
A chain as thick as an arm carried the sound of the wind and pumped vigorously in the direction of the unspoken moment

Shi did not move his steps and just slightly sideways

Just dodged this attack chain hit the railing, and the stone pillars and railings by the river instantly turned into animal powder with a bang.

“The strength is good, and the accuracy needs to be improved.”

Shi Wuyan commented like a teacher as a nameless fire in Laiqi’s heart, as a teacher

There will be countless subordinates

No one had ever dared to teach her such a lesson!


She slammed the spiritual power in her body and the chain was pulled back

Then draw at a faster speed without saying a word! One after the other

The speed is getting faster and faster

If it is seen with the naked eye of ordinary people

I couldn’t see the black chain at this moment at all, and I could only see a vague afterimage

It’s like an impenetrable net enveloping the silent figure in it!

But the time is still not moving the pace every time the chain hits

His body will make a slight shake of the amplitude is not large,

But they all happened to dodge Raiki’s attack. This is deliberate

He needs to train this delicate operation

This will make the speed of his mental energy loss faster, so that the reversal technique can be better restored. Sou!

The chains struck empty again

However, a smile appeared on Cai Qi’s face behind him

The black chain, which had been exhausted

Suddenly, strangely, he flew back in the direction of the unspoken time! It was as fast as a black snake

The earthquake time will be wrapped up in the unspoken!


Lai Qi placed her left hand on the edge of her red lips and let out a wry smile

Moving his steps, Shi Shi calmly walked slowly toward Shi without saying a word. She was in a very happy mood at the moment

Just be bound by chains

Then the power will be continuously emitted from it embedded in the body of the other party

Let his whole being not exert any strength!

“I didn’t expect that the chains that had been relying on my strength to move could actually move on their own.”

The dish is close and the body is close without saying a word

She was very satisfied with her trick to lure the enemy

A pair of moist eyes stared straight at the face that did not say a word.

“It’s a shame that wearing an eye mask can’t see your surprised eyes.” The chains behind Raiki are like living creatures.”

Slowly drifting around her body

“But it doesn’t matter, let my sister taste it first~”

Her eyes glowed red

The purple lips opened silently as they approached

A strong suction came from her mouth

Just like she had sucked the believers in the underground worship ceremony before! The next moment, however

Her look was frozen even though she had done her best

But there was no trace of essence coming from the body of the unspoken person! No way!

Lai Qi’s heart was a little flustered before she could figure out why

In front of her came the deep voice that did not speak.

“When did you come up with the illusion that you had already subdued me?”

Caiqi’s face changed

Her eyes suddenly looked at the chains on Shi Wuyan’s body, and then she couldn’t help but let out an exclamation

“How come?!”

Only to see that the chains did not touch the body that was silent at the time

In the middle of it and the time is not said to be a very thin barrier, although only a small distance of only a centimeter

But at this moment, it is like a graben that makes it difficult for the chain to get close to it without saying a word! Lai Qi’s body moved

The whole person immediately retreated from the silent front to the distant chains and returned to her

Her gaze was so dead that when she stared at it, her eyes were full of shock and boundary!

There must be boundaries in this guy! So there was no way the chains would bind him

I couldn’t suck the essence out of him! The previous look of the hand-tie-up is fake! A strong anger suddenly arose in Laiqi’s heart

Originally, I thought that I had unspoken my own trick to seduce the enemy, but I was more like a monkey

Straight to the man in front of him teasing! “How dare he play with Lord Ben?!” Without saying a word, look at the woman in front of you,

The look on his face moved, and he opened his mouth faintly,

“You’re the lust priest of the old Riji, aren’t you?”

Although it is an interrogative sentence

But the tone is with an unmistakable sense of affirmation! When Laiqi had just opened her mouth to inhale, she did not say a word, and it was clear that on her tongue, a strange sheep’s head pattern was inscribed

And the spiritual power fluctuations coming from above this pattern

Stronger than any animal pattern I’ve ever seen before!

Coupled with the innate charm and a hint of superiority, which emanated from the woman in front of her

Let Shi Shi immediately think of the person that Elder Lin had mentioned at the meeting, the former priest in charge of lust!

Raiki looked in disbelief without saying that she had never said anything about her identity as the man in front of her

How did you know your identity?!


Her look changed suddenly


Shi Yan already knew their plan this time?! Therefore, in the case that he has clearly seen through his own identity, he still agrees to come out with himself

The purpose is to drag yourself here and then over there in the nest

Now there must be a main force of sixteen guards, so wouldn’t the Lord’s resurgence be disturbed?! Raiki’s mind turned

The look of shock on her face grew stronger and worse, and then her eyes changed

One step on the ground

The whole person hurried towards the other side of the river! yes

The choice Lai Qi made at this moment was to escape from her, although she would like to taste the taste of the time

But that was based on the fact that she could easily subdue herself

However, after the fight

She found that with her current level of strength, there was no way to take it without saying a word

The other side now already knows their plan, and may even know the news of the Lord’s imminent recovery

She must now hurry back to find Gratt

Then report the matter to Lord Holtlis as soon as possible! But the next moment,

Her figure was stagnant

Only to see the mid-air above the North River,

There was a white-haired teenager with an eye patch standing in front of her, and Lai Qi’s look changed dramatically.

She instinctively looked back

Only to see that the previous position is already empty, teleporting?!

This incredible thought arose in Laiqi’s mind that even she herself thought was absurd.

“Since you’re here, let’s stay.” Shi WuXian looked indifferent and opened his mouth gently. ”

Then the dark red spell power in the body surged, penetrating into the right leg for the next moment,

A bullet leg that was so fast that it even brought out a shadow was kicked out sharply! Raiki’s body suffered a heavy blow,

Immediately fell from the air,

Pull out long ravines on the banks of the river and crash into the walls

Fall into a house and dust and smoke are everywhere!

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