Shi Buyan called out to the night moon in his heart, ready to give Hhotlis a final blow, but he heard a very solemn voice in the spiritual chain,

Without saying a word, I felt two extremely strong breaths rapidly approaching the cave! Like… The breath of angels! ”

Shi WuXian immediately remembered that before Fei Si died, he had told him about the soul silk, and he looked frozen,

“Hold on! I’ll be back as soon as I kill Holtholis. ”

“You found a way?!”

“Well, you’ll do what I’m told to do later.”

Without saying a word, he set his eyes on Holtlis in front of him,

“Don’t you want to know why… Then I will tell you all now that as the words fell, the breath on Shi Buyan’s body suddenly soared, his right hand was erect, and his middle finger was on his index finger. ”

“Field Unfolding: Immeasurable Emptiness!”

A huge black sphere unfolded from the body of Shi Wuyi, instantly enveloping the entire basement in it, the walls disappeared, the dirt disappeared, the candle flame disappeared, Holtlis only felt a moment of white light and nothingness in front of him, and then everything fell silent in the boundless darkness, and behind him appeared an extremely large, black hole-like penetrating eye, but Holtlis could not see, now he felt that nothing could be seen, nothing could be felt, or anything could be seen, nothing could be felt.

Spells, spells, spells, black flashes, flies, he, zhu… A huge amount of information poured into his brain at the same time, he felt that his eyes could see everything in the world, but he could not see its essence, countless chaotic information impacted his soul and thoughts, making his brain become chaotic, it was a very strange feeling, like you saw someone throwing an apple at him, you reached out to catch it, the apple was infinitely enlarged in front of your eyes, but you could not touch it.

And Holtlis’s feeling now, like countless such apples appeared in his line of sight! The amount of information is too much, so that Holtlis’s spirit can not carry it at all, but between the whiskers, Holtlis’s whole person is stuck in the same place because of the brain overload! Suspended in this space, he walked towards Holtholis, the immeasurable emptiness – the Treatise on the Great Vipassana, Volume Eighty-Four, the Void of the Heavens, the first day of the four days of the Colorless Realm, also known as the Immeasurable Emptiness.

Here is the interior of the unlimited limit,


“Communication” will be enforced countless times for the act of “living”, which is a kind of mental impact that is specifically manifested as infinite information forced into the brain, which can make the opponent in a state of “information never stopping”, so that they feel that they can see everything, but can not do anything, can only slowly wait for death.

But there was no time now, let Holtlis slowly die, he put his hand on Holtlis’s youthful head,

“I’ve already told you the answer to everything, and whether you can understand it or not has nothing to do with me.”

With a thud, as if the cork of a wine bottle had been pulled off, Holtlis’s head had been ripped off his body by Shi Wuyi, and at the same time, Shi Wuxian said in the spirit chain, “Kill him.” ”

The next moment, the black shadow connecting Hollys’s head and body disappeared, and bright red blood spurted out of it in an instant!

Shi did not know that his guess was right, the last priest of the old division, the person who planned this disaster event that affected the entire world, was completely dead at this moment!

The immeasurable emptiness disappears, the space rift opens, and the body disappears in place.

In this room, only the headless body of Holtlis who fell to the ground had lost all its breath, and the dark shadow turned into a liquid and flowed out of his neck, mixing blood and soaking the ground in front of him into a strange black red…….

In the Abyss Cave, on the ground in front of the Moon of Night, there was a charred black corpse with a pierced heart, he was Hollis, the nemesis of the Moon for decades, this time the black shadow did not dissipate from his body, but dissolved into a trace of black gas and dissipated in the air.

This body is the fourth ability of Hollis’s dark power and Holtlis can separate his shadow from the body and become another self, in addition to having the same ability as the body, and has another characteristic, although the body has its own consciousness under normal circumstances, but when the brain of the body is blank and unable to think, the body will be affected, all actions will stop, which can be seen as the soul divided into two parts.

But the total control is still in the ontology.

Holtlis had thought that his dark power would make him an invincible being in the world, after all, such a thing as brain downtime could be said to be negligible to the point that the probability of his old day division who had lived for a hundred years could be said to be negligible, but he did not expect that in the short time just now, this extremely small possibility actually appeared twice in succession! And he no longer had the opportunity to make amends.

Night Moon looked at Hollis’s corpse and breathed a sigh of relief, in the course of the battle just now, Holtlis used a move that originally belonged only to her, making her fall into the downwind for a while, and even forced her to unfold the molten abyss flame again, I thought that this time the other party would definitely not be able to imitate again, after all, this is the ability she recently understood, but the next thing is once again unexpected by her, although Holtlis can not imitate, but it is directly into her molten abyss flame intention! You must know that it is a fiery space that even Ive’s tenacious thousand threads of soul can directly melt, and Holtlis entered it just by relying on his flesh! When the other party approached him, Nightwing Moon found that Hollis’s body was covered with a very thin and faint layer of black qi! If you don’t say it here, you can recognize that what Holtlis was doing at that time was the second of the three realms – realm extension! When Holtlis broke through the molten abyss flame and the long sword in his hand was about to stab into the heart of the night listening moon, the voice of Shi Wuyi’s own hand sounded in his heart, and the night hearing moon immediately found that the movement of Holtlis in front of him was strangely stagnant as before!

She immediately waved seven feet of fierce strength to prepare to attack, and at this time, the night heard two loud drinks coming from behind her,


The night moon did not look back at all, but stabbed Holtlis in the heart with a shot! A large amount of flames emerged from the tip of the gun, and at the same time, all the killing qi erupted from his body, stabbing the heart at the same time, burning the black shadow behind Holtlis! Ye Tingyue let out a breath of turbidity, and her look became vigilant again, and in front of her stood a man and a woman, two of whom were two judges from the West!

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