One punch out

The terrifying power that erupted from it was only the wind that was brought up

Let the shelves a few meters away collapse around you!

This is Tang Wanwan’s strongest move to destroy the hook fist! But her face changed suddenly!

Because she felt a hard silk thread suddenly wrap around her wrist

It actually made her hook fist stop hard! Tang Wanwan’s mind moved

The left fist unexpectedly slammed out the destruction hook punch This move is not just one punch but three consecutive punches!

The power of each punch will be several times greater than the power of the previous punch, even if it is a super strong

I will also be seriously injured after eating three punches!


Her left fist was stopped again and it was still that weird silk thread!

Tough enough to make it impossible to tear it off! Tang Wanwan was extremely angry

Wanted to reach out and kick Evie in front of him

But then I found that my feet were also bound by silk threads!

“Why is your skin so good?”

Ive’s voice was erratic

She covered her hand with her face with her frequently sharp nails and stroked them lightly

The face of Lan Weiyi, who was extremely beautiful, shed blood, but Evie seemed to feel no pain

She walked over to Tang Wanwan, who was struggling

Stretching out his bloodstained hand to gently stroke Tang Wanwan’s face

“It’s so good to make people jealous, so good that I want to sew it into my face.”

Her voice was low

Some of the flickering heterocolors in the eyes

Make her whole person look like a ghost from hell!


The Jade Fox’s cry became more and more urgent

What made Yan Muqing’s face also become anxious, and the disappearance of her fox-like black smile before was a thick anxiety

“Old woman, don’t let anything happen to you!”

The corpse on the road

and traces of battle

All accurately express a message one by one Ivey is constantly seducing the grace!


Yan Muqing’s footsteps stopped

She looked at Evie sitting at the table with a strange smile in front of her

“Captain Yan, you…”

Silver light flashed, and a bloody streak appeared on the neck of Yi Wei beside her, but she didn’t even look at her perception very keenly

The moment I saw this Ive

It was judged that this was a fake Ivi like the corpse he had seen on the road before.

Her eyes fell on the hole in the floor in front of her

It was pitch black and there was no light

But Yan Muqing did not hesitate and jumped down because she was at the edge of the cave entrance

I saw a fragment of a leather coat—it was from Tang Wanwan’s body! There was hardly any noise

Yan Muqing landed on the ground extremely softly, her brow furrowed

Subconsciously, it was that rotten stink that wrapped up his own name!

That woman is here! She didn’t turn on the lighting flashlight

Try not to make a single movement just by means of the perception that emanates it

Move slowly

Walk in the direction where the stink is wafting


A strange noise came from the front

Then several bright rays of light lit up

Yan Muqing’s eyes were squinted

But in her eyes was a cold light shooting out in front of her

Tang Wanwan was suspended in the middle of the cargo compartment by several white silk threads, and her head hung weakly

Silk threads were tied to her body

Let her whole body stand out if it was placed before

When Yan Muqing saw this situation, she would definitely sneer a few words with disdain, but now she did not have this mood

“Hey, old woman, you’re not going to be dead. Yan Muqing called softly.”

Amplify your perception to the limit

Slowly walking towards Tang Wanwan, who was being hoisted, Tang Wanwan’s head was hanging low

She looked at Yan Muqing with a pale face

“Little ass you are coming” Tang Wanwan’s voice is very small

It seemed that these few words had exhausted the strength of her whole body to look at Tang Wanwan’s state

Yan Muqing’s face flashed a cold silver light from her side

Kamakura headed towards the silk thread that hung Tang Wanwan

Anyway, put her down first

But the sharp claws can be melted

When he touched the white silk that was as thin as a hair, he made a metallic sound!

Cut continuously?! Yan Muqing’s eyes narrowed

Immediately lift the short rod

Draw a Dharma array in mid-air “Sharp! ”

Extraordinary power is injected into the Kamakura body

Let its claws all be covered with a layer of blue light, and its figure once again went towards the white silk

But the metal chirp sounded again! There is still no opening in that silk thread!

“Captain Yan, you better keep some strength~”

A soft voice sounded

Evie’s face emerged from behind Tang Wanwan like a spider

The whole person was attached to Tang Wanwan’s body that was hoisted up, and Yan Muqing’s expression changed

Get ready to do it yourself

Evie showed an exaggerated look of horror

“No, no, no, Captain Yan, you’d better not do it.”

Evie reached out to Tang Wanwan’s abdomen

Then he lifted Tang Wanwan’s leather coat

“You don’t want your companions to be like that!”

The blue light on Yan Muqing’s short rod suddenly disappeared

Her eyes had narrowed into a slit “What have you done!” ”

The sound of gritted teeth emanated from Yan Muqing’s mouth on Tang Wanwan’s abdomen

There was a wound the size of a fingernail, and Yan Muqing was in it

I sensed the same spiritual aura as the spiders I had ever met! Yi Wei saw Yan Muqing’s expression change

I couldn’t help but laugh happily

“What did Captain Yan do, didn’t you just see it on the ship above?”

Yan Muqing’s pupils shrank suddenly

She immediately remembered the strange picture she had seen before

Vomiting men, bloated abdomen and bursting out spiders! This bastard!

I actually planted the spider eggs into Tang Wanwan’s body!! Near!

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