“Initial darkness?”

Ange looked at Si Yu’s current appearance, and when he finished, he shook his head again,

“Could it be… No, you can’t get to that level either. ”

He looked into Si Yu’s eyes,”

With a look of great interest,

“How on earth did you, as a human being, make this change?”

After the Lust Teacher enters the state of initial darkness,

The body will become a giant python,

Not only this is the case with the priest Lychee, but also with the appointed Thurkes,

But the Si Yu in front of him is his body and appearance, still maintaining the state of a human being.

Only a knee-length hair turned into countless small purple snakes, which was different from the previous Lust Priest,

“You can call it the primordial dark form,” Si Yu said coldly.

Ange was shocked,

“You can talk?!” Can you stay sane?! ”

His previous inquiry was meant to be a casual question,

There was no expectation that Si Yu would be able to answer him,

Because the priest of the old Japanese division, as long as he enters the state of initial darkness,

After incarnating as a beast-like chaotic spirit, not only can not speak human words, but also lose the sanity of human beings.

Just like the previous Edo, Leitch them, suddenly,

Ange thought of the possibility that he had previously denied, and his pupils immediately shrank and he opened his mouth sharply.

“With your strength, it is certainly impossible to do this change alone!” Someone must be helping you! ”

Si Yu was slightly surprised,

She didn’t know why Ange suddenly became so excited, but his guess was right.

She’s changing this way now.

It is indeed not entirely the result of their own efforts,

She had tried to improve her spiritual strength before,

But in the end, they were all affected by the evil thoughts that followed, and they could not succeed.

Until some time ago,

Let her try to accept her heart,

He also personally did many demonstrations in front of her eyes on how to control evil thoughts, of course, the column used as a demonstration was still Lau Ralph,

And also told her how the spiritual power works in the body, although Si Yu was very strange at the time,

Shi Bu said how he learned how the spiritual power worked, but he did not question him.

But after leaving without saying a word,

The spiritual power began to operate in the manner he had told, although when he was not speaking,

Si Yu sounds very simple, but it is really implemented,

However, she found that this special way of operation was extremely difficult, Rao was that she had been coexisting with spiritual power for twenty years, and she had been practicing day and night for several days before she finally completed the breakthrough.

Enter this quasi-dark state that she named, and can also briefly control the black qi in the body and maintain a moment of consciousness awareness,

Si Yu said lightly,

“I’m afraid this is the secret of your old division, and it’s really hard to practice.”

“It took me a few days to try it before I made the change.”

The corners of Ange’s eyes trembled a little,

“Done in a matter of days?! Tell me, who’s helping you?! ”

At the end,

His voice had turned into a roar, and there was an infinite desire in his look,

Although Si Yu could not understand Ange’s attitude, the enemy’s gaffe made her happy, “Why should I tell you? ”

Si Yu didn’t care that Ange’s face became ugly, her expression became cold again,

“But I don’t like this kind of non-human and non-spiritual appearance, I think my appearance is very ugly now,”

“So… Please go and die! ”

Her words have not yet fallen,

The figure of the whole person had already disappeared in the same place, Luo Ruxuan looked shocked, Si Yu’s current speed,

Even someone who specializes in speed can’t see clearly! Ange’s brow furrowed,

He was able to easily block Luo Ruxuan’s dark weapon and Si Yu’s chain attack before.

It’s not that he can see their movements clearly, but he relies on his strong strength.

Sensing the fluctuations of their breath, I knew that their next action was the result of the crushing of strength.

But now,

He couldn’t even sense the breath of Si Yu at all! The other person’s whole person is as if it melts into the air,

Disappear without a trace! suddenly

A strong sense of crisis struck from behind,

It was so close to him that he didn’t even have time to turn around! He could only swing his elbow violently and smash it hard behind him, which was exactly the attack that Siyu launched against Ange.

Seeing that Ange’s elbow strike was coming, unable to continue the attack, Siyu slapped Ange’s elbow lightly,

He floated down on the bridge deck next to him, “This attack didn’t work?!” ”

Luo Ruxuan is somewhat incredible,

In the instant that Si Yu’s figure appeared,

That guy from the old days was obviously unaware! And Ange’s look is a little solemn,

Because he knows,

Although he used his elbow to force Si Yu to retreat, his movements were still slow after all.


The clothes on his back had been cut open, and the skin underneath was shedding tears and blood!

