Standing outside, Lin Xinzhi looked at the huge wave of flames rising in the courtyard and stopped, and his heart was extremely worried.

I had expected that when the boy and the general met, there would be an accident, so I told you to,

But I didn’t expect that there was still a conflict between the two of them, and even a direct fight.

“Captain Lin, come in.”

Lin Xinzhi heard the sound of the night moon ringing in the courtyard, and his heart suddenly tightened,

It’s not that I’m worried that I’ll be scolded.

But thinking that the sound is now to listen to the moon at night, then the time is not to say that it must have been injured,

Although the strength talent of the time is very strong,

But in the end it is also a young junior,

How could it be that the enemy was a general who had already stepped into the realm of the special rank decades ago?

Lin Xinzhi sighed,

In my heart, I only want to hope that I will not be hurt too much. Then he stepped into the courtyard,

“Admiral, he was wounded…”

Lin Xinzhi looked worried as soon as he opened his mouth, and his words stopped abruptly.

Only to see the ruined and unruly courtyard,

Somehow there was an extra pair of intact stone tables and stools, and the time when he thought he had been defeated did not say anything,

At this moment, sitting upright on a stone bench,

The general had also gathered his previous momentum, and was calmly pouring tea into the tea cup, Lin Xinzhi was stunned,

Looking at the two people living in harmony in front of them, I can’t believe that this boy is actually okay?!

Then his gaze fell on the general’s face, and his look became suspicious,

How does it feel that her face is a little red? Breath is also a bit fluffy and unstable?

No, it shouldn’t be.

Could it be his own delusion?

“Captain Lin, come and sit.”

Ye Tingyue slowly opened his mouth with a calm face, but his eyes secretly glanced at the other party, and after seeing the other party’s suspicious look,

Although there is something strange in my heart,

But he was also completely convinced that the picture of the previous unspoken grip was indeed not seen by him,

I couldn’t help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

Ye Tingyue pushed the two of them over a cup of steaming tea, and then set his eyes on Shi Buyan in front of him,

“Time goes without saying, today is called… Please come here, one is to see your strength in person.”

Shi WuXian nodded,

Although the attack of the moon just heard the moon at night was huge, there was no real killing intention in the attack, which confirmed her words.

When you see it, I don’t say yes,

The night listened to the moon for a moment of silence,

Then the face became extremely serious.

“The second is that since you are about to become the captain of the combat team, there are some things I should tell you, and you can choose not to believe this information, but what I said next is true, and among the sixteen guards today, besides me and Captain Lin, you are the third person to know.”

Lin Xinzhi, who was drinking tea, heard the words of the night listening to the moon,

Immediately thought of what Ye Tingyue wanted to say, he immediately froze,

“Admiral, the time to enter the Sixteenth Guard is still short, and it is still because of the coincidence that he is involved in these things.”

“I didn’t plan to tell him before, but just after the war, I confirmed that his strength and heart can fully bear it.”

The night listened to the moon paused, and continued,

“And… I’m afraid that even if he didn’t want to, he would have been involved in it now. ”

Elder Lin was shocked when he heard this, and then sighed heavily, which was considered to agree with this statement. The night listened to the moon and did not speak, “You have entered purgatory and spent some time with Ralph in the third layer, so do you know what is being held at the lowest level of purgatory?” ”

“A fragment of the remains of a demon,”

Time does not say a word,

When he entered purgatory, he felt that breath,

And at that time, the captain of the prison team, Si Yu, also told him about it, and Ye Tingyue nodded, but then her face became complicated.

“There is indeed a fragment of the remains of a demon held in purgatory, but it is located on the eighth floor, and at the lowest level of purgatory, the ninth layer, it is held… A fragment of an angel’s skeleton! ”

The look of silence moved slightly,

In purgatory, there are still fragments of angelic skeletons?

A lot of information came to his mind in an instant.

This also includes the plan of the spy who thought it was confirmed last night after thinking for a moment,

Without saying a word, he asked,

“That is to say, in addition to demons, there are angels in this world, so will there also be organizations that serve angels like the old days?”

Listen to the moon at night,

Somewhat surprised by the speed with which this message was received, “In the West, there is an organization called the Correctional Institute, which is ostensibly a church that believes in God and teaches mercy and goodness, but in fact in the name of God secretly harvests the lives of ordinary people, and its purpose is the same as that of the priests of the old days, in order to speed up the recovery of the angels with the help of their repentance.” ”

Night Listen to the Moon Speaking Here,

There was a flash of disgust and mockery in his expression, “There are six bishops and a pope in the church, and these seven are called judges.”

Although they themselves claim to be universal beings, they are doing exactly the same thing as their nemesis, the teachers of the old days, and even more disgusting to some extent. ”

When the time is not silent, sneer in the heart,

And then went on asking,

“Since they are mortal enemies, why have we never seen a fight between the two, but we are fighting against the forces of the old Hiji?”

Listen to the moon at night and take a sip of tea,

After sorting out his thoughts for a while, he slowly opened his mouth.

“A long time ago, there were seven demons on top of the world led by Lucifer and seven angels led by Michael,”

“For some reason a great war broke out between them, but both of them belonged to gods who were beyond mortals, and their strength was extremely frightening.”

“The forces on both sides were evenly matched, and in the end, demons and angels were seriously wounded and fell into a deep sleep.”

“I don’t know how long it took for both sides to recover somewhat,”

Then some power infiltrated the human world, creating the priest and the judge.

“Let them walk in the human world instead of themselves, and collect evil thoughts and repentance from mortals to speed up their recovery.”

“Later, the worldly priest and the judge met, and a brief battle broke out between the two,”

“As a result, both sides found that if they wanted to completely eliminate each other, they would have to suffer the serious consequences of many people on their side.”

“This went against their plan to revive the Lord, so they truceded and made a pact a hundred years ago.”

“There is no quarrel between the two sides, and a line is drawn, and the judges are active in the West and the priests are active in the East.”

Speaking of which,

The face of the night listening moon revealed a complex meaning,

“Seventy years ago, I founded an organization with a good friend, when we were young and crazy, we didn’t know that there were gods and demons in this world, because of our love for our homeland, we named it Sixteen Guards together.

And he made a vow to work together to wipe out all the ugliness of this world. ”

When I hear this,

I have guessed what the man,

“Your friend… It’s ink painting cigarettes. ”

The night listened to the moon and was silent for a long time, before nodding his head heavily…

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