Luo Ruxuan’s repeated provocations,

Let Ange’s face become very unkind,

“Shi Wei is your sixteen guards, and if he wants to come over, he must save all the people over there.”

“I have deployed three thousand Chaos Spirits here, and even I myself will kill them for a moment.”

“At his current speed, at least for a while and a half,”

“I’d like to see if he kills fast or if my fist is fast!”


The breath in his body fluctuated, but it was above his fist,

When there was a little red glow,

But he suddenly felt an extremely terrifying breath that suddenly appeared between this piece of heaven and earth!

Ange’s hair stood up, and he immediately turned his head to look at it, only to see that the white-haired teenager had stopped at this moment, standing in front of the Chaos Spirit Group, his right hand in his pocket,

The left hand is slowly raised upwards,

And with this idle action of his, all the chaotic spirits around him,

The action of running suddenly froze,

The whole body rises involuntarily, even in their mouths,

Constantly emitting frightened wails, four feet trampling in a panic,

Still can’t stop them from floating up, even those chaotic spirits that have already run away,

Nor can they escape the fate of their companions, above the sky,

It seems that something invisible is emitting a strong gravitational force!

The Chaos Spirits were sucked into the air and gathered together to form a huge sphere.

Even the scorching sun was obscured, so that on the bridge deck where Ange was,

A huge shadow appeared!

“This… What the hell is going on?! ”

Ange’s pupils fluttered violently, but his shock did not end there, only the next second,

The white-haired teenager’s hand waved downwards,

The huge sphere composed of chaotic spirits suddenly fell from a height of hundreds of meters! Blood splattered,

The fierce hissing suddenly stopped!

The daylight fell on Ange’s face again, refracting his unbelievable pupils, and at this moment,

The chaotic spirits he controlled were already under the unspoken power of the moment,

It has become a mountain of corpses as high as a hill! Three thousand Chaos Spirits,

In an instant, it turned into a pile of immovable corpses! Luo Ruxuan looked at it foolishly without saying a word,

“Raise your hand and destroy the Three Kings Chaos Spirit… What kind of power is this outside the Haiyuan Bridge?”

At this moment, only the crowd farther south remained, and the giant ape that appeared in the crowd, and the giant ape’s expression was a little confused.

It doesn’t know why,

Suddenly, it became such a Shura scene, but it didn’t have much wisdom,

It’s constantly being warned, get out of here!

Otherwise, they will die like their companions!!! The great apes are like humans,

Swallowed the spit hard,

It is facing it without saying a word,

It seems that I did not find my own appearance,

So trembling, he gently lowered a thin man held in his big hand, and his movements were extremely careful,

Trying not to make any noise, then,

He began to move his steps slowly, trying to quietly leave here, but in the blink of an eye,

But he found that the figure that was still in front of him had now disappeared!

Anger is finally relieved at this moment,

He skimmed over Luo Ruxuan, whose face was shocked in front of him, and was immediately displeased.

The right fist hit Luo Ruxuan again,

The ability to speak for no time has made him start to pay attention to it, and he must immediately kill this woman,

Can’t let the time go unspoken to have helpers! And Ange just punched.

It was when he heard a cracking sound, only to see a giant ape more than two meters tall, breaking through the corpse mountain and roaring towards him!

But Ange snorted coldly, and his face became dismissive.

“Tricks of the trade!”

He attacked Luo Ruxuan’s right fist, and as soon as the momentum turned, he hit the giant ape!

The giant ape did not have time to make half a sound,

It was directly blasted by Ange’s fist! But

After the shattered carcass of the giant ape,

At this moment, another fist followed! Although that fist looked a little thin, compared to Ang’s fan-like hand, it was like the gap between a baby and an adult, but it made Angie’s look suddenly change! Because of the owner of that fist,

It was the time that just gave off the atmosphere of terror! Ange did not dare to be careless,

Immediately mobilize the strength of the body, at a very fast speed,

Cover your right fist with spiritual power and immediately face it in mid-air, bang!

The moment the two collide,

A wave of air burst out from the contact surface of the fist, knocking the rubble of the bridge deck onto the railing.

Make a jingling sound,

Although the unspoken offensive was stopped,

But Ange’s expression was extremely solemn, because he felt,

The force that came from the opposite side was even vaguely trying to cover itself! Ange’s pupils shrank and a low roar occurred, ready to force again,

But when he saw the unspoken face, a smile appeared, and then his breath rose,

Fist slammed down! An extremely powerful force,

Just from it, Ange’s face changed,

But the ground beneath his feet,

At this moment, he couldn’t bear it one step ahead of the other, and he was suddenly sunk by the impact!

