And when the crystal cocoon was extinguished without saying a word, in a forest at the other end of Kaiwon City,

The figure of a man with short hair who was marching forward immediately stagnated, and a trace of sluggishness appeared on his face.

Then Yang Tian let out a roar, “Gratt! Raiki! ”


A terrifying breath emanated from his body, and even the birds in the trees around him were directly shocked into blood mist! then

His face showed a look of struggle, and then he immediately left the original route, and did not return to the direction he had come.

Instead, he headed for the opposite direction of Kaihara City, and he was going to look for Lord Holtlis and report the situation!

This short-haired man is the greedy teacher of the old Hijiji – the crystal cocoon that Grey has not spoken of is a “child” he has cultivated for many years.

Although that cocoon was only a third-level chaotic spirit,

However, it can constantly hatch a fourth-level white-sided butterfly, and the effect is extremely significant in such a large-scale battle.

In the nest under the Tokugawa Tunnel, all the cocoons above the huge cocoon mountain,

It was all hatched by this crystal cocoon, and in order to carry out the plan,

Lord Holtlis borrowed his cocoon and told him that Gratt and Lackey would act together and that his “child” would be safe and sound, but just now,

The connection between his body and the “child” was suddenly broken, and he disappeared without a trace.

He knew that his “child” was dead,

Then Gratt and Lackey’s plan must have failed! After a few moments,

Gretel came to a library in the city of Kaiwon,

Find Holtlis, who is quietly reading a book in it like an ordinary human being

Although his appearance has changed,

But that unique breath, Greid can’t admit it, “Huo…”

As soon as Greid opened his mouth, he suddenly closed his mouth,

Vigilantly glanced around at the library full of humans, “It’s all right, you just say, they can’t hear.” ”

Holtlis’s head was not lifted,

Continue to look seriously at the book in front of you,

Greid looked around,

Sure enough, I found that there was a faint red film around them, wrapping the two people up like a bubble.

He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, worthy of Lord Hollys,

Doing things is always so thoughtful, it is simply impeccable, and then Grid continues to speak,

“Lord Holtlis, my child just died!”

Holtlis’s finger flipping through the book suddenly stopped,

He looked up at Grede with slightly empty eyes, “Are you sure?” ”

A layer of cold sweat suddenly oozed from Grid’s forehead,

At this moment, he only felt an inexplicable pressure from the other party, which made him have an impulse to kneel down at this moment, fortunately, this pressure came quickly.

Go fast,

Greid only felt that he was light,

The sound of pages turning continued to ring in my ears,

“Lord Holtlis, it doesn’t really matter if my ‘child’ is dead,” Greid swallowed,”

“I’m more worried about Gratt and Raichel, and I think they’re probably in a bad situation too…”

“It must be dead.”

Hotlis’s voice sounded faintly,

But the eyes are still seriously looking at the books in their hands,

A few days ago, the two teachers who were still bowing to themselves came the news of death.

But his look did not fluctuate a little,

It seems that what died was a rotten fish and rotten shrimp that had nothing to do with himself. This made the different colors in Grid’s low eyes flicker one after another,

If one day he died at the hands of the Sixteenth Guard, would the person in front of him be so careless and unconcerned? But the thought was fleeting.

Gredge did not dare to think much, he continued to explain,

“It doesn’t really matter if they die, I’m more worried about the Lord’s recovery plan.”

“The reason why Gratt and Raichel did so much this time is because you told them that it was to collect enough evil thoughts from ordinary people and extraordinary people as soon as possible and pass them on to the Lord through the “Divine Seal” so that the Lord’s recovery could be accelerated.”

Speaking of which,

Grid’s eyes moved, and then he continued,

“But what they don’t know is that in fact, there is another purpose, that is, to use them as bait, and the greater the movement they make, the better, so that the top combat power of the entire Sixteenth Guard can be fully mobilized, so that the headquarters of the Sixteenth Guard will be in an empty state, and it is best to let the woman also leave the headquarters and go to the nest, so that we can take advantage of the void and enter the lake deep in the Sixteenth Guard, and take out the Lord’s “divine skeleton”, and once we take it out, the Lord can immediately descend into the world!”

