbed a touch of crimson, she subconsciously turned around and blurted out, and then ran away quickly with the bag.

Without saying a word, he swallowed the great blessing in his mouth, and then picked up the bag and walked towards the outskirts

“Finally finished, “Crime and Punishment”… It sounds pretty awesome, so let me see what the system that took two years to open has brought me. ”


Kaiwon City, a park on the outskirts of the city.

Without saying a word, he walked down to a recliner and began to call out to the system in his heart.

What had happened before was so sudden that he simply did not have time to study his system carefully.

「System has been activated.”

“Name: Crime and Punishment”

“First Order Function: Gives the host a god-level character template – Gojo Goku!”

“Current Gojo Template Fusion: 10%.”

“Currently mastered skills: 1. Six eyes. 2. Unlimited Technique – Stop Force. 3. Divine Gymnastics.”

“Tips: First, the degree of integration of character templates can be improved in the following two ways: 1. Self-exercise of ability. (2) Punishment for crimes committed in the world. Second, according to the level of exercise and the size of the crime sentenced, different degrees of integration are obtained. 3. As the degree of fusion increases, the ability of the Five Enlightenments will be continuously unlocked.”

Shi did not say that he was overjoyed, and it was indeed Gojo Goku!

No wonder he had turned into white hair, before he could see the red spiritual power in the black crow’s body, and the blue extraordinary power in Lu Chengqi’s body

This is the strength of the six eyes, which can directly see the energy flowing through the body, and even if it blocks the line of sight, it will not hinder the vision!

And now it is not clear that the energy contained in the body is not the extraordinary power of blue, nor is it the spiritual power of red

It is a dark red energy – a “spell power” that does not exist in this otherworld, but belongs to the “world of spells”!

In the world of the anime “Spells”, there is a being that can never be bypassed, known as the ceiling, and that is Gojo Goku!

The white-haired blue pupil is not only a ceiling in terms of spells, but also belongs to the ceiling level in terms of appearance.

At birth, he had six eyes that had only appeared in the Gojo family for hundreds of years, and was hung with a reward of 100 million.

At the age of 17, he became the strongest in the world, able to kill all the magicians in the world on his own.

In terms of appearance, it has also made the girls in the whole class become out of control because they are too handsome.

Today, Shi Bu has opened the system and fused the template of the Five Enlightenments

That is to say, as long as he constantly exercises himself, and kills disasters and punishes evil

As the degree of fusion increases, the ability is unlocked

One day, he can become the ceiling of this extraordinary world!

three days of summer promotion, charge 100 to get 500 VIP coupons!

snap up immediately (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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