He closed his eyes without saying a word

Feel the extra knowledge about “He” in your mind

He let out a soft breath and then held out his left hand

Curl up your ring finger and little finger and tapping your lips and teeth,


The next moment

From in front of him

A red shock wave suddenly shot out of the moat rod in front of him and instantly turned into the powerful force of the shock wave

Even the North River in front of him was split

A deep opening was drawn above the vast river for a time, and above the North River, the skin waves were torrential!

I am overjoyed

He simply tested the operation of “He” and did not use full force

But this shock wave is emitted

It’s about 4 buses long, close to 7 meters!

Even almost directly attacked the other side of the North River! Worthy of an absolute rebuke – “He”!

Until then

The unspoken long-range attack method has only one “Cang” although it is very powerful

But there is still a drawback

That’s because the “cang” is gravity

Therefore, Shi Wuyan did not dare to put it too close to his own range, otherwise it was possible to hurt himself

But now “He” is to make up for this small shortcoming, he can directly cast this spell in front of his body

Bounce off enemies who are about to attack you with super repulsion!

“He” is actually a type of infinite technique, which would not have existed in reality

It’s like in real life

There is no such thing as a “negative number”

For example, if the distance between people is constantly reduced, the result is that it is constantly getting closer

The distance between the last two will be attributed to 0 and will not become negative

Read, no, this example is not too rigorous. For example

We eat apples

After eating, it will turn into 0 apples instead of 1 apple

But the infinite limit can bring this theoretical “negative number” to reality

“Cang” is to apply a negative number between two objects, such as applying a 10-meter number to the distance between two objects that are originally 10 meters apart

Then the distance between them will become instantaneous so that they will collide directly

If the applied numbers continue to increase infinitely the distance between them will become negative

Then they will instantly explode due to strong squeezing collisions. And the “Red Akatsuki” that is now opened

The opposite

A positive number, say, 10 meters, can be applied between two objects that are originally spaced apart

Then they will be bounced off instantaneously as this positive number is applied

Then the farther they are bounced off, the greater the repulsion they will withstand

And the performance projected into reality

Then it is an ultra-long linear aoe shock wave just released without saying it!

And thanks to his incessant reversal operation, he is constantly exercising and repairing

Let his own flesh also become stronger, and his manipulation of the spell force is also more delicate!

Shi Wuyan looked at the river in front of him that was constantly rippling with his own attacks

Now he

Has the power to stop everything with the six eyes that see through everything

The flies that attract everything

There is also the reversal technique that can heal itself and the He who can repel everything

Although it is said that the so-called end point of the art has not been unlocked, it is not said that the level of the ceiling cannot be reached for the time being

But the time goes without saying

Start now

He has already begun to step into the ranks of the most powerful in this world!

“Next, it’s time to find a lucky person to experiment with.” Without saying a word, I took the phone out of my pocket.”

I opened the text message sent to him by the members of the Spirit Hunting Team before.

“Oh, it doesn’t seem like you have to go too far.”

The silent gaze fell on the side of the front just a short distance away

It is the entrance to the Tokugawa Tunnel mentioned in the text message.


“Monitor the battle fluctuations of the first-level Chaos Spirit and the Transcendent, on the North River!”

Mo Jing stared intently at the operating platform in front of him, “Is there any surveillance nearby?” Find out who it is! ”

Wen Chengye asked urgently

Mo Jingming’s fingers maneuvered

Then a scene was mobilized

It was Shi Bu Yan and Lai Qi who fought the course of the battle although the monitored footage was a little blurry at night

But Shi Buyan’s white hair was extremely conspicuous! Watching the picture, he finally twisted Raiki’s neck and extinguished the fleeing black smoke directly in the air

The crowd in the surveillance room was in an uproar! Wen Chengye also looked shocked

Even Luo Ruxuan, who came with him, couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air. There had been no contact without a word

I thought something was wrong with him

As a result, I didn’t expect him to be silent

Directly eliminate a first-level chaotic spirit and watch his battle process

It seems to be extremely relaxed and calm, as if it is not using its full strength at all but warming up!

“Report! The spiritual fluctuations that appeared before Xia Lotte’s disappearance were detected! ”

At this time, the subordinate opened his mouth to report

“That first-level chaotic spirit breath is multi-eyed!”

Wen Chengye’s heart tightened

In addition to the second-level multi-eyed one of Yanqiu Mountain, is there another first-level one?!

He didn’t have time to think about it yet

Then I heard an old and anxious voice coming from my side, “Don’t say anything, contact him!” ”

Wen Chengye looked sideways at Elder Lin

However, he found that he had always been calm, and he was actually frowning at this moment

Mo Jingming immediately began to use the communicator to paging but nothing but a murmur

I didn’t hear a response at all.

“Elder Lin can’t get in touch.”

“Where did Shi WuXian last appear?”

“Entrance to the Tokugawa Tunnel.”

“He went in too?!”

Old Lin’s face changed

Then he slammed the table “What a hoot!” ”

Wen Chengye’s heart at this moment rose a bad premonition, “Elder Lin, what’s wrong, what happened?” ”

Elder Lin sighed

“As you just saw, that woman can transform into someone else’s form and in the end she can transform into black smoke.”

“Is there anything wrong with that?”

“That is the power that is unique to the priesthood of lust.”

“Sex Teacher?!”

Wen Chengye was shocked and then asked again

“But wasn’t she wiped out by the silence of time?”

Elder Lin shook his head,

“Being destroyed by the time is a wisp of black smoke, just her doppelganger, and if the doppelganger is a first-level rank, then her body must be a special level!”

Coupled with the appearance of the first-level multi-eyed so gluttonous Sect Sect is also very likely to be a special level! ”

Wen Chengye was horrified in his heart,

“Doesn’t that mean that there are at least two Chaos Spirits of the Special Rank in the nest where the Spirit Hunting Team is going now?”

Elder Lin nodded heavily,

Immediately a sharp color flashed in his cloudy eyes.

“Captain Wen, you are here to direct the suppression of the Haiyuan City disaster incident, and Captain Luo and I will not say anything when I take the other teams to support!”

We can’t let our Spirit Hunters fall into the hands of that group of Chaos Spirits! ”

“Elder Lin.”

Smell Chengye opening

Although he was only a quasi-first-level transcendent, he had no effect on the super-level Chaos Spirit at all

But his character made it impossible for him to sit here safely in this situation.

“This is the command!”


Wen Chengye saw Elder Lin and Luo Ruxuan behind him and sighed heavily,

Then he gave orders to his subordinates,

“Continue to contact the Spirit Hunters without saying a word, and once contacted, let them retreat immediately!”

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