The head of a huge fly collides with the head of a snake,

Suddenly, the two people let out a wailing at the same time,

They have now completely lost their human mental mode, but the pain they feel in their bodies is incomparable.

They can’t understand why they know that the goal they want to attack is silent but in the blink of an eye.

The distance between the two people disappears,

Thus causing their bodies to crash together. The two shook their still somewhat dizzy heads, and looked in unison in the direction of silence,

There was a hint of doubt in his eyes, but then,

And their doubts disappeared,

Shi Wuyan’s looming spell breath on his body,

Let their eyes be filled with greed again! Grat’s mouthparts open,


Several clumps of viscous digestive juice were sprayed in the direction of the unspoken, but this time it was different.

It doesn’t aim at the body that goes unspoken,

Instead, it spat out to the direction of the left and right sides of the unspoken time, and it knows that the speed of the unspoken is extremely fast,

So this attack,

I didn’t want to attack the body directly.

Instead, it is to let all the evasion directions of Shi Wuyan be blocked, so that Shi Wuyan can only stand there passively!

And then…… Call!

The thick serpent’s tail swung violently on the ground, bringing up countless small pieces of rubble,

Just sweep away the time in front of you! Just in an instant,

Shi Wuyi’s body was wrapped around Laiqi’s tail!

The slippery snake body wrapped around the body of the unspoken body in a circle, constantly tightening,

Burst out a powerful force powerful enough to strangle the giant elephant! Lai Qi spat out the snake letter in his mouth,

A pair of red vertical pupils stared coldly in the direction of the unspoken moment, at the same time,

The fly that Gratt had transformed also flew towards the time without a word, two forefeet with barbs,

Straight to the head of the silent time! As long as it is stabbed,

Then the time is not to say that the blood will be splashed on the spot! Their hearts began to stir,

There is a look of excitement that is about to taste the delicious taste! however

The next moment,

But Grat’s heart was tight, and he was horrified to find out,

When his feet were close and did not say a word, the speed suddenly slowed down,

Then it stopped eerily in front of the unspoken eyes! Damn it!

A burst of red light suddenly appeared above its feet, and its strength instantly increased by several percent.

But that sense of stagnation has not changed!

“It seems that after you became chaotic spirits, even your brains degenerated along with you.”

Without saying a word, he raised his head and laughed,

“Did you forget that you can’t touch me at all?”

With the faint words exiting,

In the blue jewel-like eyes that did not say a word, a cold light suddenly appeared.

The next moment,

Lai Qi only felt that he was wrapped between the snake’s tail on Shi Wuyan’s body, and a huge repulsion that could not be resisted appeared.

A very bad premonition arose in her heart, which was an instinctive warning from the Chaos Spirit,

She wanted to let go of the unspoken shackles of the moment, the farther away from the man in front of her, the better, but before she could act,

Just listen to the thudding sound,

The snake’s tail, which was as thick as a human body, suddenly exploded! Countless pieces and blood spilled down,

Suddenly, the whole space was filled with a bloody smell, and Lai Qi let out an extremely poignant roar.

With a half-amputated body left,

Frantically churning his body on the ground,

Countless sandstones struck the wall, emitting a sound of rattling,

Some of the blows even hit the Spirit Hunters in the distance.


One of the teammates couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air,

But the eyes were still dazed looking in the direction that was not said at the time, just the rubble that was hit by the snake’s body.

Hit yourself on the body,

There is a feeling of raw pain,

That Lust Sect was indeed worthy of being a special level Chaos Spirit! But…… Such a terrifying super-powerful person,

Actually collapsed into two pieces without saying a word? What the hell is he?!

Gratt’s head and body were now covered with some of Raichel’s severed body,

Sticky blood on the body,

But it doesn’t feel the slightest bit.

Because at this moment, its attention was all on the Shi Mu in front of it, and there was an extremely strong fear in its eyes when it looked at Shi Wu,

Even more terrified than when he saw Hollys! For Gratt,

If it provokes the wrath of Hollys,

Then it is very likely that you will be punished very painfully, but the instinct of the creature tells it,

If it causes unspoken anger, then it is not as simple as punishment, but it is very likely to die directly! Escape!

Otherwise you will die!

Gratt’s remaining three black flies moved slightly, and the transparent thin wings shook violently,

The body becomes a shadow,

Flee like crazy towards the entrance where the Spirit Hunters are! Even the Lai Qi next to him didn’t even look at it.