Immediately after, only to hear a bang,

The bridge deck collapsed directly into a large hole! And Angie is like a cannonball.

Instantly punched into the North River below! Without saying a word, it fell to the ground,

He looked at Luo Ruxuan and showed a faint smile,

“Sorry, I was late at the headquarters to take care of some chores.”

“Time is silent!”

Luo Ruxuan didn’t say a word when he looked at the people standing in front of him, the group of chaotic spirits that made them extremely headaches,

Destroyed by the time without saying a word,

Just now she and Si Yu can’t beat Ange, and it’s just a face,

It was beaten into the river, and the heartstrings that had been tight finally relaxed at this moment,

Her eyes suddenly turned red, and she couldn’t help but pounce on them immediately.

Like a little girl,

When holding it, I cried without saying a word, and I didn’t think about it when I didn’t say anything,

Because of this kind of confidential work as intelligence,

And Luo Ruxuan, who usually seems capable and indifferent, actually has such a young daughter’s posture,

However, feeling the softness of the body, he coughed twice without saying a word,

Then gently patted Luo Ruxuan’s back,

“What’s the cry, you don’t seem to be hurt?”

Although Luo Ruxuan looks a little embarrassed now,

The suit jacket had been torn in the battle, and had long since been thrown aside by her,

And a tight white shirt that had been collapsed was also covered with dust,

But Shi Wuyi’s ability to pass through the six eyes, through Luo Ruxuan’s body surface,

Checked her body again,

Except for the small amount of bruise in her chest that seemed to be caused by the impact,

Nothing else is a big deal, and this little injury,

For the Extraordinary Beings of the Physical Technique Department who had already reached the first level, although she could not exert any strength now,

But it only takes a few days of cultivation to recover safely,

Luo Ruxuan did not say a word when he heard it,

Only to realize that her current movements were inappropriate, she was a little embarrassed to let go of her arm, and her look became anxious.

“Without saying a word, give it to her… She seems to be in a bad situation! ”

When you look at it without saying a word,

The expression suddenly became solemn,

Only to see that Si Yu had fallen into a coma at this moment, but his brows were unconsciously wrinkled together, as if he was unconscious,

can feel the pain,

The tiny blood vessels around her neck,

There has been a tendency to spread towards the face,

The serpentine logo on her forehead glinted red like breathing, and her long hair,

Still maintaining the appearance of a small purple snake, he pulled down the blindfold without saying a word,

Let your pale blue six eyes be revealed, so that you can see more clearly,

After staring for a few seconds,

Shi Wuyi’s expression stretched out, and Luo Ruxuan’s eyes lit up,

“How’s it going, how’s it going?” Is her injury not serious? I knew you had a way! ”

Shi Buyan looked at Luo Ruxuan with some surprise, in his impression,

The relationship between Luo Ruxuan and Si Yu was not good to this extent, but Luo Ruxuan’s concern and urgency in front of him,

But there is no intention of cheating at all,

Without saying a word, his eyes fell on Si Yu’s chain, which had turned back to black, but scattered into countless pieces,

“I don’t know what your previous battle was like, but it looks like this chain blocked most of the force for her.”

“Her condition is similar to yours, her physical injuries are not serious, just a few days of cultivation.”

Luo Ruxuan asked in confusion,

い “But Si Yu she… It doesn’t look very good right now… Without saying a word,”

“She is now because there are two forces in her body at the same time, the collision of extraordinary forces and spiritual forces,”

“Let her breath be disordered, coupled with her black breath,”

“Overwhelmed her spirits, she fell into a coma.”

Luo Ruxuan showed an expression that seemed to understand, “So what to do?” You have a way…”

Luo Ruxuan’s words were not finished,

Suddenly a scream came from her mouth, and she reacted very quickly without saying a word.

Look at it immediately,

Only to see that Si Yu in a coma had woken up,

Her body was emitting a faint black breath at the moment, and her amber eyes had been opened,

But there is no clear color in it, but it is blooming a seductive blood red, and her hands

At this moment, he was caught on Luo Ruxuan’s bare ankle, and he didn’t say anything bad,

Knowing that this was Si Yu being eroded by the black qi, and her sanity was no longer under her control,

It has become a being like the old priest of lust!

“Don’t turn your head! It’s Si Yu! ”

After realizing this, he immediately whispered,

Luo Ruxuan was suddenly grabbed by the ankle,

Immediately subconsciously want to look in that direction, but fortunately not to say anything in time,

Let Luo Ruxuan forcibly stop his movements, but then,

And she found those tender hands,

I’m groping up my ankle, this strange feeling,

Let Luo Ruxuan’s face immediately turn red, and his heart was full of shame and anger,

“Without saying a word, you should do something!”

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