Between words,

Grid’s look became a little mad,

He was actually a man who didn’t care about the death of Gratt and Raichi.

Even to say, in Greed’s view, they are dead, in this case,

He was also one of the seven teachers of the old division,

You can get more evil thoughts from the believers, and make your strength stronger.

And as long as the Lord recovers,

Then he will receive more “gifts”, which is the greedy teacher of the old days! He will always have an insatiable greed, trying to possess everything in the world.

Even if it is the death of the same kind, he does not care!

And the concerns that have been reflected before,

It’s just a worry about your own life.

“Greek, are you here to tell me about this?”

Hotlis’s voice sounded again,

But this time the tone became lighter.

“Tell me what I already know and stop what you were supposed to do?”


Gridden fell to his knees and said in a very fast voice, “No, no, no, Lord Holtholis!”

I’m here to tell you that I saw a white-haired teenager! ”

Greder’s look was extremely shocked,

He knew that this tone was a precursor to Holtholis’s anger, and he knew what kind of painful punishment he would be punished if he disobeyed his orders.

“In the last message from the child, I saw a white boy with blue pupils! He killed my child! ”

The sound of the pages turning suddenly stopped, and after Greek’s arrival, Holtlis arrived.

The first time I stood up,

He walked over to Grid and asked softly,

“Does the teenager you’re talking about have a black blindfold around his neck?”

Gretel thought about it for a moment and immediately spoke,

“Yes, and when my child sees him,”

I felt a seemingly eager desire to devour him…

“Get up.”

Gred was amnestied,

After getting up, I looked around,

However, he found that the people around him did not seem to notice the movement on his side and were still reading the book by themselves.

“Lord Holtlis, that boy is…”

Holtlis did not answer his words, but instead threw out another question,

“Greek, do you know why the Lord’s recovery plan is suddenly about to start joining?”

Greid paused, shook his head, and Holtlis chuckled,

“I just came back from the West some time ago and it seems a little bit restless.”

Gredge was a little confused,

I don’t know what Holtlis was suddenly saying, and then it seemed that he suddenly remembered something, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

“You mean those damn angels! They…”

Holtlis nodded,

Interrupting Grid,

“Whether it is the death of Gratt or Raichel, the Lord does not care,”

“But what the Lord doesn’t care about, we can’t not care about,”

“Go, Grid, and keep doing what you’re supposed to do.”

We must bring the Lord into this world before the angels are revived. Grid’s face was still tinged with horror,”

This news was a little too frightening for him, and he couldn’t digest it for a while and a half.

But he still instinctively answered the promise, and then turned away,

Holtlis walked back to his seat,

Closing the long poem “Divine Comedy” written by Dante on the table, he put the book back on the shelf,

And then out of the library,

“Without saying a word, this bottle of wine is gradually becoming fragrant…”

On the other side,

Time goes by after they have walked for a while,

Suddenly, I heard a rush of footsteps coming from the front, and everyone looked stunned.

Xiao Yueqing immediately drew his sword out of its sheath and stared at the darkness ahead,

“It’s all right, my own people.”

Shi Wuyi looked at the people who were facing a great enemy, smiled and said,

Then he patted Lu Chengqi behind him,

“Someone is coming, don’t you hurry down.”


Lu Chengqi looked up a little confused and asked,

Just before she could react,

I saw several familiar figures appear in the passage ahead, first a dozen team members wearing sixteen-guard uniforms appeared.

Their extremely nervous expressions were stunned after seeing the crowd without saying a word,

Immediately reacted, immediately stood to the sides,

Then Lin Lao, who was dressed in a simple costume, and Luo Ruxuan, who was wearing a white shirt and professional clothes, appeared in front of everyone.

“Elder Lin? Captain Lowe? ”

“Don’t say anything, you’re all right to blow?”

“Captain Lu, how do you…”

Both sides of the horse opened their mouths at the same time,

Lu Chengqi was flushed and quietly slid down from Shi Wu’s body, although he had just let Shi Wuyi back himself for half a day with a momentum.

But in front of Elder Lin, the elder plus the division,

She was really embarrassed to let Shi Buyan continue to carry herself behind her back. Just the action of her sliding down,

Let the time not say a word, but it is a dry cough twice…

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