Anger appeared in Lai’s eyes,

The snake’s cold eyes stared dead in the direction of Grat, and she couldn’t believe it,

Gratt this guy actually left himself and ran away alone! But his own tail has been broken,

The sharp pain of almost fainting made her have no way to go with it. Although in a bleak and complex underground space,

But Gratt’s fly compound eye is a very wide and clear perspective, not only can clearly see the terrain,

You can even see that behind him, he didn’t say a word and didn’t chase after him, looking at the people of the Spirit Hunting Team who looked shocked in front of him.

There was joy in its eyes,

As long as two more girls are taken as hostages, then they will not dare to chase after them without saying a word!

But when its forefoot is about to touch them,

Gratt suddenly heard a voice that terrified him so much behind him, “Cang! ”

The next moment,

It only feels behind it,

A very strong attraction force erupted, and a sharp pain came from above the back,

One of its wings was directly torn off by the gravitational force of the sky in an instant, but Grat’s roar of pain had not yet been exported.

The scene in front of it began to retreat madly in its eyes, and then, only to hear a bang,

And its body fell heavily to the ground,

And smashed together with the huge snake body lying on the ground!

The two priests let out another cry of pain!

At this moment, the two people have no previous arrogance and contempt in their hearts,

Their bodies are trembling,

I didn’t even dare to look into the eyes that didn’t say anything,

That’s the weakness and fear that animals show when they face tougher predators!

It’s just that

The time is not a thinking animal,

He would not let them go because of their humble gestures.

“I remember that there were seven teachers in the old division,”

He walked slowly to the two of them,

Condescending to look at the two people who were creeping on the ground trembling,

“Overeating, lust… Except for you, there are five more…”

The unspoken eyes gradually became cold,

Although he never thought that the strong should support the weak, but the other party’s behavior of taking ordinary people as his own food made Shi Buyan extremely disgusted.

“Rest assured, I’ll send them one by one to accompany you. The voice just dropped,”

The spell power on Shi Wuyan’s body suddenly surged,

The breath fluctuations even made his clothes and broken hair unwinded and spontaneous!

At this moment,

The bodies of Gratt and Lackey froze suddenly,

They suddenly realized that the person in front of them would not let go of themselves, so their bodies bounced off the ground.

Even if there is no half wing, even if there is no half of the tail,

But they still endure severe pain,

Trying to escape in the direction of staying away from the unspoken time! It’s just that……


When the time is not to say a word put up the left hand,

The middle finger of the index finger is standing side by side, the other three fingers are slightly buckled, and the next moment,

The bodies of Gratt and Raiqi suddenly rose from the ground uncontrollably, and flew at a very fast speed towards the Cocoon Mountain not far away!

With a bang, it hit it,

The huge movement even made many white-sided butterflies in the cocoon wake up directly, but they did not wait for them to get up.

Without saying a word, the lips and teeth are slightly opened,

Several small black holes appeared all over Cocoon Mountain at the same time! A loud rumbling noise was emitted,

The tall cocoon mountain at the top of the dome was instantly sucked in, along with Gratt and Lech,

Mixed together,

It became a very dense chaotic spirit spherical space, and at the same time,

Shi Wuyi has stretched out his thumb from the curled state,

A cold voice full of killing intent resounded through the nest.

“Magic reversal—Heh!”

At this moment,

Only to see a red ray that was thicker than the body of the python, suddenly shooting out from the front of the silent body,

Instantly illuminated the entire underground nest, and passed through space in the blink of an eye,

Hit the sphere that had just been attracted by the flies! Bang!

A deafening explosion suddenly sounded, and it was mixed with countless white-rimmed butterflies,

And the spheres of Gratt and Lackey exploded, and the huge explosion brought an extremely strong wind,

Let the people of the spirit hunting team can’t help but cover their heads with their arms,

After a moment, the strong wind disappeared and snapped,

A severed foot of a fly and a snake tooth fell in front of everyone and died?!

The two old priests who were special level chaos spirits died like this?! The crowd looked horrified,

Suddenly someone remembered something and looked up sharply,

Only to see that the huge cocoon mountain standing in the distance had disappeared impressively, and the ground was scattered with endless remnants of chaotic spirits,

The underground lair, which was once filled with white-rimmed butterflies, is now extremely empty.

In this huge underground space,

At this moment, I could no longer feel the slightest breath of the Chaos Spirit!

They couldn’t help but set their eyes on Shi Muyi, who was standing in front of them, a moment ago,

They are still worried that he will not be able to defeat his opponent, the next moment,

This white-haired teenager told them with practical actions, what is

The power of one person to destroy the nest!

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