“Hold, I’m sorry, everyone… give, give me a little time…”
Half an hour later, Cosmogu and Mei and their elves were tired from playing.
Finally, she obediently returned to Lillie’s satchel and fell asleep.
Lillie hugged the satchel tightly in her arms, and said with difficulty:
“Actually, I, I ran away from home and escaped…”
“Is it because of this child?”
Xiao Ju’er lowered her eyes and cast her eyes on the satchel in Lilia’s arms.
Liliai nodded, her tone was dry and she spoke again:
“That’s right, not long after Mr. Xiu and Miss Xiaoju’er left, mother, mother got Xiao Xingyun.”
Encouraged by everyone, Lillie mustered up her courage and recounted in detail the whole process of her running away from home.
With the assistance of two scientists, Akromar and Zaobo.
Lusamine got Cosmog earlier than the original book and created the artificial elf attribute space created to resist the ultra beast.
But what happened afterwards is exactly the same as the original.
Seeing the possibility of opening the ultimate hole again, Lusamine became more and more crazy, using Cosmog’s ability to keep trying to open the ultimate hole.
As a result, Cosmogu’s weak body, which was already easily dissipated, deteriorated further.
But Lilia, who saw all this, couldn’t stand it anymore, and found a chance to steal Cosmog and escape from the etheric paradise.
In the process of being chased by the skeleton team, she remembered what Oki had said to her before, and came to the elf school in Hau Le City with the idea of ​​luck, and was taken in by Oki.
Before that, her brother Gladion also had the same idea, and took away the attribute space before her.
When it came to the end, Lillie was sobbing.
After her father disappeared in the Ultimate Cave ten years ago, she felt more and more strange about her mother.
By accident when she was a child, Lillie happened to enter her mother’s collection room and found those elves that had been frozen into specimens by Lusamine.
…ask for flowers….
The indelible psychological shadow brought to the young Lillie at that time, her elf phobia, was caused at that time.
And after getting Cosmog and attribute space, Lusamine’s twisted behavior became more and more out of hand.
This made Lilia feel not only strangeness, but fear.
After listening to Lillie’s narration, Xiao Ju’er couldn’t help but feel her maternal instincts. She hugged her into her arms and patted Lillie’s back comfortingly.
“Well, how should we deal with this matter?”
Touzi scratched his little head in sympathy.
It feels a little out of order.
Help Lillie hide it and continue hiding in the elf school?
When should I hide it?
Persuading Lusamine to give up research on the Ultimate Cave?
But according to Lillie’s narration, that woman was completely insane, and she didn’t even hesitate to attack her daughter.
Whose advice can you listen to?
Da Muxiu handed Lillia a tissue, just when Lilia was moved and ready to thank her, Da Muxiu’s next words made her tremble violently.
“Lillie, get ready, we’re going to the Ether Paradise tomorrow.”
Lillie froze in place in fright.
Xiaoju’er cast an angry glance at Omu Xiu, “Axiu, what are you talking about? That Lusamine is looking for Lillie!”
“So what? Let Lillie hide from her mother for the rest of her life?”
Oki Xiu calmly said:
“Lillie, you know it in your heart, right? Hiding like this is not the way to go.”
“But, but, if I go back, mother will still use Little Nebula…”
Lilia squeezed her pink lightly, and looked down at Little Xingyun who was sleeping soundly in the satchel.
“Don’t worry, during the time you came out, Cosmog has gathered a lot of energy. Opening the ultimate hole will not have a negative impact on its body, and it may be an opportunity for it to grow further.”
Da Muxiu put his hands on Lillie’s light blonde hair, and comforted him:
“Don’t worry, I guarantee that Cosmog will be fine, trust me?”
Feeling the warmth from the top of her head, Lillie blushed slightly.
It’s a feeling I haven’t experienced for a long time, just like when my father was still there… Yu.
(This chapter contains pictures, click the “Illustration” button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)
132 The Thoroughly Sick Lusamine
After convincing Lillie, everyone prepared to set off for the Ether Foundation early the next morning.
