At the foot of Yanqiu Mountain.

A group of five people wearing beige uniforms with SLW printed on their left arms and the word “Guard” printed on their right arms appeared here, and a group of five people was climbing up the hill.

“I said, Leader, is there really a “Chaos Spirit” on this mountain?” I looked at the monitoring room and said that I didn’t find any abnormal spiritual power fluctuations, ah, you said that what is breaking news, should not scare people. ”

A young man gasped for breath as he asked hard.

The leading man at the front of the line stopped, turned and said.

“Monitoring equipment is not all energy fluctuations can detect, some spirits will converge on the breath

As long as they don’t launch an attack and stay quietly in one place, they can’t detect it.

If all the fluctuations can be detected, then why should we patrol the garrison? ”

With that, he threw a bottle of mineral water at the young man and wiped the sweat from his forehead

“How can you be such a poor physical being of an extraordinary, all right, then let’s rest here for a while


When you recover a little bit and can continue to “probe”, we will continue to go up. ”

The crowd immediately sat down and took out water and food to replenish their strength.

Not long after, the crowd set out again and headed for the mountain.


The young man suddenly stopped, and he looked around with some trepidation

“Did you hear anything?”

Seeing that the others were looking back at him with puzzled faces, it was obvious that they had not heard.

The young man listened intently again, and a pale blue light converged on his ears

Let his hearing be sharper, and he can even hear the rustle of leaves being blown by the wind not far away

But the strange thing was that the strange cry just now was not heard at all.

He couldn’t help but suspect that he was too nervous and had heard wrongly, so he smiled and signaled that it was all right.

However, the crowd had just taken a dozen steps forward, but the young man’s heart jumped!


The eerie sound of human breathing came again!

Left rear!

Approaching them at breakneck speed!

“Enemy attack!!!”

The young man subconsciously wanted to issue a warning, just the moment he opened his mouth

He found that his brain suddenly became so heavy that he couldn’t make any sounds.

The next moment,

In his consciousness, which had become extremely blurred, he saw in a trance on his left side

An eyeball larger than his entire body appeared!


Without a word, he kicked at a stout tree

Suddenly, the trees snapped!

And all around him, there were fallen and broken tree trunks.

Within a radius of ten meters, it had become a bare clearing!

Shi Wuyi crossed his hands and stretched out a lazy waist

“I’ve always been training with dead things, and it doesn’t seem to have much effect.”


A gunshot suddenly rang out, and a group of birds flew into the sky in shock.

Without saying a word, he turned his head to look at it, and the corners of his mouth suddenly evoked a smile

In the long-range perspective of the six eyes, he could see that the fluctuations of extraordinary power and spiritual power were faintly heard from the place where the gun was fired.

“The Sixteen Guardians and the Chaos Spirits? It seems that it is not far from here, just in time, after practicing for so long, I should also test my actual combat effect. ”


Hundreds of meters away.

“MD! Old Fourth, you’re scared silly! Notify the headquarters quickly!!! ”

The group leader quickly and loudly reprimanded his team members, but his eyes did not dare to have the slightest deviation.

Above the sky in front of him was a black goldfish the size of three floors

The goldfish is dark all over the body, except for its fins, which are slightly transparent and dark red

The caudal fin is constantly swinging slightly in the air like a butterfly

Huge eyeballs protrude beyond the body, looking at the people in the mountains and forests without emotion.

And in the middle of its eyeballs, above its nostrils, two balls of scarlet flesh like tumors protruded out

From a distance, it looks as terrifying as this goldfish has four eyeballs.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three shots in a row!

The silver bullet was wrapped in a layer of light blue extraordinary power, and flew into the dark goldfish in the air with a huge impact.

This is the ability of the group leader, who is the transcendent of the “instrument system”

You can inject your own extraordinary power into bullets, making it three times more lethal than a normal firearm!

However, the moment the bullet hit the goldfish’s body, it was easily bounced off by the scales covering its body

It was as soft as a rubber bullet hitting the wall.

The leader’s bloodshot eyes showed a look of despair

How did you meet “Tatsume” here!

He raised his voice sharply and urged loudly behind him

“Old Fourth, did you call or not!!!”

The man known as the fourth elder had just pressed the communicator with his trembling hand at the moment, and he was so frightened

Looking at the three companions who had become sluggish and stood motionless in the same place

Boundless horror had taken over his brain, and he felt that it was a miracle that he could still stand here like a normal person!

“This is the Sixteenth Guard Patrol Guard, please tell me something.”

Hearing the voice coming from the other end of the communicator, the tears of the fourth elder were about to flow out, and he hurriedly opened his mouth

“Multi-eyed! We have encountered a third-level disaster – many eyes! Three players have already been in trouble!!! We…”


The fourth elder did not finish speaking, and the communicator in his hand suddenly fell to the ground and made a snapping sound

The panic in his eyes disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a dull and dazed look of no luster.

“Hey, hey, where are you!” Hear please call back, hear please call back! ”

The anxious voice of the operator came from the communicator, but there was no one answering.

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