Jiang Yi’er raised her tearful eyes and looked to the side

I saw the familiar white-haired teenager standing in front of her

The teenager’s left hand grabbed Zhou Mingxiu’s collar and lifted him up in mid-air.

Above Zhou Mingxiu’s right cheek, a clear slap mark could be seen, and it was puffing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“What are you going to do?” I warn you, here are the sixteen guards, if you dare to mess around, I promise to make you regret it! Let me down!!! ”

Zhou Mingxiu’s heart was very panicked at this moment

He knew that when he did not say that a person had destroyed the matter of the second-level multi-eyed, he had done so

Understand that he is certainly not his opponent

The reason why he dared to threaten Jiang Yi’er in front of Shi Yi’er

It was because he decided that when he did not say anything, there was no way he would have the courage to shoot him directly

After all, this is the headquarters of the Sixteenth Guard, and there are so many captains and strong people around.

But he didn’t think of it at all

This guy is so bold!

Dare to just mess around like this!

Zhou Mingxiu was grabbed by the 1.9 meter without saying a word, just like a panicked chicken at the moment

It wasn’t that he hadn’t tried to struggle, he had tried it when he had just been caught

But what made him despair was that he was a third-level transcendent of the physical art department

He didn’t even have the slightest resistance to the unspoken control!

At this time, Shi Wu’s expression showed an indifference that was extremely rare in him

“You know what? Yi’er is a gentle person, a very gentle person,” she said

Zhou Mingxiu nodded hesitantly, hoping that Shi Wuyan could let him go

However, I found that the tone of the silence became more and more cold

The whole person is like an iceberg that constantly emits cold air

“But gentle people always have a hard time surviving, because the world is neither gentle nor right.”

Zhou Mingxiu’s heart was cold, and he became more and more flustered

Although he knew that Xia Lotte did not like him,

Always treated him like a lowest-level bug

But at this moment, he found that the unspoken look in his eyes was even more indifferent

The other person’s eyes are not looking at insects, but as if they are looking at a dead object.

“Stop! What are you doing? You’re going to be imprisoned! ”

At this time,

Zhou Mingxiu suddenly heard a full-bodied voice ringing out

It seems to be the smell of the patrol guard.

The next moment, the five fingers of the unspoken let go

Zhou Mingxiu’s body slid down

His heart that had been tense was finally relieved


This boy is still a little rational after all, he is afraid!

The next second, however,

He was horrified to find that his head was strangled by the teenager with even more powerful force

The other’s slender fingers burst out with an extremely terrifying power

The force was so strong that it was as if he was going to directly pinch his temple!

Zhou Mingxiu was horrified, and he instinctively wanted to make a voice to call for help

At the same time, the extraordinary power in his body was running at full speed, trying to break free of the unspoken palm of his hand.


Didn’t work.

Between the sharp pain in his eyes, he passed through the gap between his fingers

It was as if he had seen the young man who had been wearing an eye patch all the time say a word

The tone was cold and indifferent, as if the gods from heaven were punishing him!

“Sure enough, it’s better for someone like you to die.”

The unspoken arm suddenly exerted force

Dark red spell power penetrated into his muscles and was transmitted to the palm of his hand.


In the midst of a loud bang,

A humanoid pit appeared above the stands!

Sixteen Guards Ninth Guard, Reserve Fourth Team Captain Zhou Mingxiu,

It was actually pressed into the dirt without saying a word!


At this moment, the whole place was as silent as death.

The contestants who took part in the test, the staff of the monitoring team, the personnel of the medical rescue team and the patrol guard team, were present

All of them looked at each other in a daze, and even the members of the various combat teams on the side became dumbfounded.

What did they see?!

One hasn’t joined the sixteen teams yet

The rookie who just came to test today actually beat the captain of the combat team?!

Let you take the test, you beat up your future boss?!

What is the use of physical strength, without using any mental attack and transformation ability?!

It wasn’t until some of the participants in the field didn’t know where they had been poked by the tin rhinoceros and let out a terrible scream in their mouths that the silent stagnation of the whole venue was broken.

The medical rescue team rushed to the scene to bandage and treat the injured.

“Sleeper! Zhou Ming repaired and said that he was also a third-level extraordinary, or a martial arts department

Even if I were to fight with him at such a close distance, I guess I wouldn’t be able to get any advantage! ”

“I heard that his strength has improved a lot recently, and he only killed a quasi-second-level wild bull two days ago, and as long as he passes the examination, he can step into the quasi-second-level bull.”

“Sigh, but today it seems that he is afraid that he will not have the opportunity to step into the quasi-second level again.”

“I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it, it was really the back wave of the Yangtze River pushing the front wave, and the front wave died on the beach.”

“I suddenly realized a serious problem… This white-haired guy is going to join our combat team in the future

With this temper and strength of his, he felt that there would be a big earthquake in the current pattern of the combat team! ”

“It’s a pity that the guys from the Spirit Hunting Team are not there, otherwise with their style, they would definitely fight with this new person every day, hahaha!”

The members of the various combat teams were constantly discussing, although they seemed to be playing a light joke

But in fact, everyone’s heart is full of shock that has not been expressed, and a hint of… Alert!

As for why it wasn’t expressed – just kidding, as an active combat team senior

How can you be intimidated by a newcomer who hasn’t joined the combat team yet?

People also want to face the good felling!

And at the moment, on the far right side of the stand, the position of the Spirit Hunter team

Xia Lotte’s breathing suddenly became urgent

His eyes were fixed on the thin figure without saying a word.

“This guy, how dare he?!”

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