As the ink-painted smoke fell, the scene around the two changed in an instant, and the cave glowing with red light disappeared, replaced by a field full of corpses and the smell of blood! The ink painting smoke appeared in front of a red pavilion, followed by an open mouth! This was the ability that Ink Painting Smoke had realized in these fifty-two years with the black qi and spiritual power entering the body, and it was strange to say that at the same time that she had gained this ability, the name of the move automatically emerged from the bottom of her heart.

The sound of breaking the air sounded, the figure of the ink painting smoke instantly appeared in front of Shi Wuyan, a punch hit Shi Wuyan’s abdomen, Shi Wuyan’s fist appeared a fine lightning, a black flash suddenly greeted, this time in the collision, the arm of the ink painting smoke was not the same as the previous opponent, in the instant of the black flash outburst was crushed into flesh, she took this punch steadily! At the same time, the corners of her mouth revealed an evil smile, “Solution! ”

Countless sharp blades instantly enveloped the time, and blood immediately splashed out!

This time it was not the time to take the initiative to unlock the Infinite Limit Technique, but to be broken by the ink painting smoke!

In the realm, the ink painting smoke got the bonus that the attack must hit, so that she could attack the body that was not spoken at the time, and then, by mobilizing the energy concentration in her own realm, she neutralized the “infinity” inscribed on the body of the unspoken person, “infinity” is concentrated, it is to dilute this concentration to a certain extent, it can break the invincible lower limit technique, which is basically no one in the world can do, but the ink painting smoke that plundered the ability of the Su Duo is done at this moment!

Feeling the incised wounds on his body, he did not say that there was no fear on his face, but he showed a very happy expression! During this time, all the enemies he faced, even Holtlis was not a one-man enemy in front of him, and the only injury before was deliberately done in order to exercise his reversal technique, which made Shi Buyan feel a kind of boredom from the bottom of his heart in the process of gradually improving his strength.

Now that you have encountered an opponent of the same strength as yourself, how can this make Shi Yan not feel excited?!

He did not avoid the blade of the crazy split, but turned his fist into a shadow, and the continuous black flashes slammed into the body of the ink painting! The fine lightning and countless blades of the blade, the huge energy generated, made the space in this field produce a slight twist and tremor! A moment later, the two flashed backwards at the same time, Shi Wuyi’s body was already full of knife wounds, and the arms of the ink painting smoke also became blurred with blood and flesh, but their faces showed a crazy smile, the reversal technique unfolded at the same time, the injuries of the two instantly recovered as before, the next moment, the two figures disappeared in place, and the strong forces collided together again! The time when he was fighting in full swing did not say anything, but he ignored one thing before, the recovery of the demon needs to restore its own strength to a certain extent, and the recovery of strength is through, the priests of the old day division extract evil thoughts from human bodies, and then convey them to them through the divine seal, and over the years, every time the evil thoughts extracted from human beings, they have intercepted a part of the devouring, and the huge number of decades has even separated him from a shadow with the same strength as his own body, when he was alive, These evil thoughts were wrapped in shadows and turned into his power, but when he died, these evil thoughts re-turned into black qi, and the infiltration of the body into the ground entered the broken finger in the altar below, and the one on the side of the body was directly returned to the body of the demon, and a huge amount of black qi poured in, so that the progress of the revival ceremony that originally took several days to complete was suddenly accelerated, and in the process of the battle between Shi Wu and Mo Tu Yan, the broken finger that existed on the altar below Haiyuan University had quietly turned into black qi. Injected into the sleeping demon under the abyss! Rumble!

Lin Xinzhi in the watch world suddenly felt the vibration, his face just changed, and a more intense vibration appeared! The shaking intensified, but in just one minute, even ordinary people without any power felt it, and it shook violently like an earthquake!!

When the crowd was terrified, they suddenly found that the originally sunny weather suddenly became dark, and then a huge and huge gate strangely appeared high in the sky!!! The black gas lingering on it and the reddened door frame emitted a breath that made everyone feel extremely palpitations! It was as if behind that door, there was some extremely terrifying existence about to break out!

At the same time, the two people in the Extreme Abyss Cave were separated again, they stared at each other breathlessly, the two were all bloodstained, the reversal technique did not know how many times it had been used, the unspoken eyes revealed extremely rare excitement and madness, the expression of the ink painting smoke became serious, she thought that she could kill the person in front of her, but she did not expect that the other party was so strong that it was strong, suddenly, her eyes changed, “The Lord is revived?!” ”

She felt the demonic aura coming from the world in her appearance, and her expression became happy, but her unspoken expression suddenly changed, “You just said—Lord? ”

At this moment, Mo Huayan’s heart was occupied with joy, and he did not notice the tone of his voice, but just said excitedly,

“Once the Lord is restored, then the chaos in this world will cease and when the time comes…”

“Enough is enough.”

Her words were suddenly interrupted by Shi Wuyi, and then Mo Tuyan found that Shi Wuyan’s gaze towards her had become different from before, and that emotion seemed to be… Disappointed?

Ink Painting Smoke suddenly thought of something,

“Your strength has reached this level, it is better to give up those senseless humans!”

Her eyes were filled with unspoken approval and remarks,

“He can give me this power, and he will certainly give it to you!” Just…”

Her words were again interrupted by a silent sneer, “Just a demon, can you call the Lord?!” ”

The pupils of the ink painting smoke suddenly shrunk, just a demon?!

That’s a god beyond the human level! She was about to speak, but she did not say anything coldly,

“I saw your attitude toward the night moon and Hollys, and I thought you would be the same person as me.”

“But this condescending attitude toward demons now makes me realize that I have misread you before.”

“From you down there is grass, from you up there are gods… Hehe. ”

The unspoken look of the eyes became low,

“I thought you would be him… It turned out that I was wrong. ”

He raised his head and looked directly at the ink painting smoke in front of him, his eyes filled with extreme disappointment, and he gently spat out four words.

“You don’t deserve it.”

In the original world, what a proud man the two-faced dweller, he had always acted only according to his own heart, how could he call a demon the Lord?! This attitude of ink painting smoke makes Shi Wuyan feel extremely boring, “Field: Immeasurable Emptiness!” ”

In the whisper, a huge dark sphere unfolded in a sea of blood full of corpses, and the moment the ink painting smoke was included, a large amount of information poured into her mind.

“That’s it.”

The brilliant purple-black sphere slammed into the body of the ink painting smoke, but this time it was not one, but fifteen full force launches! Looking at the nothingness in front of her that had been completely destroyed, leaving no flesh and blood residue, she did not believe that even if she had a powerful reversal technique, she could not survive such an attack.

“Detected that the host successfully killed the marauder, and obtained the power of the plundered source!”

“The fusion level of the Gojo Goku template was detected to reach the threshold, and the fusion level was increased to”

“The system is upgrading, please wait!”

“The system has been upgraded, and it has been upgraded from the first order to the second order!”

“The second-order function is open, please ask the host to start extracting the ability!”

As the last system prompt appeared, Shi Buyan found that three decks of cards appeared in his mind, the back of the first deck was red, the top of which was a picture of five pieces turned over, and the other two groups were yellow and green, which seemed to be to let himself choose one of the two, and without hesitation, he pointed to the yellow deck, which was his favorite color.

The next moment, the card in the point was flipped open to reveal the pattern on it, and the unspoken pupils also shrunk, “After the lottery, congratulations to the host for obtaining the thunder fruit!”

“The Ringing Thunder Fruit has been detected to have certain deficiencies, and all side effects have been removed for the host!”

I originally wanted to synthesize a chapter, but the word count exceeded that I could only divide the development.

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