Likongzao squinted at it, and it was so frightened that it immediately retracted its head.
Lie Kongzuo snorted coldly in his heart, and suddenly felt a familiar familiarity, and turned his head to cast his gaze on Sijana.
To be precise, it was the evolutionary keystone on Sijana’s ankle.
“This breath on your body is…”
The voice of Likongzao echoed in everyone’s ears through telepathy.
Hearing this, Sijana hurriedly bowed down in front of the cracked seat with a devout face and said:
“I’m Sigana!”
“Do you still remember? The inheritor you chose nine years ago, Shijana, is my best friend, and my keystone is also inherited from her.” Shijana’s answer instantly aroused Rikakuza The most reluctant memory, the tone of telepathy brings a touch of emotion.
“Hmm…that’s right…at that time…”
Almost being caught by humans is simply a shame in its life.
Sijana pursed her lips, and finally said courageously:
“Crack, Rikakuza, please allow me to be Shijana’s successor!”
Sigana’s meaning was clear.
She wants to be like Shijana in the past, get the approval of the Rift Seat, and become the true inheritor of “…anger, hatred, darkness.”
After a short silence, Likongzuo said the same words as his son when he said the Sky Pillar, Long Mou shook his head with a touch of disappointment, “You are different from her.”
After experiencing double negation, Sigana lowered her head bitterly.
Yu Longdu opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.
To be honest, he almost did the same thing as Sigana just now.
Yulongdu even wanted to say that he vowed to reshape this ugly world, hoping that Likongzao could lend him its power.
But after hearing the conditions for Liekongzuo to choose a partner, Yulongdu fell silent.
Anger, hatred, darkness… How dare Yu Longdu say he doesn’t have these things?
Stop kidding yourself!
“Your family’s requirements for choosing a partner are a bit special.”
Da Muxiu suddenly interjected.
Seeing Li Kongzao turning his head to look over, Oki Xiu said again:
“According to what you say, if someone important to you dies, you can’t have any emotional fluctuations. Is that still a human being? Then you might as well choose a machine.”
Many people secretly nodded in their hearts to express their agreement.
But thinking that the person who killed Sijana’s best friend was Dawu Dawu, the president of the Fangyuan Alliance, he dared not express his support.
Likongzuo opened his mouth, hesitant to speak but stopped saying:
“In any case, IClass no longer has any thoughts. ”
The meaning of Likongzao is very clear, and it doesn’t want to argue with Oki Xiu.
Even if the two idiots Gulardo and Kyoka fight again in the future, in order to protect the world, it will attack again.
But he will definitely not choose another inheritor.
It never wants to have any contact with humans again.
“how come!?”
Hijana raised her head in horror, then glared at Dawu with murderous eyes.
It’s all these guys’ fault!
Not only did he kill his friend, but he also made Rikuza completely abandon humans.
“I’m very sorry, Rikuza.”
Dawu also realized the seriousness of the problem, and took the initiative to stand up and apologize: (cfce)
“It was my father who tried to arrest you back then. I know that this incident made you completely disappointed in our love. Now you are still willing to come forward to quell the turmoil caused by Gulardo and Kyoka. We are very grateful for this. ”
“Please don’t put the blame on all human beings because of the mistakes of our Zvokki family.”
Sigana couldn’t wait to shout:
“Cracked Seat! That’s the man who killed Xi Jiana at that time, and almost gave you… want, want revenge?!”
As long as Rikuza nodded slightly, Sigana said that she would rush forward and chop off Dago’s head without saying anything.
The complexions of the surrounding Fangyuan trainers changed suddenly, and they subconsciously held their hands on the poke balls around their waists.
But they knew better in their hearts that if Lie Kongzuo really wanted to take revenge, it was impossible for his little team to stop him.
“…As I said, I no longer have any thoughts about human beings, including hatred.”
Rikakuza expressed his attitude, which made Mikoli and others heaved a sigh of relief.
Rikakuza glanced at Higana for the last time, and said earnestly:
“You, don’t be controlled by hatred.”
Sigana opened her mouth, but finally didn’t know what to say.
“Let’s go! Let’s see how I will deal with you when I go back!”
Likongzao turned around and twisted the nape of his turtle son Fate’s neck, ready to return to the ozone layer.
“Wait wait! Wait! Dad!”
Xiao Likongzuo, who was pinched by the nape of his neck, made a fuss, barely escaping from his father’s claws,
Under the impatient eyes of Likongza, Xiao Likongza restrained his husky-like character,
“I think the inheritor is a good tradition, so don’t lose it!”
Liekongzuo looked suspicious, what did this brat want to express?
“I also want to choose an inheritor! Dad.”
Xiao Lie Kongzuo startled the dragon with his words.
Sigana: “!?”
Yulongdu: “!?”
Seriously said:
The two dragon cancer patients were so shocked that they almost hugged Xiao Likong’s thigh and shouted “Choose me, choose me”.
After hesitating for a moment, Likongzao spoke slowly:
“Do you have hope for human beings? Forget it, this is your own choice, and you will not stop it as a father, so who is the inheritor you want to choose?” Although it is basically desperate for the human race.
But it won’t influence his son’s choice, let alone his father, the strongest member of the Likongzuo family, also belongs to the relatives.
Under the eager gazes of Xijiana and Yulongdu, Xiao Likongzuo stretched out his claws and pointed, “He!
121 You Are Not From Yulong’s Family, Are You?
When everyone looked in the direction Xiao Likongzuo was pointing at, Xiao Juer couldn’t help but complain:
“Axiu, you don’t belong to Yulong’s family, do you?”
That’s right, the person Xiao LiKongZuo was referring to was Oki Ou.
First Kyurem, then Crack Kongza.
The two existences known as the strongest dragons both chose him, making Xiaoju’er couldn’t help but suspect that Da Muxiu’s real surname was – not “Yulong”.
“I am of pure Omu family blood, maybe the author will write in the next book – from the Yulong family…”
Da Muxiu shrugged.
But seeing Xiao Likong choose him, Da Muxiu’s heart is… a bit complicated.
After all, it seems that Er Halong has never won since his debut.
Deoxys, can’t fly, fat fish…
“Wait! He’s a villain!”
Yulongdu couldn’t help shouting.
Xiao Lie Kongzuo didn’t choose him, but it didn’t make Yulongdu so excited
But if you choose Da Muxiu, then there will be a big problem.
With two legends in hand, who can beat them?
Especially don’t forget that Oki Xiu also has a BUG Variety Monster in his hand to see who copies whom!
Lie Kongzao said with empty eyes:
“I don’t understand what you humans call ‘evil’. Did he do what those humans did to me before?”
Likongzuo seemed to have inadvertently responded to the anger of everyone who was speechless.
Oki Xiu is a bad thing, but their president of the Fangyuan Alliance is not a good thing, especially for Likongzao.
If we insist on making a distinction, I’m afraid there will be only one who is doing evil openly, and the other is doing evil secretly.
And Xijiana sighed secretly, not as exaggerated as Yulongdu.
After all, she had already been rejected once in Pillar of the Sky, and it was expected that she would do it again.
“To be recognized by Uncle Kyurem is definitely not an ordinary human being! I believe that with you, I will soon learn how to make the finishing touch!” Xiao Liankongzao said happily:
“Please teach me more in the future~”
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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