Not much time,

The formalities are completed without a word

It would have been reasonable to say that this set of procedures came down

At least a day or so

But under the personal leadership of the captain of the interior team,

It took less than half an hour

That’s all there is to it.

In Chai An’s gloomy gaze,

Shi WuXian left the interior affairs team,

Walk in the direction of the Spirit Hunter Team

He was going to see Jiang Yi’er.

Soon, he saw Jiang Yi’er

Although the time was not yet noon, Jiang Yi’er seemed to have been training for a long time

The shirt was even wet with sweat and clung to his body.

It’s a bit of a surprise

Although this girl was a year younger than herself

But the impression of not saying it has always been a little ghost who loves to cry his nose

I didn’t expect to start exercising so seriously now.

“You’re so good, I can’t go too far.”

Jiang Yi’er stood in front of Shi Wuyi, holding his head high

It didn’t seem to be as timid as before.

That fleshy face that looked red from overtraining

The way it laughs is cute

Let Shi WuXian can’t help but pinch it,

As a result, she was like a frightened rabbit

Stuffed a handful of sugar into the time without saying a word, and then quickly slipped away.

When the time is helpless to smile,

Then I simply found a no-man’s training ground and started training

No man’s land was chosen

It’s because he is mainly training Cang’s precision

Then come and get acquainted with the reversal style of recovery

And the extremely strong gravitational pull of the Cang

If you use it in a crowded place,

It is very easy to hurt other people by mistake.

But Rao is so, in the training for long,

A girl still appeared at the door of the training ground

She would have been passing by

Feel free to glance toward the training ground

Then the eyes could no longer be removed

Not long after, more and more girls watched

A cry of exclamation emanated from their mouths

Without exception, they are all praising the unspoken appearance and amazing strength

After hearing from bystanders is the new vice-captain of the Spirit Hunting Team

The exclamations and screams grew louder and louder.

Sixteen Guards is really too big

Although the time is not said in the team assessment has been a sensation in the whole field

But the people who were present at the time were only a few of them

Not even all the personnel of the combat team arrived

Plus when not saying a word just joined the Sixteen Guards,

This was his second time at headquarters

So the vast majority of people

The right time is not to say that it has always been only to hear its name, not to see its people

It’s hard to meet this legendary real person today

It turned out that he was more handsome and tough than the rumors

How could they not take a good look?!

Even at the end,

The crowd at the door was already so large that it was directly squeezed into the training ground!

When I didn’t say anything, I had to change places again to continue training.

In the late afternoon,

Time goes back to the table world

He chewed sugar in his mouth and sighed in his heart

In the future, try not to train in the headquarters

It was too much trouble.

He even felt those girls in a way

More terrifying than the Chaos Spirits

There was often a glint in their eyes that was about to eat him.


“Stop them, don’t let them run!”

Suddenly, Shi WuXian heard a scream coming from behind him

And the man’s scolding,

Then a motorcycle roared past him!

On it sat two men with helmets

They were clutching a lady’s handbag.

For the time is not to say anything to look at them

The man in the back even waved an internationally friendly finger at Shi without saying a word

The corners of his mouth couldn’t help but evoke a hint of curvature

The next moment,

In the middle of motorcycles and unspoken

Suddenly, a great suction force appeared

Suddenly, the motorcycle was pulled and overturned

Two men fell straight from the car

Tumbled and fell to the front of the unspoken time!

Immediately after,

Two men in sixteen-guard uniforms and the woman who had been robbed also followed

The woman picked up her backpack from the ground

Then his eyes lit up and he couldn’t stop thanking him.

The two sixteenth guards wiped the sweat from their foreheads

First checked the robbers

After finding out that they had fainted

Only to look at the time without saying a word

“You’re the vice captain of the Spirit Hunting Team?!”

A man said somewhat unsurely

The two of them, though the men of the Sixteenth Guard Patrol Guard, were men

But in fact, they are just ordinary people who have undergone special training, not extraordinary people

Usually in the table world, responsible for the security problems in this area

In general,

The vice-captain of the Spirit Hunting Team was a person at this level that he could not touch

But today during the day,

Shi Wuyan trained on the training ground of the World Sixteenth Guard Headquarters

Photographed by the onlookers, and videos recorded

Some people even gave themselves to P in the photo

After being accompanied by text, it spread to various groups within the Sixteen Guards.

“On the Boyfriend Power of the New Vice Captain of the Hunting Spirit ~”

“I want to be hammered in the chest by his little fist.”

“Me and my new boyfriend~”

And so on, and so on

So, in just one day

Shi Bu said that no one inside the Sixteen Guards knew about it.

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