To be honest, it is actually a bit of a surprise to say that the time is not speaking

He didn’t know in advance that someone else would show up here

Even before practicing, it was specifically checked before the workout began.

It’s just that his six-eye ability is too strong, 360 all-round perspective without dead ends

So when energy fluctuations occur in the phone booth and someone walks out of it

Without saying a word, he immediately found out, and guessed through the extraordinary power in the body of the guy that he should be the Sixteen Guards.

However, after observing for a while, I found that the other party just walked to the recliner and sat down, and had no ill will toward himself

So he didn’t care too much and continued to do his own familiar exercises.

“Hungry, old man?” Oh, please! ”

Shi Buyan took out a piece of cake in the bag and threw it to the guy next to him

The tone was familiar, like an old friend who had known him for many years

“If you think it’s too dry, and there’s water in the bag, take it yourself.”

That’s the character of the hour, if someone has malice toward him

Even if you can’t beat it, you have to bite a piece of flesh from the other party before you die

Instead, as long as it is someone he thinks has no ill will toward him

He would have acted very self-sufficient, not caring at all about anything like ceremonial distance

In the past, the first day I met Lu Chengqi, I directly called her name, and the same was true for Jiang Yi’er.

For some elderly people, they will respect it when they say it

But it is not because of the boring orthodoxy of respecting the old and loving the young

It’s just that you don’t feel that person deserves respect.

The guy subconsciously caught the cake that he threw without saying a word, and he was there for a while

He had simulated many scenes of their conversation in his mind before coming

Not deliberately, but an instinct he had cultivated over the years.

But I never imagined that when I arrived, it would be such an unfolding

Old man?

How many years has no one dared to call themselves that?

Besides, he is still a hairy boy who has just stepped into the extraordinary, and the smell of milk has not dried?!

The guy smiled, and he finally looked sideways at the teenager next to him.

“Young man, do you know who I am? What are you doing here? ”

“An old man of sixteen guards who came out for a walk after eating one night?”

Shi Wuyi casually replied, and then threw a piece of sugar to the guy’s side

“A friend of mine made it, it’s delicious, you try it.”

Who are the guys and what are they going to do?

Shi Wuyan really didn’t care about this matter, as long as he didn’t have malicious intentions towards himself

Anyway, he didn’t join the Sixteenth Guard to study these useless things

Instead, in order to use their power to quickly destroy the Chaos Spirit and speed up their fusion progress.

The man looked at the sugar and cake in his hand, and looked at the face of satisfaction when he ate the sweet

He was silent for a moment, and then suddenly let out a loud and vigorous laughter

“Why don’t you eat it for me?”

Shi WuXian muttered with some dissatisfaction, almost scared off his own cake!

The guy’s gaze lingered on Shi Wuyan again for a moment

Then he put the cake and candy in his pocket and got up and walked to the phone booth.

“The day after tomorrow at nine o’clock in the morning, go to the combat test where you joined the Sixteenth Guard, and someone will pick you up.”

Immediately, the telephone booth flashed red, and the figure of the man disappeared.

“The day after tomorrow, then tomorrow I have to go find Yi’er and ask her to make me some more candy.”

Shi WuXian skimmed his lips a little bitterly, and although the six eyes and the power of stopping were incomparably strong, there was a very big drawback

That’s because they are passive skills, so they are in a ‘combat state’ twenty-four hours a day, and there is no room for rest without saying anything.

Even though he had bought a black blindfold to block his vision and let his six eyes look less clearly, the constant mental exhaustion was still a bit unbearable.

So he now has to replenish a lot of sugar every day so that his brain will not burn out due to excessive automatic operation.

“It seems that we must seize the time to improve the degree of fusion, and learn the reversal technique as soon as possible, then we can reduce a lot of pressure.” 」

While thinking, Shi WuXian raised his arm again and pointed to a clearing in front of him


The ground exploded in an instant, with the “Cang” as the center, and countless dust and cement were constantly attracted and squeezed together

That scene is like an invisible giant vigorously rubbing a piece of plasticine!

This time it is a bit out of place…

Without saying a word, Rao was a genius physique that he could learn no matter what knowledge he read once

When I was learning the Infinite Limit Technique of the Five Noble Enlightenment, I also felt for the first time what powerlessness was.

No way, who made the principle of this move so magical.

It is actually the infinite series of convergence in the unbounded Achilles paradox brought to reality, which is simply magical to read!

The time was muttering, but the spell in the body was non-stop

One by one, the “flies” were constantly cast out by him

Then make different degrees of subtle adjustments based on the different results after each cast.


“It’s heavy.”

“Ah! It’s off again!”

“Eh, perfect!”

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snap up immediately (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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