A frantic roar sounded, and blood splashed from Ivey’s body, making her entire face look extremely terrifying! Yi Wei’s expression became extremely vicious, and his bloodshot eyes stared at Yan Muqing deadly, “Yan Muqing, will you regret it!!!” ”

A red spiritual force as thick as substance suddenly burst out from Ivy’s body, not good!

Yan Muqing’s look was solemn, and as soon as his mind moved, the Green Fox grabbed Yi Wei and opened his blood basin to bite at Yi Wei, who was already cracked! This woman is dangerous and must be solved as quickly as possible! Suddenly, Yan Muqing’s ears moved, only to hear a cracking sound, the green fox stopped biting the action, and a cry of pain came out of his mouth, and his claws were loosened, and Yi Wei fell from mid-air, Yan Muqing stared at it, only to see a very thin line of blood appear on the arm of the green fox! Her heart was suddenly shocked, the Green Fox was the strongest of her summoning spirits, not only was its strength incomparably strong, but her whole body was also wrapped in her own extraordinary power, even if it was hit by the sword and bullets, it could not break through its defenses, but now it was actually cut by something to cut such a long opening! And it’s also extremely fast!

But Yan Muqing was too late to be shocked, she once again forcibly controlled the Green Fox to launch another attack, bang!

The green fox’s left palm slammed into the air towards Ivey in mid-air, but at the same time, Ive’s body made a strange turn in the air, and it rose straight towards the direction of the ceiling!

Gossamer! Yan Muqing saw clearly, in the second just now, a white spider silk shot out from Yi Wei’s fingertips, instantly sticking to the ceiling, and then pulling Yi Wei’s body up!


With a low cry, a hot cyan flame erupted from the green fox’s mouth, heading towards the landing point of Evie!

But Ive’s figure is extremely agile, limbs attached to the ceiling, escaping at a very fast speed, foxfire melts the ceiling, but it can’t keep up with Ive’s movements! Suddenly, Yan Muqing realized something, and slammed into the green fox in front of him, “Crouch! ”

However, her reaction was still a step slower, only to see the flames in the Green Fox’s mouth stagnate, and then a streak of blood appeared on her neck! With a roar, the huge body of the Green Fox fell, shaking the entire ship without stopping! The next moment, the Green Fox turned into a little blue light and disappeared into the air.

Yan Muqing bit his lip deadly, just now Yi Wei on the ceiling is not just a simple escape, but in the dark release of that kind of transparent and tough spider silk, in the dark cover quietly fell between the neck of the green fox, by the time Yan Muqing realized, the spider silk had tightened, and in an instant, the green fox was cut throat!

“I said you’d regret it!”

Yi Wei’s venomous voice suddenly sounded behind her, Yan Muqing was shocked in her heart, and immediately jumped, ready to pull away and launch another attack, but it was a puff that fell to the ground, she looked back, and saw that her legs had been wrapped up in spider silk at some point! Yan Muqing couldn’t care about the pain on her body, and with a wave of her wrist, she was about to summon again, but she heard a cracking sound, a spider silk came from the darkness, and instantly snatched away the short rod in her hand, and then, several spider webs struck, tying Yan Muqing’s hands and hanging her whole person! The extraordinary power shook violently, Yan Muqing wanted to break the spider silk that bound her, but even if she was a special level summoning system extraordinary, the strength of her body itself was not as good as that of Tang Wanwan of the first-level physical art department, even Tang Wanwan was powerless to do anything about it, how could she break free?! And what she didn’t know was that this was not ordinary spider silk, but the power weapon given by the demon to the jealous priest – “The thousand silk soul thread can become extremely soft and sticky with the user’s will, or it can become extremely tough and unbreakable, a trace of broken flesh and blood, a thousand broken souls!”

Yi Wei fell to the ground, the black qi surged into the body, crackling, the broken bones on her body began to repair rapidly, Yi Wei did not care about the blood flowing from her body, but went straight towards Yan Muqing and Tang Wanwan, as the distance approached, Yi Wei’s gaze also became more and more confused, since she was a child, she liked all the beautiful things in this world, like to go crazy, like to jealousy, like to make her heart become distorted!

As soon as you see something beautiful, you want to grab it for yourself! At first, this situation was not obvious, but when she saw other people’s beautiful jewelry, she would grab it by any means, she did not covet the face of others at that time, because she was still a young girl at that time, Lan Weiyi was not her name made up, but her real name, but as the years passed, her age became bigger and bigger, the skin was loose and wrinkled, and Ivey began to become panicked and began to hate her more and more old face, On one occasion when she snatched the jewelry of a beautiful young woman, in the process of the other party’s resistance, Evie killed her, looking at the delicate face that fell in a pool of blood, Evie’s heart suddenly gave birth to an idea, why she is so good-looking for an ordinary person and I can’t?! This twisted jealousy made her cut off the girl’s face and sewed it on her own old face.

Looking at the new face in the mirror with blood flowing, Ive’s hands were trembling, and she felt that she had found the true meaning of her life!!! Since then, Evie’s sutures have become uncontrollable, at first it is to see a good-looking woman who will kill her, then remove the skin, and later, it becomes a girl who begins to look for white skin, cutting off the parts of the girl that she thinks are beautiful and changing them to herself!

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