Not only that, but ten meters away from the front of the unspoken time

The tin rhinoceros from Area B was also about to rush to the front without saying a word with red eyes

After the madness, the skin of the iron rhinoceros becomes harder and the sharp horns become sharper!

If you are stabbed by a sharp horn as thick as an arm, the consequences are unimaginable!

At this moment, the time is silent, it can be said that the belly and back are being attacked!

However, what happened next was completely beyond Lu Chengqi’s imagination

Only to see that without saying a word or standing in the same place, the footsteps of the rhinoceros were getting closer and closer, but he did not look back

Suddenly, he grabbed his right hand behind him, and the next moment he grabbed the sharp horn of the iron rhinoceros with such accuracy.

The movement is as smooth as the tin rhino himself delivered the sharp horns to the hands of the unspoken.

Then he leaned forward slightly, turning counterclockwise with his left foot as the center of the circle

The right hand thrusts forward and draws an arc

It was so direct that the body of the iron rhinoceros was dragged away from the ground


The tin rhinoceros was thrown out without saying a word, directly hitting the tin rhinoceros that attacked from Zone B, and the two were directly catapulted together to the edge of the field.


The silent figure disappeared in an instant, but not even a trace of dust was stirred up on the ground

Because what he was using at this time was not the extreme speed formed by the rebound of the contact between the foot force and the ground

It’s the ability he’s just developed

One of the derivative uses of “苍”,

Formed by compressing the distance between two points – teleportation!

Bang bang bang!

Whip legs!

Straight punch!

The silent figure was constantly flashing in the middle of the field, and his shot after each flicker was bound to be accompanied by a powerful and heavy blow.

Between the whiskers, four more tin rhinos were already beaten out of the field without saying a word.

“It’s coming, this location is very suitable.”

Shi WuXian looked at the three tin rhinos running towards him side by side in front of him, and his eyes lit up

Then, his figure instantly appeared on the side of an iron rhinoceros

A dark red spell glow appeared above the calf, and a powerful thrust suddenly appeared.

“Three cattle in a row!”

The tin rhinoceros didn’t even have time to scream

The abdomen was instantly sunken down by the huge force, and Dunhou’s figure arched like a cooked shrimp at this moment


The sound of breaking the air sounded, and the tin rhinoceros flew out backwards at a very fast speed!

Bang! Bang!

The next moment, its huge body hit the other two tin rhinos on its inverted flight route without error

The three chaotic spirits that had entered a state of madness had not yet had time to exert their power

They were dragged out of the field by their irresistible huge inertia!

The dust settles

At the moment,

In the middle of this stadium-sized field

Only one person stands here without saying a word

Stand among the nine tin rhinos around them who are constantly vomiting blood and emitting a low wailing!

Cough cough cough cough…

Wen Chengye couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air, but instead he was choked by his own smoke

But when he went along with it, the whole person still didn’t react a bit

You just took a puff of your cigarette and the fight is over?

How long has this been?

Seven seconds, eight seconds or nine seconds?


Except shock or shock

This is the expression that appears on the faces of everyone present at this moment

If it is said that the scene of Zhou Mingxiu was just unspoken, they can also cover up a little

He can also use the lame reason that “Zhou Mingxiu is just defenseless” to deceive himself

But now, the horror in their hearts could not be concealed at all.

Counting the tin rhinoceros that was beaten out of the field at the beginning, it was a four-level disaster with a full head of ten

They said with certainty that if these chaotic spirits who had entered a state of madness were on together

Even if two whole reserve combat teams were dispatched, they might not be able to be destroyed!

But now,

These disasters were actually completely disemboweled by Shi Wuyi in just a few seconds, completely losing their combat effectiveness

Even seeing their bloody horror, the members of the combat team were not sure whether the rhinos would survive.

“I’m special! Is the gap between people so big?! ”

“How do I feel that he is more like a disaster than the Chaos Spirit?”

“Hang up, he must be hanging!” Umpire! Umpire! I want to report him!!! ”

“Strong strength is open hanging? Can’t afford to lose?! ”

This is how to persuade the wine to go back.

Without saying a word, he walked over to the already stunned inspector and asked

“That way, the test will pass, right?”

The inspector nodded subconsciously, and then returned to his senses and shouted loudly using the loudspeaker

“Today’s combat team induction test is over, please take a break and wait for the results!”

Wait, join the team test?

At this time, the active combat team members in the stands reacted

It turned out that this was just a team entry test.

Look at it without saying that effortless look

They were very convinced that it would not be long

Without saying a word, you can easily be promoted from the reserve team to the spirit hunting team

Now, the only spirit hunting team with vacancies is the spirit hunting team.

At the thought of this, everyone’s eyes brushed together to look at Xia Lotte

There was a hint of playfulness in his look.

One is Xia Lotte, who claims to be the strongest man in the combat team

One is a newcomer who has just awakened and shown amazing strength

It’s really exciting!

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snap up immediately (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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