Si Yusu’s hand shook,

Blood spilled from the short sword on the ground, and her look was equally dignified,

The blow just now was the new ability that Si Yu gained after entering the Initial Dark State,

In addition to the speed of the surge,

It can also greatly hide its own breath, to the extent of almost imperceptible,

Originally, she thought that her move could directly take the other party’s back heart, but she did not expect that she had just stabbed into it, and she was forced to retreat by Ange.

It seems that this degree is still not enough! Si Yu secretly made up his mind in his heart,

The depths of her eyes became fierce, and the next moment,

The breath on her body suddenly soared again, and there was a faint color of pain in her look.

She let go of the control of the black qi in her body, allowing it to touch the extraordinary power and transform it into spiritual power!

It was a painful process, but the strength gained was also explosive and there were blood vessels emerging between Si Yu’s white neck.

Cold words came out of her mouth, “Flower day! ”

With her words, the chains wrapped around her body were instantly stained with a layer of red like blood!

The next moment, just listen to the sound of the bell,

The chain broke on its own, and the two short swords at the end of the remainder were broken,

Turned into countless snowflake-like fragments floating in front of her, “Dance! ”

Si Yu gritted his teeth and squealed again,

The snowflake-like fragments suddenly dispersed, constantly spinning towards Ange!

Ange snorted disdainfully,

“Fancy bells and whistles!”

He stretched out his fist and punched at the snowflakes that surrounded him,

But then, a glimmer of essence flashed in his pupils,

Because he found that his fist was hit, he couldn’t break the bright red fragments, they were only slightly repelled by his own fist, and then they returned to their original state again,

At this moment, he heard Si Yu’s voice ring out again, “Burial! ”

Countless snowflakes suddenly burst out of a fierce red glow,

As if he had heard the order, he shrank inwards violently and wrapped it tightly in Ange!

Anger only felt a pain coming from his body, and he looked down,

Only to see that the snowflakes had turned into bright red chains again, not only tightly binding his hands and body, but also constantly locking them inwards!

Ange tried to struggle for a while, but found that not only did it have no effect, but the power coming from the chain was more powerful than before.

Even the Dao Dao blood stains had appeared on his body!

“It’s done!”

Luo Ruxuan was overjoyed,

Looking at Ang, who could not move at all, he was planning to go and cooperate with Si Yu and give Anger the final fatal blow.

But he heard a loud laugh coming from Ange’s mouth,

“Hahaha, I didn’t expect to see it with my own eyes,”

“Someone can use a human body to use spiritual power so dramatically.”

“If I told Holtlis, no one would believe them.”

He set his eyes on Si Yu’s body,

“If the one who taught you had come in person, maybe he could have really bound me,”

“But if it’s you, it won’t have that effect!”

He let out a low sigh,

The muscles in his body swelled up, and he actually bound his chains to death, and he trembled unceasingly, and saw the chains making a rattling sound.

As if to be shaken away, Si Yu’s look changed,

Her eyes, which had turned into vertical pupils, stared at Ange fiercely,

There was a brilliant red glow shining inside, and she wanted to use this spiritual power to disturb Ange’s mind.

But Ange let out a sneer, completely unaffected by the look, Si Yu rose in his heart a little cold,

The move just now had already consumed her great energy, and it was not easy to tie up Ange,

Mental disturbance does not work, once it is broken free by Ange,

All her efforts so far will be in vain, and she wants to force herself to calm down.

But the black gas has been released,

Let her sanity have begun to appear a little chaotic, suddenly,

A word that Shi had said to her rang in her ear, “I hope that one day you will be able to live for yourself.”

Si Yu suddenly woke up,

She bit hard at the tip of her tongue, and then she closed her eyes, and Ange smiled,

“How, this abandons…”

His words were not finished,

The whole person’s look became dazed, because although Si Yu’s eyes were closed, the long purple hair behind her was strangely floating in mid-air, and the small snakes on the ends of her hair were.

At this moment, he was constantly spitting out letters, and his tiny eyes were all open,

A strange glow of bright red like blood burst out from within, staring straight at Ange!

In an instant, Ange’s mind was thrown into chaos!

Si Yu felt that Ange’s spirit had been affected, but she knew that it was short-lived.

So he took the remaining spiritual power from his body,

All of them were infused into the two remaining short swords before, and the short swords immediately turned bloody,

As Si Yu’s mind floated up, a clear clanging sound occurred, breaking through the air,

Stab at Ange’s eyes, which are already motionless!

“It’s finally over.”

Si Yu muttered,

She felt exhausted, but,

Just when the short sword was about to stab Ange in the eyes, Ange’s eyes opened suddenly!

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