Therefore, Yan Muqing’s suspicion of this old lady intensified again, and then, during the search for the cruise ship, Yan Muqing summoned Butterfly Dream to follow her, the colorful butterfly had no attacking effect, but it could perfectly integrate its body and breath into the nothingness, and conduct untraceable investigation.

The team searched back, Butterfly Dream was also recalled, Yan Muqing once again found the old lady’s abnormality, today’s weather is really too hot, before Ah Wei was just standing in the port waiting for them, the forehead was hot with sweat, and the old lady was wearing a red flower long sleeve, covering his body tightly, in addition, as an extraordinary person, the physical fitness is much higher than ordinary people, the sixteen guards, after a quick search, the clothes on the body are wet with sweat, But this old lady who has been following the action has not even a single drop of sweat come out! This is so unusual!

This kind of characteristic that is different from ordinary people is just an ordinary person in Yan Muqing’s perception, then there is only one possibility left, she is the jealous Si Jiao Yi Wei of the old Riji! Only in this way can she explain why she can hide her breath in front of herself and Tang Wanwan and have the courage to pretend to be an ordinary old woman who has been following them!

Therefore, after discovering the bubbles on the seabed, Yan Muqing immediately called Tang Wanwan, who was also aware, to the side, told her findings, and discussed the plan after that, and as the team’s action continued, Evie revealed more and more flaws, such as when she saw the spider, everyone else was shocked, but she did not, for example, when she first saw the human cocoon, everyone else was concerned about whether the people inside were alive, but the old lady who came to find her daughter did not have the meaning of going forward to check it at half a point, because she knew very well, The so-called daughter is simply a disguise, so naturally there will be no woman with her in the human cocoon.

And Yan Muqing was almost certain that the few members of the missing team in the restaurant were mostly ghosts made by Evie herself, and she wanted to make herself disappear, so she added a few members of the Sixteen Guards, so that her own disappearance could not be so abrupt.

As for the purpose of her disappearance, when Yan Muqing and others found the human cocoon in the cargo hold on the bottom floor and rescued Lan Weiyi, Yan Muqing knew that this Evie was playing games with them! Because, although that Lan Weiyi’s appearance and temperament were completely different from the previous old lady, the faint smell of decay on her body made her immediately recognize that this Lan Weiyi was Ivelai!


Evie frowned, and she sniffed at herself,

“I don’t smell anything.”

Seeing the two standing in front of them, not going up to help solve the spider that suddenly appeared, Evie opened his mouth in doubt,

“Don’t you worry about your subordinates?” I have sent out a lot of children. Tang Wanwan snorted coldly,”

“It’s just a fourth-level chaotic spirit, and my people are not as wasteful as you think!”

At this moment, on Haiyuan No. 116, looking at the spider swarm that suddenly came in from the sea, the ugly appearance and the spiritual power that appeared on the body made the ordinary people who were rescued change drastically, but then, a blue extraordinary force bloomed out in front of them, and a spider in the front fell to the ground, and people looked at it with shock, only to see that all the members of the Sixteenth Guard had already taken up their weapons and were constantly attacking the spiders, and the speed of their reaction was as fast as they had long known.

Luo An also followed the silk line to the Haiyuan No. 116, and as soon as he, a second-level superhuman, joined the battle, those chaotic spirits who were only level three or four were forced to retreat! The corners of Tang Wanwan’s mouth smiled, after Yan Muqing first killed the spider, she checked the spider’s body, and found that in the spider’s abdomen, there was a very fine fluff, and there was not only some undried water on the fluff, but also a lot of small bubbles hidden under it, Yan Muqing immediately came to a conclusion, the strange giant bubbles outside the ship where they were located were made by these spiders, and they could also move in the sea, and they came to this conclusion. It is because Yan Muqing has been exposed to cases of spiders that can move underwater in his research career for many years, those ordinary spiders that are only the size of fingernails can still do so, and the spiders that appear now are the same size as humans, and they also have spiritual power with special powers.

It made Yan Muqing think that this possibility was extremely probable, and this could also explain a problem, quietly abducting thousands of people in an instant, requiring a very large number of chaos spirits, but they did not see much, and the reason was precisely because those guys hid in the sea with this ability! This is also the reason why Tang Wanwan saw Yan Muqing show a fox smile at that time, and after the attack on the restaurant, Yan Muqing saw that Yi Wei, who was an old lady, had disappeared, so she told the team members of her discovery, and asked them to pay attention to the enemy on the way back, there would be enemies coming from the sea!

Listening to the constant cries of spiders above, Ive’s face gradually became gloomy, “How did you find out…”

As he spoke, Evie shook his head,

“Oh, no, you’re not that clever… The person who discovered my identity and formulated this plan should be you, ten Yan Muqing! ”

“Yes ~”

Yan Muqing showed a shallow smile, but the short rod she hid behind her moved slightly, and several summoning objects she summoned slowly approached from behind Ivy.

However, Evie suddenly raised his hand, and a red spiritual energy flew directly out of her hand, instantly hitting the skunk, wolf spirit and Sharon.

Looking at herself dissolving into a little blue light dissipated summoner, Yan Muqing’s smile suddenly disappeared, she had thought that after gathering her breath, she would not be discovered, but now she saw that behind Ivy there was an almost transparent spider silk and her summoning object had just accidentally touched it, and it would be detected and defeated by Ivy!

Suddenly a loud laugh came from Ivey’s mouth, “That’s so funny!!!” ”

Evie wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and laughed, the previous gloom and resentment all disappeared, and the corners of her mouth grinned a big smile at the two people,

“Congratulations on finding me one by one after playing a game!” So now… Let’s start the second game Ding! ”

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