But Da Muxiu ordered Xiao Juer, Mei, Touzi and Sijana to stay and wait on the four islands of Alola.
The reason is very simple, once the ultimate hole is opened, the group of ultra beasts living in the ultimate hole will come out in groups.
Ten years ago, when Lusamine and her husband Moen opened the ultimate cave for the first time, if it weren’t for the help of the gods of the four islands, Alola would have perished directly.
“The gift for you will arrive soon.”
Before leaving, Da Muxiu said to the four women mysteriously.
Xiaoju’er waited for her daughter to blink her eyes, wondering what the hell this guy was trying to do again.
Ethereum Foundation.
“Long time no see, Mr. Xiu.”
The yacht was docked at the port of the artificial island of Ether Paradise, and Akromar, who hadn’t seen him for many days, greeted him with a smile
“you are here” four eight three”You seem to be doing well here, Akromar.”
Oki Xiu smiled back.
“Thank you.”
Akromar intentionally or unintentionally turned his attention to the satchel that Lillie was carrying close to her body.
That is the key to opening the ultimate hole.
Noticing Akromar’s eyes, Lillie’s eyes trembled and she hurriedly turned the satchel behind her.
Da Muxiu put his hand on Lilia’s shoulder, and gave her a reassuring look.
Da Muxiu stretched out his hand to hold Liliai’s little hand, and walked towards the central base of the etheric paradise.
It didn’t take long to see that Zaobo, who was originally the second in command of the Ethereum Foundation, but now has probably fallen to the third in command, is waiting here.
“The chairman… is already waiting inside.”
Like Akroma, Zaobo’s eyes didn’t stay on Lillie for long, and more attention was focused on Cosmog in the satchel.
Seeing that she was getting closer to her mother, Li Liai squeezed Muxiu’s hand even tighter.
Things have come to this, and they can only bite the bullet and move forward.
Soon, in the center of the main hall of the base.
Just like the last time we met, she was so beautiful that she didn’t look like Lusamine who had given birth to two children. She was embracing Yuexiong with her hands, standing quietly in front of everyone.
However, the aura exuding from Lusamine’s body is vastly different from the last time they met.
The last touch of sensibility and kindness that remained in her body has disappeared after being “betrayed” by her two sons and daughters one after another.
“I never thought that it was you who helped me bring back Cosmog, Mr. Xiu.”
Lusamine’s left eye, which was not covered by bangs, flickered slightly. After reuniting with her daughter after many months, the first thing she said was not her daughter, but the elf she had taken away.
“My lord…I…”
Lillie licked her dry hair, and after a long hesitation, she managed to pluck up the courage to whisper.
“Don’t call me ‘mother’! The daughter who rejected and betrayed my love is no longer my child!”
Lusamine interrupted Lillie’s call with a cold voice, with unprecedented anger and indifference in her tone.
After her husband disappeared, she relied on her own efforts to protect her children under her wings.
Unknowingly, a distorted idea of ​​”children are the property of parents, and my children should listen to me, so that I can be happy” emerged in my heart.
And his son Gladion took away the artificial elf attribute of fighting against the Ultra Beast: Sora, and his daughter Lillie took away Cosmog, the key to open the Ultra Cave.
In Lusamine’s view, it was undoubtedly the biggest betrayal to herself!
Feeling her mother’s unprecedented indifference, Lilia shuddered suddenly again, and whispered:
“No, that’s not the case…”
Da Muxiu opened his mouth, just when he was about to expose Sami Nai.
But when the words came to his lips, he held back the words.
Forget it, looking at Lusamine’s current state, it’s useless to say anything to her, and there will be opportunities in the future.
Lusamine stopped looking at Lillie, and said to Akroma in a cold voice.
“No problem, Chairman.”
Akromar walked to Lillie’s side, stretched out his hand and said, “Please hand over the Star Child to me, Miss Lillie.”
Da Muxiu took Liliai’s little hand and shook it.
Lily Abe clenched her teeth tightly on Fendan, and finally made up her mind to pass the satchel to Akromar.
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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