Ange and Ivey looked at each other,

They all saw the joy and excitement in each other’s eyes, and finally they wanted to see the legendary figure with their own eyes! Then the two said goodbye to Holtholis,

The figure disappeared in an instant.

And Holtlis did not make any movements, he just stood quietly in place, a moment later,

After Holtlis felt that there was no one in the entire basement except for the group of evolutionists,

His look suddenly changed, and the smile at the corner of his mouth suddenly disappeared,

An extreme indifference appeared on his face, and he turned his sleeve and waved,

Before in front of Ange and Ive,

The quaint box that he cherished so much carried the table, and was instantly blown away by the powerful breath!

Fall to the ground together and be smashed into pieces of debris! But Holtlis did not look at it, but instead issued a faint mocking whisper in his mouth.

“If you don’t pay more attention to the time, you will know the last remaining seventh fragment,”

“It has long been taken by the time without saying a word, but alas… You’ll never know…”

And then he took a few steps forward.

Cover your hand on the wall and press it lightly, the wall suddenly sinks down, and after a click,

The whole wall slowly flipped over. The corners of Holtlis’s mouth smirked faintly, only to see that the entire wall that had been flipped over was plastered with countless photos!

Dense without a single gap! Take a closer look,

Although there are many photos on it,

But there are only two people,

One of them is a young woman with black hair and black pupils, while the other is a white-haired and blue-eyed woman! In the image, there is a way to walk on the road without saying a word,

There is also a photo of him training at the training ground of the Sixteenth Guard Headquarters,

And in the middle is the scene when Shi Bu said that he had just woken up, and some of them were images under the surveillance camera.

Some are vague,

But there are also a few who seem to have been photographed from a great distance somewhere, as if they are afraid of being discovered by the times.

Holtlis laid his whole body tightly against the wall and took a deep breath,

As if he were sniffing some worldly delicacy, his tone carried a hint of confusion.

“This bottle of wine is finally brewing.”

The breath on the body was bubbling up because of the excitement, making the candles in the room shake constantly,

Under the flickering candlelight,

Holtlis is like a black ghost, only the cold light of his eyes appears from time to time,

“When you open the Polar Abyss Seal, after I eat the ink painting cigarette, the next one will be your turn to be silent for a while.”

The training ground of the Sixteenth Guard headquarters. With a clanging sound,

The hard metal plate was slashed by a sword light, and then broke into two pieces from the middle.

And it is not the sword itself that breaks it.

Instead, a sword qi was stimulated from the sword, and Xiao Yueqing placed the long sword in his hand at his side.

Looking at the metal plate that was three or four meters away from him, a faint joy flashed on his face.

These days of exercise is really too hard,

Even let her, a first-level supernatural person in the physical arts department, just hone her sword skills,

Fine sweat oozed from his forehead, but after a few days of training,

She was finally able to master another move that could separate the sword qi from the body, and Xiao Yueqing felt that all these efforts were worth it.


She heard a faint man’s voice behind her,

“If your extraordinary power slows down a little more as it passes through your right forearm,”

“If you don’t rush to the long sword, the power of this sword qi will be even more powerful.”

The cold light in Xiao Yue’s clear eyes flashed,

She had never liked it when someone was watching during her training, let alone pointing fingers at her own swordplay.

But then a light appeared in her eyes, and she heard who the owner of the familiar voice was, “Long time no see.” ”

Xiao Yueqing turned and looked at the door,

There stood a white-haired teenager. When the corners of his mouth showed a hint of surprise,

“Yue Qing, haven’t we only seen it at the gate of purgatory before?” It’s only been two or three days, you forgot? ”

Xiao Yueqing is stagnant,

Then he shifted his gaze to other places,

“Maybe I’ve been too tired from training lately, and the time is confused.”

The voice just dropped,

I saw a bottle of drink coming toward me,

Xiao Yueqing then looked at him doubtfully without saying a word,

“When you are tired, you should rest for a while, and the practice of this matter also pays attention to a relaxation and moderation.”

After Xiao Yueqing finished drinking the drink in one breath,

But they didn’t go to rest.

Instead, he looked at the person who walked to his side without saying, “What are you doing here?” ”

The expression of the time is a little lazy,

It seems to be a bit boring,

“I heard that you have all been training very hard lately, so let’s see if anyone can help.”

Xiao Yueqing’s heart surged with a hint of warmth,

But the expression on his face did not show any expression.

“I am a transcendent of the physical art system who uses swordplay, you… Probably won’t help. ”

As soon as the words are spoken,

Xiao Yueqing immediately regretted it again,

Others come to help with good intentions, but they say such things themselves,

Wouldn’t it be cold to the heart that didn’t say anything? Xiao Yueqing was a little annoyed,

Because of her cold personality in her daily life,

Let her often not accurately express the true meaning of her heart. But she heard a chuckle ringing out beside her,

The sound is clear and soft,

“Not necessarily, you just did what I just said,”

“Slow down your first power and try to swing the same sword again.”

Xiao Yueqing was a little unconvinced, if he slowed down,

Wouldn’t the sword qi that was finally released look soft and unwieldy? But when I look at it, I don’t say that with a smile,

Xiao Yueqing couldn’t bear to refuse again,

So he had no choice but to mobilize the extraordinary power in his body again, when he passed by his right arm,

Deliberately slowing down the flow of power, but the next moment,

Her pupils shrank slightly,

Because she felt the extraordinary power flowing from her arm at this moment, colliding with the power that had slowed down before,

But they don’t superimpose and blend.

Instead, they rushed parallel to the long sword in their hands, and the next moment,

The long sword in his hand made a clanging sound, and the light blue sword qi immediately came out of the sword,

But Xiao Yueqing’s face changed suddenly,

Because she saw that the sword qi flying out in front of her was not the previous one, but had turned into several sword qi that looked messy but was actually sharp and abnormal! They’re intertwined with each other,

The moment it touched the broken metal plate, it exploded,

Twist it into countless flying debris!

This kind of power was simply several times stronger than the sword qi he had used before! Xiao Yueqing looked at his sword and arms in a daze,

And then suddenly turned around,

Excitedly grabbing the hand that was silent at the time,

There was a strong sense of disbelief and joy in his voice, “Tell me, how did you do it?” Lose! ”

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