in the world.


The train “Red Box” stopped, and a section of the carriage detached from the body and floated onto a plain not far away.

The door opened, and Lin Xinzhi, the captain of the inspection team, got out of the carriage and walked towards the herd of flowers and deer in front of him

Suddenly, a figure dressed in plain clothes appeared from the frightened herd of flower deer

She is in the midst of a large group of “Spirit of Order


He was not wearing the protective clothing that a “shepherd” had to configure

As if she didn’t worry at all that the toxins in the Spirit of Order’s body would invade her body

She gently stroked a flower deer in front of her, plucked a small white flower from its antlers, and then opened her mouth faintly

“How’s it going?”

“It has been done, Shi Wuyan became the deputy captain of the Spirit Hunting Team, Lu Chengqi was exempted from confinement, Xia Lotian went to the patrol guard, as for Zhou Mingxiu…”

Lin Xinzhi bowed his hand slightly to the woman in front of him, and his attitude was not humble or profane.

Fortunately, this is a sparsely populated grazing area, otherwise if the other members of the Sixteen Guards saw such a scene, they would definitely feel strange!

He has great power to supervise and investigate all members of the Sixteen Guards, and is revered by them as the captain of the inspection team of Lin Lao

At this moment, he actually gave a salute to this plain-clothed woman, who in the world can afford this courtesy?!

“Tell me about the situation.”

The woman still did not look back, looking at the flowers in her hands with self-care.

Elder Lin didn’t care if the woman interrupted him, in fact, Zhou Mingxiu’s situation was, and he didn’t care much about it.

“During the test, the means of the time are clean and neat, without the slightest dragging mud with water, a blow will knock Zhou Mingxiu unconscious

Moreover, he was cautious and meticulous, he could anticipate the results before the test, and make a response plan in advance, and rationally use the regulations to transfer Jiang Yi’er into the Spirit Hunting Team after he had just become the vice captain

In addition, in the decisive killing, there is no lack of a certain overall view, even if he perceives the killing opportunity that Xia Lotte showed to him, he also chose to release water at the last moment for the overall stability of the sixteen guards, and did not kill Xia Lotte in front of everyone. ”

“Captain Lin, it seems that you have a high opinion of Shi Wen.”

“Well, but I’m still a little worried, and I want to observe for a while without saying a word, after all, since that time, there has been no “mysterious department.”

The woman’s fingers stroking the flower suddenly stopped, and her eyes became somewhat hollow, and she said slowly

“I haven’t heard this faculty in a long time… Captain Lin, do you know what kind of transcendent person the mysterious department really is? ”

“I’d like to hear more about it.”

Lin Xinzhi was a little surprised, after that big battle, the people in front of him had rarely had such a time for mood swings

Even after living together for decades, he had only heard a few words about the mysterious department from her mouth.

“Those who are self-awakened are not necessarily mysterious, but those who are mysterious must be autonomously awakened.”

The first sentence at the beginning made Lin Xinzhi’s pupils shrink.

“The vast majority of the transcendent beings in the world, no matter how many times they knock on the door, they knock on what they are, the instrument is the instrument, the spell is the spell

The lineage of these doors is decided before they knock on the door, and there is no right to choose for ourselves, and we who are born inside the door are self-awakened. ”

The woman lightly said the fact that she was an independent awakener, but there was no show off in her tone, but there was a faint sense of loss.

However, for the mysterious transcendent, this predestined rule does not exist in front of their eyes, and there will be many lineage choices in front of him

As if it were not said, there were at least three kinds of system options now, physical arts, spells and assists, which would inevitably cause the mysterious department people to show extremely powerful combat effectiveness from the moment they awakened. ”

The woman’s tone became more shy, as if she had fallen into memory.

“It’s just that with the passage of time and the power grows, they themselves may not notice that when there are too many things to choose from, the desires of the human heart will be infinitely magnified


“Until the end, a thought becomes God or… One thought turns into a demon. ”

Lin Xinzhi quietly listened to the woman’s speech, and his heart was full of emotions, he knew that what the woman’s mouth said was not spoken

But in fact, it is the person who fought with women many years ago and caused the complete collapse of the world passage on the surface.

The woman withdrew from the memory, and her eyes returned to their original state.

“How’s the investigation going from the technology development team?”

“The time is too short, and the investigation is still continuing, and only one thing can be determined at present, that the blood-eyed crow and the multi-eyed crow are related to the “old Japanese division”.”

“Those who believe in evil gods are not dead yet?”

There was a flash of unhappiness in the woman’s eyes, and she was very disgusted with the “old days”.

Judging from the intelligence currently investigated, it seems that in order to prevent them from making a comeback at any time, Lu Chengqi’s tight closure was canceled

As for Xia Lotte, he showed his killing intent in the course of the battle, and he should have sent him to the prison team

But after all, he also had the strength of a quasi-first-level extraordinary, thinking that it might still be useful, so he was transferred to the patrol guard. ”

“Well, you can watch and do these things, don’t say anything over there, you should pay more attention to it, you, Captain Lin.”

Women seem to have said so many words in a long time, somewhat tired,

She gently placed her head on the back of the flower deer and quietly closed her eyes.

“Then I’ll say goodbye first,” he said

Lin Xinzhi bowed his hand slightly again


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